About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport (AZR), Adrar, Algeria and Chifeng Airport (CIF), Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China would travel a Great Circle distance of 6,236 miles (or 10,036 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport and Chifeng Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport and Chifeng Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport
  2. Touat Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport (Adrar)
Location: Adrar, Algeria
GPS Coordinates: 27°50'16"N by 0°11'10"W
Area Served: Adrar, Algeria
Operator/Owner: EGSA Alger
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 919 feet (280 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from AZR
More Information: AZR Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Chifeng Airport
  2. 赤峰玉龙机场
  3. Cèfēng Yùlóng Jīchǎng
Location: Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China
GPS Coordinates: 42°14'5"N by 118°54'29"E
Area Served: Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China
Airport Type: Public
View all routes: Routes from CIF
More Information: CIF Maps & Info

Facts about Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport (AZR):

  • The closest airport to Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport (AZR) is In Salah Airport (INZ), which is located 170 miles (274 kilometers) ESE of AZR.
  • The furthest airport from Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport (AZR) is Fuaʻamotu International Airport (TBU), which is located 11,882 miles (19,122 kilometers) away in Nukuʻalofa, Tongatapu, Tonga.
  • Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport (AZR) currently has only 1 runway.
  • In addition to being known as "Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport", another name for AZR is "Touat Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport (Adrar)".
  • Because of Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport's relatively low elevation of 919 feet, planes can take off or land at Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Facts about Chifeng Airport (CIF):

  • In addition to being known as "Chifeng Airport", other names for CIF include "赤峰玉龙机场" and "Cèfēng Yùlóng Jīchǎng".
  • The furthest airport from Chifeng Airport (CIF) is Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport (VDM), which is nearly antipodal to Chifeng Airport (meaning Chifeng Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport), and is located 12,300 miles (19,795 kilometers) away in Viedma, Argentina.
  • The closest airport to Chifeng Airport (CIF) is Chaoyang Airport (CHG), which is located 92 miles (148 kilometers) ESE of CIF.

Map of Nearest Airports to Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1170.18 miles (273.87 km) ESEIn Salah Airport (INZ)In Salah, AlgeriaView In Salah Airport on a map Set INZ as origin Airport Set INZ as destination Airport Get more information about In Salah Airport
2263.94 miles (424.76 km) NEEl Golea Airport (ELG)El Golea, AlgeriaView El Golea Airport on a map Set ELG as origin Airport Set ELG as destination Airport Get more information about El Golea Airport
3291.59 miles (469.27 km) NNWBoudghene Ben Ali Lotfi Airport (CBH)Béchar, AlgeriaView Boudghene Ben Ali Lotfi Airport on a map Set CBH as origin Airport Set CBH as destination Airport Get more information about Boudghene Ben Ali Lotfi Airport
4379.77 miles (611.17 km) NWMoulay Ali Cherif Airport (ERH)Er-Rachidia (Errachidia), MoroccoView Moulay Ali Cherif Airport on a map Set ERH as origin Airport Set ERH as destination Airport Get more information about Moulay Ali Cherif Airport
5393.99 miles (634.07 km) NENoumérat – Moufdi Zakaria Airport (GHA)Ghardaia, AlgeriaView Noumérat – Moufdi Zakaria Airport on a map Set GHA as origin Airport Set GHA as destination Airport Get more information about Noumérat – Moufdi Zakaria Airport
6408.94 miles (658.13 km) NNEHassi R'Mel Airport (HRM)Hassi R'Mel, AlgeriaView Hassi R'Mel Airport on a map Set HRM as origin Airport Set HRM as destination Airport Get more information about Hassi R'Mel Airport
7433.21 miles (697.17 km) WGara Djebilet Airport (GBB)Gara Djebilet, AlgeriaView Gara Djebilet Airport on a map Set GBB as origin Airport Set GBB as destination Airport Get more information about Gara Djebilet Airport
