About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Adana Şakirpaşa Airport (ADA), Adana, Turkey and Rabah Bitat Airport (AAE), Annaba, Algeria would travel a Great Circle distance of 1,512 miles (or 2,434 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the relatively short distance between Adana Şakirpaşa Airport and Rabah Bitat Airport, the route shown on this map most likely still appears to be a straight line.

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Adana Şakirpaşa Airport
  2. Adana Şakirpaşa Havalimanı
Location: Adana, Turkey
GPS Coordinates: 36°58'54"N by 35°16'49"E
Operator/Owner: DHMİ (State Airports Authority)
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 65 feet (20 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from ADA
More Information: ADA Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Rabah Bitat Airport
  2. El Mellah Airport
Location: Annaba, Algeria
GPS Coordinates: 36°49'45"N by 7°48'50"E
Area Served: Annaba, Algeria
Operator/Owner: EGSA-Constantine
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 16 feet (5 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from AAE
More Information: AAE Maps & Info

Facts about Adana Şakirpaşa Airport (ADA):

  • Adana Şakirpaşa Airport (ADA) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Adana Şakirpaşa Airport (ADA) is Hatay Airport (HTY), which is located 70 miles (113 kilometers) SE of ADA.
  • Because of Adana Şakirpaşa Airport's relatively low elevation of 65 feet, planes can take off or land at Adana Şakirpaşa Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The furthest airport from Adana Şakirpaşa Airport (ADA) is Rurutu Airport (RUR), which is located 11,356 miles (18,276 kilometers) away in Rurutu, French Polynesia.
  • In addition to being known as "Adana Şakirpaşa Airport", another name for ADA is "Adana Şakirpaşa Havalimanı".

Facts about Rabah Bitat Airport (AAE):

  • Rabah Bitat Airport (AAE) has 2 runways.
  • The closest airport to Rabah Bitat Airport (AAE) is Skikda Airport (SKI), which is located 48 miles (77 kilometers) W of AAE.
  • A project to build a new international terminal has been awarded to the Egyptian company Arab Contractor.
  • Rabah Bitat Airport, formerly known as Les Salines Airport, and popularly as El Mellah Airport is an international airport located 9 km south of Annaba, a city in Algeria.
  • In addition to being known as "Rabah Bitat Airport", another name for AAE is "El Mellah Airport".
  • The furthest airport from Rabah Bitat Airport (AAE) is Chatham Islands (CHT), which is located 11,905 miles (19,159 kilometers) away in Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New Zealand.
  • The terminal has an annual capacity of 500,000 passengers.
  • Because of Rabah Bitat Airport's relatively low elevation of 16 feet, planes can take off or land at Rabah Bitat Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Map of Nearest Airports to Adana Şakirpaşa Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Adana Şakirpaşa Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
170.09 miles (112.80 km) SEHatay Airport (HTY)Hatay, TurkeyView Hatay Airport on a map Set HTY as origin Airport Set HTY as destination Airport Get more information about Hatay Airport
299.72 miles (160.49 km) ENEKahramanmaraş Airport (KCM)Kahramanmaras, TurkeyView Kahramanmaraş Airport on a map Set KCM as origin Airport Set KCM as destination Airport Get more information about Kahramanmaraş Airport
3115.42 miles (185.76 km) SSEBassel al-Assad International Airport (LTK)Latakia, SyriaView Bassel al-Assad International Airport on a map Set LTK as origin Airport Set LTK as destination Airport Get more information about Bassel al-Assad International Airport
4121.23 miles (195.10 km) ESEAleppo International Airport (ALP)Aleppo, SyriaView Aleppo International Airport on a map Set ALP as origin Airport Set ALP as destination Airport Get more information about Aleppo International Airport
5121.40 miles (195.37 km) EGaziantep Oğuzeli International Airport (GZT)Gaziantep, TurkeyView Gaziantep Oğuzeli International Airport on a map Set GZT as origin Airport Set GZT as destination Airport Get more information about Gaziantep Oğuzeli International Airport
6124.12 miles (199.75 km) NKayseri Erkilet Airport (ASR)Kayseri Province, TurkeyView Kayseri Erkilet Airport on a map Set ASR as origin Airport Set ASR as destination Airport Get more information about Kayseri Erkilet Airport
