About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Yamoussoukro Airport (ASK), Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire and Chacalluta International Airport (ACM), Arica, Amazonas, Colombia would travel a Great Circle distance of 4,757 miles (or 7,656 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Yamoussoukro Airport and Chacalluta International Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Yamoussoukro Airport and Chacalluta International Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Yamoussoukro Airport
Location: Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire
GPS Coordinates: 6°54'11"N by 5°21'56"W
Area Served: Yamoussoukro
Elevation: 699 feet (213 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from ASK
More Information: ASK Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

IATA / ICAO Codes: ACM /
Airport Names:
  1. Chacalluta International Airport
  2. Aeródromo de Chacalluta Arica
  3. ARI
  4. SCAR
Location: Arica, Amazonas, Colombia
GPS Coordinates: 18°20'53"S by 70°20'18"W
Area Served: Arica, Arica Province, Arica y Parinacota Region, Chile
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 167 feet (51 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from ACM
More Information: ACM Maps & Info

Facts about Yamoussoukro Airport (ASK):

  • Because of Yamoussoukro Airport's relatively low elevation of 699 feet, planes can take off or land at Yamoussoukro Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Yamoussoukro Airport (ASK) is Dimbokro Airport (DIM), which is located 53 miles (85 kilometers) ESE of ASK.
  • The furthest airport from Yamoussoukro Airport (ASK) is Arorae Island Airport (AIS), which is nearly antipodal to Yamoussoukro Airport (meaning Yamoussoukro Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Arorae Island Airport), and is located 12,105 miles (19,481 kilometers) away in Arorae Island, Kiribati.
  • Yamoussoukro Airport (ASK) currently has only 1 runway.

Facts about Chacalluta International Airport (ACM):

  • The furthest airport from Chacalluta International Airport (ACM) is Sanya Phoenix International Airport (SYX), which is nearly antipodal to Chacalluta International Airport (meaning Chacalluta International Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Sanya Phoenix International Airport), and is located 12,420 miles (19,988 kilometers) away in Sanya, Hainan, China.
  • Chacalluta International Airport (ACM) currently has only 1 runway.
  • Because of Chacalluta International Airport's relatively low elevation of 167 feet, planes can take off or land at Chacalluta International Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • In addition to being known as "Chacalluta International Airport", other names for ACM include "Aeródromo de Chacalluta Arica", "ARI" and "SCAR".
  • The closest airport to Chacalluta International Airport (ACM) is Chacalluta International Airport (ARI), which is located only 0 mile (0 kilometer) N of ACM.

Map of Nearest Airports to Yamoussoukro Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Yamoussoukro Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
152.69 miles (84.80 km) ESEDimbokro Airport (DIM)Dimbokro, Côte d'IvoireView Dimbokro Airport on a map Set DIM as origin Airport Set DIM as destination Airport Get more information about Dimbokro Airport
261.11 miles (98.35 km) NNEBouaké Airport (BYK)Bouaké, Côte d'IvoireView Bouaké Airport on a map Set BYK as origin Airport Set BYK as destination Airport Get more information about Bouaké Airport
369.81 miles (112.35 km) SWGagnoa Airport (GGN)Gagnoa, Côte d'IvoireView Gagnoa Airport on a map Set GGN as origin Airport Set GGN as destination Airport Get more information about Gagnoa Airport
476.37 miles (122.91 km) WDaloa Airport (DJO)Daloa, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)View Daloa Airport on a map Set DJO as origin Airport Set DJO as destination Airport Get more information about Daloa Airport
576.71 miles (123.44 km) SDivo Airport (DIV)Divo, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)View Divo Airport on a map Set DIV as origin Airport Set DIV as destination Airport Get more information about Divo Airport
687.52 miles (140.85 km) NNEKatiola Airport (KTC)Katiola, Côte d'IvoireView Katiola Airport on a map Set KTC as origin Airport Set KTC as destination Airport Get more information about Katiola Airport
