About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Bolzano Airport (BZO), Bolzano, Italy and Gbadolite Airport (BDT), Gbadolite, Democratic Republic of the Congo would travel a Great Circle distance of 2,973 miles (or 4,785 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Bolzano Airport and Gbadolite Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Bolzano Airport and Gbadolite Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Bolzano Airport
  2. Aeroporto di Bolzano
Location: Bolzano, Italy
GPS Coordinates: 46°27'37"N by 11°19'35"E
Area Served: Bolzano, Italy
Operator/Owner: ABD Airport AG/S.p.A.
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 787 feet (240 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from BZO
More Information: BZO Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Gbadolite Airport
  2. Aéroport de Gbadolite
  3. Gbadolite Airport
Location: Gbadolite, Democratic Republic of the Congo
GPS Coordinates: 4°15'11"N by 20°58'31"E
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 1509 feet (460 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from BDT
More Information: BDT Maps & Info

Facts about Bolzano Airport (BZO):

  • Bolzano Airport (BZO) currently has only 1 runway.
  • Bolzano Airport handled 12,905 passengers last year.
  • http://www.bolzanoairport.it/voli-di-linea.htm
  • Because of Bolzano Airport's relatively low elevation of 787 feet, planes can take off or land at Bolzano Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • In addition to being known as "Bolzano Airport", another name for BZO is "Aeroporto di Bolzano".
  • The furthest airport from Bolzano Airport (BZO) is Chatham Islands (CHT), which is nearly antipodal to Bolzano Airport (meaning Bolzano Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Chatham Islands), and is located 12,016 miles (19,337 kilometers) away in Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New Zealand.
  • The closest airport to Bolzano Airport (BZO) is Cortina Airport (CDF), which is located 38 miles (62 kilometers) ENE of BZO.
  • Bolzano Airport is a small regional airport near Bolzano, South Tyrol in northern Italy.

Facts about Gbadolite Airport (BDT):

  • The closest airport to Gbadolite Airport (BDT) is Bambari Airport (BBY), which is located 112 miles (181 kilometers) NNW of BDT.
  • The furthest airport from Gbadolite Airport (BDT) is Manihiki Island Airport (MHX), which is located 11,992 miles (19,300 kilometers) away in Manihiki Island, Cook Islands.
  • In addition to being known as "Gbadolite Airport", other names for BDT include "Aéroport de Gbadolite" and "Gbadolite Airport".
  • Gbadolite Airport (BDT) currently has only 1 runway.