7130.13 miles (209.42 km) NNWNevşehir Kapadokya Airport (NAV)Nevsehir, TurkeyView Nevşehir Kapadokya Airport on a map Set NAV as origin Airport Set NAV as destination Airport Get more information about Nevşehir Kapadokya Airport
8164.19 miles (264.24 km) WNWKonya Airport (KYA)Konya, TurkeyView Konya Airport on a map Set KYA as origin Airport Set KYA as destination Airport Get more information about Konya Airport
9170.31 miles (274.08 km) SSERene Mouawad Air Base (KYE)Kleyate / Tripoli, LebanonView Rene Mouawad Air Base on a map Set KYE as origin Airport Set KYE as destination Airport Get more information about Rene Mouawad Air Base
10172.14 miles (277.04 km) SSWLarnaca International Airport (LCA)Larnaca, CyprusView Larnaca International Airport on a map Set LCA as origin Airport Set LCA as destination Airport Get more information about Larnaca International Airport
11182.61 miles (293.88 km) ENEAdıyaman Airport (ADF)Adıyaman, TurkeyView Adıyaman Airport on a map Set ADF as origin Airport Set ADF as destination Airport Get more information about Adıyaman Airport
12183.52 miles (295.35 km) NEMalatya Erhaç Airport (MLX)Malatya, TurkeyView Malatya Erhaç Airport on a map Set MLX as origin Airport Set MLX as destination Airport Get more information about Malatya Erhaç Airport
13201.76 miles (324.71 km) EŞanlıurfa GAP Airport (GNY)Şanlıurfa, TurkeyView Şanlıurfa GAP Airport on a map Set GNY as origin Airport Set GNY as destination Airport Get more information about Şanlıurfa GAP Airport
14201.76 miles (324.71 km) EŞanlıurfa GAP Airport (SFQ)Sanliurfa, TurkeyView Şanlıurfa GAP Airport on a map Set SFQ as origin Airport Set SFQ as destination Airport Get more information about Şanlıurfa GAP Airport
15209.29 miles (336.82 km) SWRAF Akrotiri (AKT)Akrotiri, CyprusView RAF Akrotiri on a map Set AKT as origin Airport Set AKT as destination Airport Get more information about RAF Akrotiri

Map of Furthest Airports from Adana Şakirpaşa Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Adana Şakirpaşa Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,356.06 miles (18,275.76 km) SSERurutu Airport (RUR)Rurutu, French PolynesiaView Rurutu Airport on a map Set RUR as origin Airport Set RUR as destination Airport Get more information about Rurutu Airport
211,312.32 miles (18,205.36 km) SWTotegegie Airport (GMR)Mangareva, Gambier Islands, French PolynesiaView Totegegie Airport on a map Set GMR as origin Airport Set GMR as destination Airport Get more information about Totegegie Airport
311,257.23 miles (18,116.71 km) SSWTureira Airport (ZTA)Tureia, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Tureira Airport on a map Set ZTA as origin Airport Set ZTA as destination Airport Get more information about Tureira Airport
411,162.26 miles (17,963.87 km) SSWNukutavake Airport (NUK)Nukutavake, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Nukutavake Airport on a map Set NUK as origin Airport Set NUK as destination Airport Get more information about Nukutavake Airport
511,129.78 miles (17,911.60 km) SEMangaia Island Airport (MGS)Mangaia Island, Cook IslandsView Mangaia Island Airport on a map Set MGS as origin Airport Set MGS as destination Airport Get more information about Mangaia Island Airport
611,110.46 miles (17,880.52 km) SHao Airport (HOI)Hao, Tuamotu Island, French PolynesiaView Hao Airport on a map Set HOI as origin Airport Set HOI as destination Airport Get more information about Hao Airport
711,079.43 miles (17,830.56 km) SAnaa Airport (AAA)Anaa, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Anaa Airport on a map Set AAA as origin Airport Set AAA as destination Airport Get more information about Anaa Airport
811,063.64 miles (17,805.16 km) SSWPukarua Airport (PUK)Pukarua, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Pukarua Airport on a map Set PUK as origin Airport Set PUK as destination Airport Get more information about Pukarua Airport
911,062.00 miles (17,802.52 km) SSEFa'a'ā International Airport (PPT)Papeete, Tahiti, French PolynesiaView Fa'a'ā International Airport on a map Set PPT as origin Airport Set PPT as destination Airport Get more information about Fa'a'ā International Airport
1011,055.44 miles (17,791.96 km) SSEMoorea Airport (MOZ)Moorea, Windward Islands, French PolynesiaView Moorea Airport on a map Set MOZ as origin Airport Set MOZ as destination Airport Get more information about Moorea Airport