7146.32 miles (235.47 km) SSWSassandra Airport (ZSS)Sassandra, Côte d'IvoireView Sassandra Airport on a map Set ZSS as origin Airport Set ZSS as destination Airport Get more information about Sassandra Airport
8150.36 miles (241.99 km) WGuiglo Airport (GGO)Guiglo, Côte d'IvoireView Guiglo Airport on a map Set GGO as origin Airport Set GGO as destination Airport Get more information about Guiglo Airport
9150.51 miles (242.21 km) SEFélix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport (ABJ)Abidjan, Côte d'IvoireView Félix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport on a map Set ABJ as origin Airport Set ABJ as destination Airport Get more information about Félix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport
10154.47 miles (248.59 km) WMan Airport (MJC)Man, Côte d'IvoireView Man Airport on a map Set MJC as origin Airport Set MJC as destination Airport Get more information about Man Airport
11172.13 miles (277.01 km) NKorhogo Airport (HGO)Korhogo, Côte d'IvoireView Korhogo Airport on a map Set HGO as origin Airport Set HGO as destination Airport Get more information about Korhogo Airport
12176.36 miles (283.83 km) SEAboisso Airport (ABO)Aboisso, Côte d'IvoireView Aboisso Airport on a map Set ABO as origin Airport Set ABO as destination Airport Get more information about Aboisso Airport
13186.68 miles (300.43 km) NFerkessedougou Airport (FEK)Ferkessédougou, Côte d'IvoireView Ferkessedougou Airport on a map Set FEK as origin Airport Set FEK as destination Airport Get more information about Ferkessedougou Airport
14194.27 miles (312.64 km) ENESoko Airport (BDK)Bondoukou, Côte d'IvoireView Soko Airport on a map Set BDK as origin Airport Set BDK as destination Airport Get more information about Soko Airport
15197.38 miles (317.66 km) NNWBoundiali Airport (BXI)Boundiali, Côte d'IvoireView Boundiali Airport on a map Set BXI as origin Airport Set BXI as destination Airport Get more information about Boundiali Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Yamoussoukro Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Yamoussoukro Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,105.14 miles (19,481.28 km) SSWArorae Island Airport (AIS)Arorae Island, KiribatiView Arorae Island Airport on a map Set AIS as origin Airport Set AIS as destination Airport Get more information about Arorae Island Airport
212,104.97 miles (19,481.01 km) WSWFunafuti International Airport (FUN)Funafuti, TuvaluView Funafuti International Airport on a map Set FUN as origin Airport Set FUN as destination Airport Get more information about Funafuti International Airport
312,041.95 miles (19,379.58 km) SSWBeru Island Airport (BEZ)Beru, KiribatiView Beru Island Airport on a map Set BEZ as origin Airport Set BEZ as destination Airport Get more information about Beru Island Airport
411,942.23 miles (19,219.10 km) SAranuka Airport (AAK)Aranuka, KiribatiView Aranuka Airport on a map Set AAK as origin Airport Set AAK as destination Airport Get more information about Aranuka Airport
511,922.91 miles (19,188.02 km) SAbemama Atoll Airport (AEA)Abemama Atoll, KiribatiView Abemama Atoll Airport on a map Set AEA as origin Airport Set AEA as destination Airport Get more information about Abemama Atoll Airport
611,855.26 miles (19,079.14 km) SBonriki International Airport (TRW)Tarawa, KiribatiView Bonriki International Airport on a map Set TRW as origin Airport Set TRW as destination Airport Get more information about Bonriki International Airport
711,825.75 miles (19,031.65 km) SAbaiang Atoll Airport (ABF)Abaiang, KiribatiView Abaiang Atoll Airport on a map Set ABF as origin Airport Set ABF as destination Airport Get more information about Abaiang Atoll Airport
811,811.03 miles (19,007.96 km) SMarakei Airport (MZK)Marakei, KiribatiView Marakei Airport on a map Set MZK as origin Airport Set MZK as destination Airport Get more information about Marakei Airport
911,773.80 miles (18,948.05 km) SEMota Lava Airport (MTV)Mota Lava, VanuatuView Mota Lava Airport on a map Set MTV as origin Airport Set MTV as destination Airport Get more information about Mota Lava Airport
1011,756.47 miles (18,920.16 km) SEVanua Lava Airport (SLH)Sola, Vanua Lava, Torba Province, VanuatuView Vanua Lava Airport on a map Set SLH as origin Airport Set SLH as destination Airport Get more information about Vanua Lava Airport
