About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Tri-State Steuben County Airport (ANQ), Angola, Indiana, United States and Cornwall Regional Airport (YCC), Cornwall, Ontario, Canada would travel a Great Circle distance of 579 miles (or 932 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the relatively short distance between Tri-State Steuben County Airport and Cornwall Regional Airport, the route shown on this map most likely still appears to be a straight line.

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Tri-State Steuben County Airport
Location: Angola, Indiana, United States
GPS Coordinates: 41°38'22"N by 85°5'0"W
Area Served: Angola, Indiana
Operator/Owner: Steuben County Board of Aviation Commissioners
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 995 feet (303 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from ANQ
More Information: ANQ Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Cornwall Regional Airport
Location: Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
GPS Coordinates: 45°5'34"N by 74°34'4"W
Operator/Owner: Cornwall Regional Airport Commission
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 175 feet (53 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from YCC
More Information: YCC Maps & Info

Facts about Tri-State Steuben County Airport (ANQ):

  • Tri-State Steuben County Airport (ANQ) currently has only 1 runway.
  • Because of Tri-State Steuben County Airport's relatively low elevation of 995 feet, planes can take off or land at Tri-State Steuben County Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Tri-State Steuben County Airport (ANQ) is Smith Field (SMD), which is located 34 miles (55 kilometers) S of ANQ.
  • The furthest airport from Tri-State Steuben County Airport (ANQ) is Margaret River Airport (MGV), which is located 11,217 miles (18,052 kilometers) away in Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia.

Facts about Cornwall Regional Airport (YCC):

  • Because of Cornwall Regional Airport's relatively low elevation of 175 feet, planes can take off or land at Cornwall Regional Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The furthest airport from Cornwall Regional Airport (YCC) is Margaret River Airport (MGV), which is located 11,511 miles (18,525 kilometers) away in Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia.
  • Cornwall Regional Airport (YCC) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Cornwall Regional Airport (YCC) is Massena International Airport (MSS), which is located only 17 miles (28 kilometers) SW of YCC.

Map of Nearest Airports to Tri-State Steuben County Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Tri-State Steuben County Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
134.48 miles (55.50 km) SSmith Field (SMD)Fort Wayne, Indiana, United StatesView Smith Field on a map Set SMD as origin Airport Set SMD as destination Airport Get more information about Smith Field
237.55 miles (60.43 km) WSWGoshen Municipal Airport (GSH)Goshen, Indiana, United StatesView Goshen Municipal Airport on a map Set GSH as origin Airport Set GSH as destination Airport Get more information about Goshen Municipal Airport
339.80 miles (64.06 km) ESEDefiance Memorial Airport (DFI)Defiance, Ohio, United StatesView Defiance Memorial Airport on a map Set DFI as origin Airport Set DFI as destination Airport Get more information about Defiance Memorial Airport
446.06 miles (74.13 km) SFort Wayne International Airport (FWA)Fort Wayne, Indiana, United StatesView Fort Wayne International Airport on a map Set FWA as origin Airport Set FWA as destination Airport Get more information about Fort Wayne International Airport
546.85 miles (75.40 km) NW. K. Kellogg Airport (BTL)Battle Creek, Michigan, United StatesView W. K. Kellogg Airport on a map Set BTL as origin Airport Set BTL as destination Airport Get more information about W. K. Kellogg Airport
647.66 miles (76.69 km) NNWKalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport (AZO)Kalamazoo/Battle Creek, Michigan, United StatesView Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport on a map Set AZO as origin Airport Set AZO as destination Airport Get more information about Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport
747.78 miles (76.89 km) WElkhart Municipal Airport (EKI)Elkhart, Indiana, United StatesView Elkhart Municipal Airport on a map Set EKI as origin Airport Set EKI as destination Airport Get more information about Elkhart Municipal Airport