Map of Nearest Airports to Bolzano Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Bolzano Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
138.42 miles (61.83 km) ENECortina Airport (CDF)Cortina d'Ampezzo, ItalyView Cortina Airport on a map Set CDF as origin Airport Set CDF as destination Airport Get more information about Cortina Airport
248.44 miles (77.95 km) ESEBelluno Airport (BLX)Belluno, ItalyView Belluno Airport on a map Set BLX as origin Airport Set BLX as destination Airport Get more information about Belluno Airport
355.28 miles (88.97 km) NInnsbruck Airport (INN)Innsbruck, AustriaView Innsbruck Airport on a map Set INN as origin Airport Set INN as destination Airport Get more information about Innsbruck Airport
462.05 miles (99.87 km) SVicenza “Tommaso Dal Molin” Airport (VIC)Vicenza, ItalyView Vicenza “Tommaso Dal Molin” Airport on a map Set VIC as origin Airport Set VIC as destination Airport Get more information about Vicenza “Tommaso Dal Molin” Airport
567.56 miles (108.72 km) ESEAviano Air Base (AVB)Aviano, Pordenone, ItalyView Aviano Air Base on a map Set AVB as origin Airport Set AVB as destination Airport Get more information about Aviano Air Base
668.80 miles (110.72 km) WSamedan Airport (SMV)St. Moritz / Samedan, SwitzerlandView Samedan Airport on a map Set SMV as origin Airport Set SMV as destination Airport Get more information about Samedan Airport
769.81 miles (112.35 km) SETreviso-Sant'Angelo Airport (TSF)Treviso, ItalyView Treviso-Sant'Angelo Airport on a map Set TSF as origin Airport Set TSF as destination Airport Get more information about Treviso-Sant'Angelo Airport
876.47 miles (123.06 km) SSWVerona Airport (VRN)Verona, ItalyView Verona Airport on a map Set VRN as origin Airport Set VRN as destination Airport Get more information about Verona Airport
977.70 miles (125.05 km) SSEPadua “Gino Allegri” Airport (QPA)Padua, ItalyView Padua “Gino Allegri” Airport on a map Set QPA as origin Airport Set QPA as destination Airport Get more information about Padua “Gino Allegri” Airport
1082.33 miles (132.49 km) SEVenice Marco Polo Airport (VCE)Venice, ItalyView Venice Marco Polo Airport on a map Set VCE as origin Airport Set VCE as destination Airport Get more information about Venice Marco Polo Airport
1185.83 miles (138.12 km) SWBrescia Airport Gabriele D'Annunzio (VBS)Brescia, ItalyView Brescia Airport Gabriele D'Annunzio on a map Set VBS as origin Airport Set VBS as destination Airport Get more information about Brescia Airport Gabriele D'Annunzio
1295.22 miles (153.24 km) SWIl Caravaggio International Airport (BGY)Bergamo (near Milan), ItalyView Il Caravaggio International Airport on a map Set BGY as origin Airport Set BGY as destination Airport Get more information about Il Caravaggio International Airport
1399.85 miles (160.69 km) NWHohenems-Dornbirn Airport (HOH)Hohenems, AustriaView Hohenems-Dornbirn Airport on a map Set HOH as origin Airport Set HOH as destination Airport Get more information about Hohenems-Dornbirn Airport
14109.29 miles (175.88 km) NWSt. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport (ACH)Altenrhein, SwitzerlandView St. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport on a map Set ACH as origin Airport Set ACH as destination Airport Get more information about St. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport
15111.64 miles (179.66 km) ESETrieste – Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport (TRS)Trieste, ItalyView Trieste – Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport on a map Set TRS as origin Airport Set TRS as destination Airport Get more information about Trieste – Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Bolzano Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Bolzano Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,015.79 miles (19,337.49 km) ESEChatham Islands (CHT)Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New ZealandView Chatham Islands on a map Set CHT as origin Airport Set CHT as destination Airport Get more information about Chatham Islands
211,571.83 miles (18,623.00 km) ESEGisborne Airport (GIS)Gisborne, New ZealandView Gisborne Airport on a map Set GIS as origin Airport Set GIS as destination Airport Get more information about Gisborne Airport
311,568.36 miles (18,617.42 km) ESEHood Aerodrome (MRO)Masterton, New ZealandView Hood Aerodrome on a map Set MRO as origin Airport Set MRO as destination Airport Get more information about Hood Aerodrome
411,562.84 miles (18,608.54 km) ESEHawke's Bay Airport (NPE)Napier, New ZealandView Hawke's Bay Airport on a map Set NPE as origin Airport Set NPE as destination Airport Get more information about Hawke's Bay Airport
511,543.45 miles (18,577.34 km) ESEPalmerston North Airport (PMR)Palmerston North, New ZealandView Palmerston North Airport on a map Set PMR as origin Airport Set PMR as destination Airport Get more information about Palmerston North Airport
611,543.22 miles (18,576.97 km) ESEWellington International Airport (WLG)Wellington, New ZealandView Wellington International Airport on a map Set WLG as origin Airport Set WLG as destination Airport Get more information about Wellington International Airport
711,537.02 miles (18,566.98 km) ESEKapiti Coast Airport (PPQ)Paraparaumu Beach, New ZealandView Kapiti Coast Airport on a map Set PPQ as origin Airport Set PPQ as destination Airport Get more information about Kapiti Coast Airport
811,521.40 miles (18,541.86 km) ESEKaikoura Aerodrome (KBZ)Kaikoura, New ZealandView Kaikoura Aerodrome on a map Set KBZ as origin Airport Set KBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikoura Aerodrome
911,506.75 miles (18,518.27 km) ESEWoodbourne Airport (BHE)Blenheim, New ZealandView Woodbourne Airport on a map Set BHE as origin Airport Set BHE as destination Airport Get more information about Woodbourne Airport
1011,503.71 miles (18,513.38 km) ESEWanganui Airport (WAG)Wanganui, New ZealandView Wanganui Airport on a map Set WAG as origin Airport Set WAG as destination Airport Get more information about Wanganui Airport
1111,498.37 miles (18,504.79 km) ESETaupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō (TUO)Taupo, New ZealandView Taupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō on a map Set TUO as origin Airport Set TUO as destination Airport Get more information about Taupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō
1211,497.95 miles (18,504.10 km) EChristchurch International Airport (CHC)Christchurch, New ZealandView Christchurch International Airport on a map Set CHC as origin Airport Set CHC as destination Airport Get more information about Christchurch International Airport
1311,494.62 miles (18,498.76 km) ESEWhakatane Airport (WHK)Whakatane, New ZealandView Whakatane Airport on a map Set WHK as origin Airport Set WHK as destination Airport Get more information about Whakatane Airport
1411,479.52 miles (18,474.45 km) ESERotorua International Airport (ROT)Rotorua, New ZealandView Rotorua International Airport on a map Set ROT as origin Airport Set ROT as destination Airport Get more information about Rotorua International Airport
1511,472.01 miles (18,462.37 km) EAshburton Aerodrome (ASG)Ashburton, New ZealandView Ashburton Aerodrome on a map Set ASG as origin Airport Set ASG as destination Airport Get more information about Ashburton Aerodrome