8451.78 miles (727.07 km) SBordj Mokhtar Airport (BMW)Bordj Badji Mokhtar, AlgeriaView Bordj Mokhtar Airport on a map Set BMW as origin Airport Set BMW as destination Airport Get more information about Bordj Mokhtar Airport
9457.83 miles (736.81 km) WNWOuarzazate Airport (OZZ)Ouarzazate, MoroccoView Ouarzazate Airport on a map Set OZZ as origin Airport Set OZZ as destination Airport Get more information about Ouarzazate Airport
10462.70 miles (744.65 km) NEOued Irara–Krim Belkacem Airport (HME)Hassi Messaoud, AlgeriaView Oued Irara–Krim Belkacem Airport on a map Set HME as origin Airport Set HME as destination Airport Get more information about Oued Irara–Krim Belkacem Airport
11490.96 miles (790.12 km) NNWAngads Airport (OUD)Oujda, MoroccoView Angads Airport on a map Set OUD as origin Airport Set OUD as destination Airport Get more information about Angads Airport
12494.40 miles (795.65 km) SEAguenar – Hadj Bey Akhamok Airport (TMR)Tamanrasset, AlgeriaView Aguenar – Hadj Bey Akhamok Airport on a map Set TMR as origin Airport Set TMR as destination Airport Get more information about Aguenar – Hadj Bey Akhamok Airport
13507.33 miles (816.46 km) NSidi Bel Abbès Airport (BFW)Sidi Bel Abbès, AlgeriaView Sidi Bel Abbès Airport on a map Set BFW as origin Airport Set BFW as destination Airport Get more information about Sidi Bel Abbès Airport
14507.52 miles (816.78 km) NNWSaïss Airport (FEZ)Fes, MoroccoView Saïss Airport on a map Set FEZ as origin Airport Set FEZ as destination Airport Get more information about Saïss Airport
15509.59 miles (820.10 km) NGhriss Airport (MUW)Ghriss, AlgeriaView Ghriss Airport on a map Set MUW as origin Airport Set MUW as destination Airport Get more information about Ghriss Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Touat-Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,882.02 miles (19,122.21 km) SWFuaʻamotu International Airport (TBU)Nukuʻalofa, Tongatapu, TongaView Fuaʻamotu International Airport on a map Set TBU as origin Airport Set TBU as destination Airport Get more information about Fuaʻamotu International Airport
211,821.18 miles (19,024.30 km) SVunisea Airport (KDV)Vunisea, Kadavu Island, FijiView Vunisea Airport on a map Set KDV as origin Airport Set KDV as destination Airport Get more information about Vunisea Airport
311,817.49 miles (19,018.36 km) SSEKerikeri Airport (KKE)Kerikeri, New ZealandView Kerikeri Airport on a map Set KKE as origin Airport Set KKE as destination Airport Get more information about Kerikeri Airport
411,806.49 miles (19,000.65 km) SEKaitaia Airport (KAT)Kaitaia, New ZealandView Kaitaia Airport on a map Set KAT as origin Airport Set KAT as destination Airport Get more information about Kaitaia Airport
511,803.69 miles (18,996.14 km) SSEKaikohe Aerodrome (KKO)Kaikohe, New ZealandView Kaikohe Aerodrome on a map Set KKO as origin Airport Set KKO as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikohe Aerodrome
611,803.13 miles (18,995.25 km) SSEGreat Barrier Aerodrome (GBZ)Great Barrier Island, New ZealandView Great Barrier Aerodrome on a map Set GBZ as origin Airport Set GBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Great Barrier Aerodrome
711,802.58 miles (18,994.36 km) SSEWhangarei Airport (WRE)Whangarei, New ZealandView Whangarei Airport on a map Set WRE as origin Airport Set WRE as destination Airport Get more information about Whangarei Airport
811,796.18 miles (18,984.07 km) SMoala Airport (MFJ)Moala, Moala Islands, FijiView Moala Airport on a map Set MFJ as origin Airport Set MFJ as destination Airport Get more information about Moala Airport
911,778.38 miles (18,955.42 km) SSEDargaville Aerodrome (DGR)Dargaville, New ZealandView Dargaville Aerodrome on a map Set DGR as origin Airport Set DGR as destination Airport Get more information about Dargaville Aerodrome
1011,769.24 miles (18,940.72 km) SSECoromandel Aerodrome (CMV)Coromandel, New ZealandView Coromandel Aerodrome on a map Set CMV as origin Airport Set CMV as destination Airport Get more information about Coromandel Aerodrome
1111,768.69 miles (18,939.82 km) SWLifuka Island Airport (HPA)Lifuka, Ha'apai, TongaView Lifuka Island Airport on a map Set HPA as origin Airport Set HPA as destination Airport Get more information about Lifuka Island Airport
1211,755.39 miles (18,918.42 km) SSuva International Airport (SUV)Suva / Nausori, Viti Levu, FijiView Suva International Airport on a map Set SUV as origin Airport Set SUV as destination Airport Get more information about Suva International Airport