1111,747.22 miles (18,905.27 km) SENauru International Airport (INU)Yaren, NauruView Nauru International Airport on a map Set INU as origin Airport Set INU as destination Airport Get more information about Nauru International Airport
1211,740.95 miles (18,895.18 km) SEGaua Airport (ZGU)Gaua, Torba, VanuatuView Gaua Airport on a map Set ZGU as origin Airport Set ZGU as destination Airport Get more information about Gaua Airport
1311,735.22 miles (18,885.96 km) SButaritari Atoll Airport (BBG)Butaritari Atoll, KiribatiView Butaritari Atoll Airport on a map Set BBG as origin Airport Set BBG as destination Airport Get more information about Butaritari Atoll Airport
1411,728.02 miles (18,874.38 km) SSWYasawa Island Airport (YAS)Yasawa Island, FijiView Yasawa Island Airport on a map Set YAS as origin Airport Set YAS as destination Airport Get more information about Yasawa Island Airport
1511,724.51 miles (18,868.72 km) SWAéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport (FUT)Futuna Island, Wallis and Futuna IslandsView Aéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport on a map Set FUT as origin Airport Set FUT as destination Airport Get more information about Aéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Chacalluta International Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Chacalluta International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
10.00 miles (0.00 km) NChacalluta International Airport (ARI)Arica, ChileView Chacalluta International Airport on a map Set ARI as destination Airport Set ARI as destination Airport Get more information about Chacalluta International Airport
280.00 miles (128.75 km) NWIlo Airport (ILQ)Ilo, Moquegua Region, PeruView Ilo Airport on a map Set ILQ as destination Airport Set ILQ as destination Airport Get more information about Ilo Airport
3151.45 miles (243.74 km) SDiego Aracena International Airport (IQQ)Iquique, ChileView Diego Aracena International Airport on a map Set IQQ as destination Airport Set IQQ as destination Airport Get more information about Diego Aracena International Airport
4161.15 miles (259.35 km) NNWRodríguez Ballón International Airport (AQP)Arequipa, PeruView Rodríguez Ballón International Airport on a map Set AQP as destination Airport Set AQP as destination Airport Get more information about Rodríguez Ballón International Airport
5189.98 miles (305.74 km) NEEl Alto International Airport (LPB)La Paz, BoliviaView El Alto International Airport on a map Set LPB as destination Airport Set LPB as destination Airport Get more information about El Alto International Airport
6199.44 miles (320.97 km) NInca Manco Cápac International Airport (JUL)Juliaca, PeruView Inca Manco Cápac International Airport on a map Set JUL as destination Airport Set JUL as destination Airport Get more information about Inca Manco Cápac International Airport
7270.18 miles (434.81 km) ESEUyuni Joya Andina Airport (UYU)Uyuni, Potosí, BoliviaView Uyuni Joya Andina Airport on a map Set UYU as destination Airport Set UYU as destination Airport Get more information about Uyuni Joya Andina Airport
8276.56 miles (445.07 km) NNEApolo Airport (APB)Apolo, La Paz, BoliviaView Apolo Airport on a map Set APB as destination Airport Set APB as destination Airport Get more information about Apolo Airport
9281.04 miles (452.29 km) ENEJorge Wilstermann International Airport (CBB)Cochabamba, BoliviaView Jorge Wilstermann International Airport on a map Set CBB as destination Airport Set CBB as destination Airport Get more information about Jorge Wilstermann International Airport
10300.84 miles (484.16 km) SSEEl Loa Airport (CJC)Calama, Antofagasta Region, ChileView El Loa Airport on a map Set CJC as destination Airport Set CJC as destination Airport Get more information about El Loa Airport
11300.96 miles (484.35 km) SCarolina Airport (CLN)Carolina, Maranhão, BrazilView Carolina Airport on a map Set CLN as destination Airport Set CLN as destination Airport Get more information about Carolina Airport
12329.88 miles (530.90 km) NERurrenabaque Airport (RBQ)Rurrenabaque, BoliviaView Rurrenabaque Airport on a map Set RBQ as destination Airport Set RBQ as destination Airport Get more information about Rurrenabaque Airport
13333.65 miles (536.96 km) EJuana Azurduy de Padilla International Airport (SRE)Sucre, BoliviaView Juana Azurduy de Padilla International Airport on a map Set SRE as destination Airport Set SRE as destination Airport Get more information about Juana Azurduy de Padilla International Airport