853.53 miles (86.14 km) NEJackson County Airport (JXN)Jackson, Michigan, United StatesView Jackson County Airport on a map Set JXN as origin Airport Set JXN as destination Airport Get more information about Jackson County Airport
954.21 miles (87.25 km) ENELenawee County Airport (ADG)Adrian, Michigan, United StatesView Lenawee County Airport on a map Set ADG as origin Airport Set ADG as destination Airport Get more information about Lenawee County Airport
1056.61 miles (91.10 km) SSEDecatur Hi-Way Airport (DCR)Decatur, Indiana, United StatesView Decatur Hi-Way Airport on a map Set DCR as origin Airport Set DCR as destination Airport Get more information about Decatur Hi-Way Airport
1160.51 miles (97.37 km) WNWJerry Tyler Memorial Airport (NLE)Niles, Michigan, United StatesView Jerry Tyler Memorial Airport on a map Set NLE as origin Airport Set NLE as destination Airport Get more information about Jerry Tyler Memorial Airport
1263.84 miles (102.74 km) WSouth Bend International Airport (SBN)South Bend, Indiana, United StatesView South Bend International Airport on a map Set SBN as origin Airport Set SBN as destination Airport Get more information about South Bend International Airport
1365.76 miles (105.82 km) WSWPlymouth Municipal Airport (PLY)Plymouth, Indiana, United StatesView Plymouth Municipal Airport on a map Set PLY as origin Airport Set PLY as destination Airport Get more information about Plymouth Municipal Airport
1466.00 miles (106.22 km) EToledo Express Airport (TOL)Toledo, Ohio, United StatesView Toledo Express Airport on a map Set TOL as origin Airport Set TOL as destination Airport Get more information about Toledo Express Airport
1569.41 miles (111.70 km) SWFulton County Airport (RCR)Rochester, Indiana, United StatesView Fulton County Airport on a map Set RCR as origin Airport Set RCR as destination Airport Get more information about Fulton County Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Tri-State Steuben County Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Tri-State Steuben County Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,216.73 miles (18,051.53 km) WSWMargaret River Airport (MGV)Margaret River, Western Australia, AustraliaView Margaret River Airport on a map Set MGV as origin Airport Set MGV as destination Airport Get more information about Margaret River Airport
211,193.22 miles (18,013.69 km) WSWBusselton Regional Airport (BQB)Busselton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Busselton Regional Airport on a map Set BQB as origin Airport Set BQB as destination Airport Get more information about Busselton Regional Airport
311,177.58 miles (17,988.53 km) WSWManjimup Airport (MJP)Manjimup, Western Australia, AustraliaView Manjimup Airport on a map Set MJP as origin Airport Set MJP as destination Airport Get more information about Manjimup Airport
411,168.31 miles (17,973.61 km) WSWBunbury Airport (BUY)Bunbury, Western Australia, AustraliaView Bunbury Airport on a map Set BUY as origin Airport Set BUY as destination Airport Get more information about Bunbury Airport
511,121.22 miles (17,897.83 km) WSWRottnest Airport (RTS)Rottnest Island, Western Australia, AustraliaView Rottnest Airport on a map Set RTS as origin Airport Set RTS as destination Airport Get more information about Rottnest Airport
611,116.85 miles (17,890.79 km) WSWAlbany Airport (ALH)Albany, Western Australia, AustraliaView Albany Airport on a map Set ALH as origin Airport Set ALH as destination Airport Get more information about Albany Airport
711,108.72 miles (17,877.71 km) WSWJandakot Airport (JAD)Jandakot, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jandakot Airport on a map Set JAD as origin Airport Set JAD as destination Airport Get more information about Jandakot Airport
811,098.28 miles (17,860.91 km) WSWPerth Airport (PER)Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaView Perth Airport on a map Set PER as origin Airport Set PER as destination Airport Get more information about Perth Airport
911,082.94 miles (17,836.21 km) WSWKatanning Airport (KNI)Katanning, Western Australia, AustraliaView Katanning Airport on a map Set KNI as origin Airport Set KNI as destination Airport Get more information about Katanning Airport
1011,070.64 miles (17,816.43 km) WSWJurien Bay Airport (JUR)Jurien Bay, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jurien Bay Airport on a map Set JUR as origin Airport Set JUR as destination Airport Get more information about Jurien Bay Airport