1311,746.65 miles (18,904.36 km) SSEThames Aerodrome (TMZ)Thames, New ZealandView Thames Aerodrome on a map Set TMZ as origin Airport Set TMZ as destination Airport Get more information about Thames Aerodrome
1411,742.08 miles (18,897.00 km) SSEArdmore Airport (AMZ)Ardmore, New ZealandView Ardmore Airport on a map Set AMZ as origin Airport Set AMZ as destination Airport Get more information about Ardmore Airport
1511,739.08 miles (18,892.16 km) SSEAuckland Airport (AKL)Mangere, New ZealandView Auckland Airport on a map Set AKL as origin Airport Set AKL as destination Airport Get more information about Auckland Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Chifeng Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Chifeng Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
192.11 miles (148.24 km) ESEChaoyang Airport (CHG)Chaoyang, Liaoning, ChinaView Chaoyang Airport on a map Set CHG as destination Airport Set CHG as destination Airport Get more information about Chaoyang Airport
2135.96 miles (218.81 km) SEJinzhou Xiaolingzi Airport (JNZ)Jinzhou, Liaoning, ChinaView Jinzhou Xiaolingzi Airport on a map Set JNZ as destination Airport Set JNZ as destination Airport Get more information about Jinzhou Xiaolingzi Airport
3162.38 miles (261.33 km) SSEQinhuangdao Shanhaiguan Airport (SHP)Qinhuangdao, Hebei, ChinaView Qinhuangdao Shanhaiguan Airport on a map Set SHP as destination Airport Set SHP as destination Airport Get more information about Qinhuangdao Shanhaiguan Airport
4179.85 miles (289.44 km) SSWTangshan Sannühe Airport (TVS)Tangshan, Hebei, ChinaView Tangshan Sannühe Airport on a map Set TVS as destination Airport Set TVS as destination Airport Get more information about Tangshan Sannühe Airport
5188.62 miles (303.55 km) NWXilinhot Airport (XIL)Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Xilinhot Airport on a map Set XIL as destination Airport Set XIL as destination Airport Get more information about Xilinhot Airport
6191.78 miles (308.63 km) SWBeijing Capital International Airport (PEK)Beijing, People's Republic of ChinaView Beijing Capital International Airport on a map Set PEK as destination Airport Set PEK as destination Airport Get more information about Beijing Capital International Airport
7214.42 miles (345.07 km) SWBeijing Nanyuan Airport (NAY)Beijing, ChinaView Beijing Nanyuan Airport on a map Set NAY as destination Airport Set NAY as destination Airport Get more information about Beijing Nanyuan Airport
8218.17 miles (351.10 km) ESEAnshan Teng'ao Airport (AOG)Anshan, Liaoning, ChinaView Anshan Teng'ao Airport on a map Set AOG as destination Airport Set AOG as destination Airport Get more information about Anshan Teng'ao Airport
9229.97 miles (370.10 km) SSWTianjin Binhai International Airport (TSN)Tianjin, ChinaView Tianjin Binhai International Airport on a map Set TSN as destination Airport Set TSN as destination Airport Get more information about Tianjin Binhai International Airport
10230.36 miles (370.73 km) WSWZhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport (ZQZ)Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, ChinaView Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport on a map Set ZQZ as destination Airport Set ZQZ as destination Airport Get more information about Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport
11238.69 miles (384.13 km) EShenyang Taoxian International Airport (SHE)Shenyang, ChinaView Shenyang Taoxian International Airport on a map Set SHE as destination Airport Set SHE as destination Airport Get more information about Shenyang Taoxian International Airport
12264.66 miles (425.93 km) SSEDalian Zhoushuizi International Airport (DLC)Dalian, Liaoning, ChinaView Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport on a map Set DLC as destination Airport Set DLC as destination Airport Get more information about Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport
13284.15 miles (457.29 km) SEChanghai Airport (CNI)Changhai, ChinaView Changhai Airport on a map Set CNI as destination Airport Set CNI as destination Airport Get more information about Changhai Airport
14313.69 miles (504.84 km) NNEUlanhot Airport (HLH)Ulanhot, ChinaView Ulanhot Airport on a map Set HLH as destination Airport Set HLH as destination Airport Get more information about Ulanhot Airport