14338.09 miles (544.09 km) NECapitán Germán Quiroga Guardia Airport (SRJ)San Borja, BoliviaView Capitán Germán Quiroga Guardia Airport on a map Set SRJ as destination Airport Set SRJ as destination Airport Get more information about Capitán Germán Quiroga Guardia Airport
15349.20 miles (561.98 km) NNWAlejandro Velasco Astete International Airport (CUZ)Cusco, Cusco Region, PeruView Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport on a map Set CUZ as destination Airport Set CUZ as destination Airport Get more information about Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Chacalluta International Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Chacalluta International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,420.16 miles (19,988.26 km) ESanya Phoenix International Airport (SYX)Sanya, Hainan, ChinaView Sanya Phoenix International Airport on a map Set SYX as destination Airport Set SYX as destination Airport Get more information about Sanya Phoenix International Airport
212,315.46 miles (19,819.76 km) NNWHaikou Meilan International Airport (HAK)Haikou, Hainan, ChinaView Haikou Meilan International Airport on a map Set HAK as destination Airport Set HAK as destination Airport Get more information about Haikou Meilan International Airport
312,250.62 miles (19,715.42 km) NNEĐà Nẵng International Airport (DAD)Da Nang, VietnamView Đà Nẵng International Airport on a map Set DAD as destination Airport Set DAD as destination Airport Get more information about Đà Nẵng International Airport
412,250.33 miles (19,714.95 km) NEPhu Bai International Airport (HUI)Huế, Thừa Thiên–Huế, VietnamView Phu Bai International Airport on a map Set HUI as destination Airport Set HUI as destination Airport Get more information about Phu Bai International Airport
512,233.45 miles (19,687.79 km) NNWZhanjiang Airport (ZHA)Zhanjiang, Guangdong, ChinaView Zhanjiang Airport on a map Set ZHA as destination Airport Set ZHA as destination Airport Get more information about Zhanjiang Airport
612,223.92 miles (19,672.44 km) NNEChu Lai Airport (VCL)Chu Lai, Quang Nam, VietnamView Chu Lai Airport on a map Set VCL as destination Airport Set VCL as destination Airport Get more information about Chu Lai Airport
712,215.03 miles (19,658.13 km) NBeihai Fucheng Airport (BHY)Beihai, Guangxi, ChinaView Beihai Fucheng Airport on a map Set BHY as destination Airport Set BHY as destination Airport Get more information about Beihai Fucheng Airport
812,180.52 miles (19,602.59 km) NECat Bi International Airport (HPH)Haiphong, VietnamView Cat Bi International Airport on a map Set HPH as destination Airport Set HPH as destination Airport Get more information about Cat Bi International Airport
912,174.03 miles (19,592.15 km) EVinh Airport (VII)Vinh, Nghe An, VietnamView Vinh Airport on a map Set VII as destination Airport Set VII as destination Airport Get more information about Vinh Airport
1012,142.77 miles (19,541.85 km) ENETho Xuan Airport (THD)Thanh Hoa, VietnamView Tho Xuan Airport on a map Set THD as destination Airport Set THD as destination Airport Get more information about Tho Xuan Airport
1112,130.48 miles (19,522.07 km) NPhu Cat Airport (UIH)Qui Nhơn, Binh Dinh, VietnamView Phu Cat Airport on a map Set UIH as destination Airport Set UIH as destination Airport Get more information about Phu Cat Airport
1212,127.10 miles (19,516.62 km) NNENanning Wuxu International Airport (NNG)Nanning, Guangxi, ChinaView Nanning Wuxu International Airport on a map Set NNG as destination Airport Set NNG as destination Airport Get more information about Nanning Wuxu International Airport
1312,117.16 miles (19,500.64 km) NENội Bài International Airport (HAN)Hanoi, VietnamView Nội Bài International Airport on a map Set HAN as destination Airport Set HAN as destination Airport Get more information about Nội Bài International Airport
1412,100.14 miles (19,473.24 km) ENakhon Phanom Airport (KOP)Nakhon Phanom, ThailandView Nakhon Phanom Airport on a map Set KOP as destination Airport Set KOP as destination Airport Get more information about Nakhon Phanom Airport
1512,090.82 miles (19,458.24 km) ENESavannakhet Airport (ZVK)Savannakhet, LaosView Savannakhet Airport on a map Set ZVK as destination Airport Set ZVK as destination Airport Get more information about Savannakhet Airport