1111,016.14 miles (17,728.72 km) WSWGeraldton Airport (GET)Geraldton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Geraldton Airport on a map Set GET as origin Airport Set GET as destination Airport Get more information about Geraldton Airport
1210,981.19 miles (17,672.47 km) SWKalbarri Airport (KAX)Kalbarri, Western Australia, AustraliaView Kalbarri Airport on a map Set KAX as origin Airport Set KAX as destination Airport Get more information about Kalbarri Airport
1310,976.88 miles (17,665.54 km) WSWMorawa Airport (MWB)Morawa, Western Australia, AustraliaView Morawa Airport on a map Set MWB as origin Airport Set MWB as destination Airport Get more information about Morawa Airport
1410,965.26 miles (17,646.82 km) WSWMullewa Airport (MXU)Mullewa, Western Australia, AustraliaView Mullewa Airport on a map Set MXU as origin Airport Set MXU as destination Airport Get more information about Mullewa Airport
1510,916.18 miles (17,567.85 km) SWShark Bay Airport (MJK)Monkey Mia, Western Australia, AustraliaView Shark Bay Airport on a map Set MJK as origin Airport Set MJK as destination Airport Get more information about Shark Bay Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Cornwall Regional Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Cornwall Regional Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
117.37 miles (27.95 km) SWMassena International Airport (MSS)Massena, New York, United StatesView Massena International Airport on a map Set MSS as destination Airport Set MSS as destination Airport Get more information about Massena International Airport
247.93 miles (77.14 km) ENEMontréal–Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport (YUL)Dorval, Quebec, CanadaView Montréal–Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport on a map Set YUL as destination Airport Set YUL as destination Airport Get more information about Montréal–Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport
348.00 miles (77.25 km) NNEMontréal–Mirabel International Airport (YMX)Mirabel (near Montreal), Quebec, CanadaView Montréal–Mirabel International Airport on a map Set YMX as destination Airport Set YMX as destination Airport Get more information about Montréal–Mirabel International Airport
450.68 miles (81.56 km) NECartierville Airport (YCV)Cartierville, Quebec, CanadaView Cartierville Airport on a map Set YCV as destination Airport Set YCV as destination Airport Get more information about Cartierville Airport
552.01 miles (83.70 km) SSEAdirondack Regional Airport (SLK)Saranac Lake, New York, United StatesView Adirondack Regional Airport on a map Set SLK as destination Airport Set SLK as destination Airport Get more information about Adirondack Regional Airport
652.32 miles (84.20 km) WSWOgdensburg International Airport (OGS)Ogdensburg, New York, United StatesView Ogdensburg International Airport on a map Set OGS as destination Airport Set OGS as destination Airport Get more information about Ogdensburg International Airport
755.82 miles (89.84 km) WNWOttawa Macdonald–Cartier International Airport (YOW)Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaView Ottawa Macdonald–Cartier International Airport on a map Set YOW as destination Airport Set YOW as destination Airport Get more information about Ottawa Macdonald–Cartier International Airport
856.74 miles (91.32 km) WNWGatineau-Ottawa Executive Airport (YND)Gatineau, Quebec, CanadaView Gatineau-Ottawa Executive Airport on a map Set YND as destination Airport Set YND as destination Airport Get more information about Gatineau-Ottawa Executive Airport
958.24 miles (93.73 km) ESEClinton County Airport (PLB)Plattsburgh, New York, United StatesView Clinton County Airport on a map Set PLB as destination Airport Set PLB as destination Airport Get more information about Clinton County Airport
1058.25 miles (93.75 km) WNWOttawa/Rockcliffe Airport (YRO)Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaView Ottawa/Rockcliffe Airport on a map Set YRO as destination Airport Set YRO as destination Airport Get more information about Ottawa/Rockcliffe Airport
1161.90 miles (99.62 km) ESEPlattsburgh International Airport (PBG)Plattsburgh, New York, United StatesView Plattsburgh International Airport on a map Set PBG as destination Airport Set PBG as destination Airport Get more information about Plattsburgh International Airport
1263.17 miles (101.67 km) ENEMontréal/Saint-Hubert Airport (YHU)Saint-Hubert, Longueuil (near Montreal), Quebec, CanadaView Montréal/Saint-Hubert Airport on a map Set YHU as destination Airport Set YHU as destination Airport Get more information about Montréal/Saint-Hubert Airport