15319.73 miles (514.56 km) WSWDatong Yungang Airport (DAT)Datong, Shanxi, ChinaView Datong Yungang Airport on a map Set DAT as destination Airport Set DAT as destination Airport Get more information about Datong Yungang Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Chifeng Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Chifeng Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,300.27 miles (19,795.31 km) SEGobernador Edgardo Castello Airport (VDM)Viedma, ArgentinaView Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport on a map Set VDM as destination Airport Set VDM as destination Airport Get more information about Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport
212,229.37 miles (19,681.22 km) ESEEl Tehuelche Airport (PMY)Puerto Madryn, ArgentinaView El Tehuelche Airport on a map Set PMY as destination Airport Set PMY as destination Airport Get more information about El Tehuelche Airport
312,213.63 miles (19,655.89 km) ESEAlmirante Marcos A. Zar Airport (REL)Trelew, Chubut, ArgentinaView Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport on a map Set REL as destination Airport Set REL as destination Airport Get more information about Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport
412,208.48 miles (19,647.59 km) ESEAntoine de Saint Exupéry Airport (OES)San Antonio Oeste, ArgentinaView Antoine de Saint Exupéry Airport on a map Set OES as destination Airport Set OES as destination Airport Get more information about Antoine de Saint Exupéry Airport
512,187.74 miles (19,614.23 km) SSEComandante Espora Airport (BHI)Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, ArgentinaView Comandante Espora Airport on a map Set BHI as destination Airport Set BHI as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante Espora Airport
612,167.91 miles (19,582.31 km) STres Arroyos Airport (OYO)Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires Province, ArgentinaView Tres Arroyos Airport on a map Set OYO as destination Airport Set OYO as destination Airport Get more information about Tres Arroyos Airport
712,151.27 miles (19,555.53 km) SSWNecochea Airport (NEC)Necochea, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaView Necochea Airport on a map Set NEC as destination Airport Set NEC as destination Airport Get more information about Necochea Airport
812,111.91 miles (19,492.17 km) SSWMiramar Airport (MJR)Miramar, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaView Miramar Airport on a map Set MJR as destination Airport Set MJR as destination Airport Get more information about Miramar Airport
912,103.23 miles (19,478.21 km) SBrigadier Hector Eduardo Ruiz Airport (CSZ)Coronel Suárez, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaView Brigadier Hector Eduardo Ruiz Airport on a map Set CSZ as destination Airport Set CSZ as destination Airport Get more information about Brigadier Hector Eduardo Ruiz Airport
1012,086.31 miles (19,450.99 km) SSWAstor Piazzolla International Airport (MDQ)Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires Province, ArgentinaView Astor Piazzolla International Airport on a map Set MDQ as destination Airport Set MDQ as destination Airport Get more information about Astor Piazzolla International Airport
1112,076.80 miles (19,435.68 km) SSWTandil Airport (TDL)Tandil, ArgentinaView Tandil Airport on a map Set TDL as destination Airport Set TDL as destination Airport Get more information about Tandil Airport
1212,064.57 miles (19,416.00 km) SOlavarría Airport (OVR)Olavarría, ArgentinaView Olavarría Airport on a map Set OVR as destination Airport Set OVR as destination Airport Get more information about Olavarría Airport
1312,038.64 miles (19,374.27 km) EMaquinchao Airport (MQD)Maquinchao, Río Negro Province, ArgentinaView Maquinchao Airport on a map Set MQD as destination Airport Set MQD as destination Airport Get more information about Maquinchao Airport
1412,036.39 miles (19,370.65 km) SEGeneral Enrique Mosconi International Airport (CRD)Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, ArgentinaView General Enrique Mosconi International Airport on a map Set CRD as destination Airport Set CRD as destination Airport Get more information about General Enrique Mosconi International Airport
1512,029.58 miles (19,359.68 km) SSWVilla Gesell Airport (VLG)Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaView Villa Gesell Airport on a map Set VLG as destination Airport Set VLG as destination Airport Get more information about Villa Gesell Airport