1111,046.44 miles (17,777.48 km) SEAkatoka Manava Airport (Mauke Airport) (MUK)Mauke Island, Cook IslandsView Akatoka Manava Airport (Mauke Airport) on a map Set MUK as origin Airport Set MUK as destination Airport Get more information about Akatoka Manava Airport (Mauke Airport)
1211,026.21 miles (17,744.92 km) SMakemo Airport (MKP)Makemo, French PolynesiaView Makemo Airport on a map Set MKP as origin Airport Set MKP as destination Airport Get more information about Makemo Airport
1311,020.14 miles (17,735.15 km) SERarotonga International Airport (RAR)Avarua, Cook IslandsView Rarotonga International Airport on a map Set RAR as origin Airport Set RAR as destination Airport Get more information about Rarotonga International Airport
1411,017.10 miles (17,730.26 km) SEMitiaro Island Airport (MOI)Mitiaro Island, Cook IslandsView Mitiaro Island Airport on a map Set MOI as origin Airport Set MOI as destination Airport Get more information about Mitiaro Island Airport
1510,989.69 miles (17,686.15 km) SFakarava Airport (FAV)Fakarava, Society Islands, French PolynesiaView Fakarava Airport on a map Set FAV as origin Airport Set FAV as destination Airport Get more information about Fakarava Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Rabah Bitat Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Rabah Bitat Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
147.76 miles (76.87 km) WSkikda Airport (SKI)Skikda, AlgeriaView Skikda Airport on a map Set SKI as destination Airport Set SKI as destination Airport Get more information about Skikda Airport
259.64 miles (95.99 km) ETabarka–Ain Draham International Airport (TBJ)Tabarka, TunisiaView Tabarka–Ain Draham International Airport on a map Set TBJ as destination Airport Set TBJ as destination Airport Get more information about Tabarka–Ain Draham International Airport
376.42 miles (122.99 km) WSWMohamed Boudiaf International Airport (CZL)Constantine, AlgeriaView Mohamed Boudiaf International Airport on a map Set CZL as destination Airport Set CZL as destination Airport Get more information about Mohamed Boudiaf International Airport
4107.36 miles (172.77 km) WJijel Ferhat Abbas Airport (GJL)Jijel, AlgeriaView Jijel Ferhat Abbas Airport on a map Set GJL as destination Airport Set GJL as destination Airport Get more information about Jijel Ferhat Abbas Airport
5112.09 miles (180.39 km) SWMostépha Ben Boulaid Airport (BLJ)Batna, AlgeriaView Mostépha Ben Boulaid Airport on a map Set BLJ as destination Airport Set BLJ as destination Airport Get more information about Mostépha Ben Boulaid Airport
6112.48 miles (181.03 km) ENEBizerte-Sidi Ahmed Air Base (OIZ)Bizerte, TunisiaView Bizerte-Sidi Ahmed Air Base on a map Set OIZ as destination Airport Set OIZ as destination Airport Get more information about Bizerte-Sidi Ahmed Air Base
7133.45 miles (214.77 km) ETunis–Carthage Airport (TUN)Tunis / Carthage, TunisiaView Tunis–Carthage Airport on a map Set TUN as destination Airport Set TUN as destination Airport Get more information about Tunis–Carthage Airport
8147.32 miles (237.09 km) WSWAin Arnat Airport (QSF)Setif, AlgeriaView Ain Arnat Airport on a map Set QSF as destination Airport Set QSF as destination Airport Get more information about Ain Arnat Airport
9152.11 miles (244.79 km) WSoummam – Abane Ramdane Airport (BJA)Bejaia, AlgeriaView Soummam – Abane Ramdane Airport on a map Set BJA as destination Airport Set BJA as destination Airport Get more information about Soummam – Abane Ramdane Airport
10154.87 miles (249.24 km) ESEEnfidha–Hammamet International Airport (NBE)Enfidha, TunisiaView Enfidha–Hammamet International Airport on a map Set NBE as destination Airport Set NBE as destination Airport Get more information about Enfidha–Hammamet International Airport
11175.71 miles (282.78 km) SSEGafsa - Ksar International Airport (GAF)Gafsa, TunisiaView Gafsa - Ksar International Airport on a map Set GAF as destination Airport Set GAF as destination Airport Get more information about Gafsa - Ksar International Airport
12179.71 miles (289.21 km) ESEMonastir Habib Bourguiba International Airport (MIR)Monastir, TunisiaView Monastir Habib Bourguiba International Airport on a map Set MIR as destination Airport Set MIR as destination Airport Get more information about Monastir Habib Bourguiba International Airport