1364.15 miles (103.24 km) ENESaint-Jean Airport (YJN)Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, CanadaView Saint-Jean Airport on a map Set YJN as destination Airport Set YJN as destination Airport Get more information about Saint-Jean Airport
1464.51 miles (103.82 km) SSELake Placid Airport (LKP)Lake Placid, New York, United StatesView Lake Placid Airport on a map Set LKP as destination Airport Set LKP as destination Airport Get more information about Lake Placid Airport
1565.84 miles (105.95 km) WSWBrockville Regional Tackaberry Airport (XBR)Brockville, Ontario, CanadaView Brockville Regional Tackaberry Airport on a map Set XBR as destination Airport Set XBR as destination Airport Get more information about Brockville Regional Tackaberry Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Cornwall Regional Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Cornwall Regional Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,510.72 miles (18,524.66 km) SWMargaret River Airport (MGV)Margaret River, Western Australia, AustraliaView Margaret River Airport on a map Set MGV as destination Airport Set MGV as destination Airport Get more information about Margaret River Airport
211,498.42 miles (18,504.87 km) SWManjimup Airport (MJP)Manjimup, Western Australia, AustraliaView Manjimup Airport on a map Set MJP as destination Airport Set MJP as destination Airport Get more information about Manjimup Airport
311,487.47 miles (18,487.25 km) SWBusselton Regional Airport (BQB)Busselton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Busselton Regional Airport on a map Set BQB as destination Airport Set BQB as destination Airport Get more information about Busselton Regional Airport
411,479.47 miles (18,474.37 km) SWAlbany Airport (ALH)Albany, Western Australia, AustraliaView Albany Airport on a map Set ALH as destination Airport Set ALH as destination Airport Get more information about Albany Airport
511,460.96 miles (18,444.58 km) SWBunbury Airport (BUY)Bunbury, Western Australia, AustraliaView Bunbury Airport on a map Set BUY as destination Airport Set BUY as destination Airport Get more information about Bunbury Airport
611,416.65 miles (18,373.28 km) SWKatanning Airport (KNI)Katanning, Western Australia, AustraliaView Katanning Airport on a map Set KNI as destination Airport Set KNI as destination Airport Get more information about Katanning Airport
711,382.41 miles (18,318.17 km) SWRottnest Airport (RTS)Rottnest Island, Western Australia, AustraliaView Rottnest Airport on a map Set RTS as destination Airport Set RTS as destination Airport Get more information about Rottnest Airport
811,378.38 miles (18,311.68 km) SWJandakot Airport (JAD)Jandakot, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jandakot Airport on a map Set JAD as destination Airport Set JAD as destination Airport Get more information about Jandakot Airport
911,366.44 miles (18,292.46 km) SWPerth Airport (PER)Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaView Perth Airport on a map Set PER as destination Airport Set PER as destination Airport Get more information about Perth Airport
1011,289.46 miles (18,168.58 km) SSWJurien Bay Airport (JUR)Jurien Bay, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jurien Bay Airport on a map Set JUR as destination Airport Set JUR as destination Airport Get more information about Jurien Bay Airport
1111,263.09 miles (18,126.14 km) SWEsperance Airport (EPR)Esperance, AustraliaView Esperance Airport on a map Set EPR as destination Airport Set EPR as destination Airport Get more information about Esperance Airport
1211,201.81 miles (18,027.52 km) SSWGeraldton Airport (GET)Geraldton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Geraldton Airport on a map Set GET as destination Airport Set GET as destination Airport Get more information about Geraldton Airport
1311,196.07 miles (18,018.29 km) SSWMorawa Airport (MWB)Morawa, Western Australia, AustraliaView Morawa Airport on a map Set MWB as destination Airport Set MWB as destination Airport Get more information about Morawa Airport
1411,162.51 miles (17,964.28 km) SSWMullewa Airport (MXU)Mullewa, Western Australia, AustraliaView Mullewa Airport on a map Set MXU as destination Airport Set MXU as destination Airport Get more information about Mullewa Airport
1511,149.61 miles (17,943.52 km) SWWindarling Airport (WRN)Windarling, AustraliaView Windarling Airport on a map Set WRN as destination Airport Set WRN as destination Airport Get more information about Windarling Airport