13180.44 miles (290.40 km) NNECagliari Elmas Airport (CAG)Cagliari, ItalyView Cagliari Elmas Airport on a map Set CAG as destination Airport Set CAG as destination Airport Get more information about Cagliari Elmas Airport
14182.51 miles (293.72 km) SWBiskra Ouakda Airport (BSK)Biskra, AlgeriaView Biskra Ouakda Airport on a map Set BSK as destination Airport Set BSK as destination Airport Get more information about Biskra Ouakda Airport
15217.45 miles (349.95 km) SESfax–Thyna International Airport (SFA)Sfax, TunisiaView Sfax–Thyna International Airport on a map Set SFA as destination Airport Set SFA as destination Airport Get more information about Sfax–Thyna International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Rabah Bitat Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Rabah Bitat Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,904.78 miles (19,158.83 km) SSEChatham Islands (CHT)Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New ZealandView Chatham Islands on a map Set CHT as destination Airport Set CHT as destination Airport Get more information about Chatham Islands
211,885.00 miles (19,127.01 km) ESEGisborne Airport (GIS)Gisborne, New ZealandView Gisborne Airport on a map Set GIS as destination Airport Set GIS as destination Airport Get more information about Gisborne Airport
311,833.95 miles (19,044.85 km) EWhakatane Airport (WHK)Whakatane, New ZealandView Whakatane Airport on a map Set WHK as destination Airport Set WHK as destination Airport Get more information about Whakatane Airport
411,815.39 miles (19,014.97 km) ESEHawke's Bay Airport (NPE)Napier, New ZealandView Hawke's Bay Airport on a map Set NPE as destination Airport Set NPE as destination Airport Get more information about Hawke's Bay Airport
511,800.59 miles (18,991.17 km) ESERotorua International Airport (ROT)Rotorua, New ZealandView Rotorua International Airport on a map Set ROT as destination Airport Set ROT as destination Airport Get more information about Rotorua International Airport
611,795.67 miles (18,983.24 km) ETauranga Airport (TRG)Tauranga, New ZealandView Tauranga Airport on a map Set TRG as destination Airport Set TRG as destination Airport Get more information about Tauranga Airport
711,783.33 miles (18,963.39 km) ESETaupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō (TUO)Taupo, New ZealandView Taupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō on a map Set TUO as destination Airport Set TUO as destination Airport Get more information about Taupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō
811,770.56 miles (18,942.84 km) EMatamata Airport (MTA)Matamata, New ZealandView Matamata Airport on a map Set MTA as destination Airport Set MTA as destination Airport Get more information about Matamata Airport
911,760.08 miles (18,925.96 km) EThames Aerodrome (TMZ)Thames, New ZealandView Thames Aerodrome on a map Set TMZ as destination Airport Set TMZ as destination Airport Get more information about Thames Aerodrome
1011,756.56 miles (18,920.31 km) ECoromandel Aerodrome (CMV)Coromandel, New ZealandView Coromandel Aerodrome on a map Set CMV as destination Airport Set CMV as destination Airport Get more information about Coromandel Aerodrome
1111,750.90 miles (18,911.19 km) EGreat Barrier Aerodrome (GBZ)Great Barrier Island, New ZealandView Great Barrier Aerodrome on a map Set GBZ as destination Airport Set GBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Great Barrier Aerodrome
1211,747.99 miles (18,906.51 km) EHamilton International Airport (HLZ)Hamilton, New ZealandView Hamilton International Airport on a map Set HLZ as destination Airport Set HLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Hamilton International Airport
1311,735.92 miles (18,887.09 km) ESEPalmerston North Airport (PMR)Palmerston North, New ZealandView Palmerston North Airport on a map Set PMR as destination Airport Set PMR as destination Airport Get more information about Palmerston North Airport
1411,728.00 miles (18,874.33 km) EArdmore Airport (AMZ)Ardmore, New ZealandView Ardmore Airport on a map Set AMZ as destination Airport Set AMZ as destination Airport Get more information about Ardmore Airport
1511,722.79 miles (18,865.95 km) ESEHood Aerodrome (MRO)Masterton, New ZealandView Hood Aerodrome on a map Set MRO as destination Airport Set MRO as destination Airport Get more information about Hood Aerodrome