Map of Nearest Airports to Gbadolite Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Gbadolite Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1112.38 miles (180.85 km) NNWBambari Airport (BBY)Bambari, Central African RepublicView Bambari Airport on a map Set BBY as destination Airport Set BBY as destination Airport Get more information about Bambari Airport
2129.81 miles (208.91 km) ENEBangassou Airport (BGU)Bangassou, Central African RepublicView Bangassou Airport on a map Set BGU as destination Airport Set BGU as destination Airport Get more information about Bangassou Airport
3148.33 miles (238.72 km) SSELisala Airport (LIQ)Lisala, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Lisala Airport on a map Set LIQ as destination Airport Set LIQ as destination Airport Get more information about Lisala Airport
4160.27 miles (257.93 km) NEBakouma Airport (BMF)Bakouma, Central African RepublicView Bakouma Airport on a map Set BMF as destination Airport Set BMF as destination Airport Get more information about Bakouma Airport
5169.54 miles (272.85 km) WBangui M'Poko International Airport (BGF)Bangui, Central African RepublicView Bangui M'Poko International Airport on a map Set BGF as destination Airport Set BGF as destination Airport Get more information about Bangui M'Poko International Airport
6171.98 miles (276.77 km) NNEBria Airport (BIV)Bria, Central African RepublicView Bria Airport on a map Set BIV as destination Airport Set BIV as destination Airport Get more information about Bria Airport
7189.85 miles (305.53 km) WSWBétou Airport (BTB)Betou, Republic of the CongoView Bétou Airport on a map Set BTB as destination Airport Set BTB as destination Airport Get more information about Bétou Airport
8221.89 miles (357.09 km) NEYalinga Airport (AIG)Yalinga, Central African RepublicView Yalinga Airport on a map Set AIG as destination Airport Set AIG as destination Airport Get more information about Yalinga Airport
9224.70 miles (361.62 km) SSWBasankusu Airport (BSU)Basankusu, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Basankusu Airport on a map Set BSU as destination Airport Set BSU as destination Airport Get more information about Basankusu Airport
10240.55 miles (387.12 km) WNWBossembélé Airport (BEM)Bossembélé, Central African RepublicView Bossembélé Airport on a map Set BEM as destination Airport Set BEM as destination Airport Get more information about Bossembélé Airport
11242.95 miles (390.99 km) NWBouca Airport (BCF)Bouca, Central African RepublicView Bouca Airport on a map Set BCF as destination Airport Set BCF as destination Airport Get more information about Bouca Airport
12273.41 miles (440.01 km) SWImpfondo Airport (ION)Impfondo, Republic of the CongoView Impfondo Airport on a map Set ION as destination Airport Set ION as destination Airport Get more information about Impfondo Airport
13279.85 miles (450.38 km) NWBatangafo Airport (BTG)Batangafo, Central African RepublicView Batangafo Airport on a map Set BTG as destination Airport Set BTG as destination Airport Get more information about Batangafo Airport
14281.36 miles (452.80 km) ESEButa Zega Airport (BZU)Buta Zega, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Buta Zega Airport on a map Set BZU as destination Airport Set BZU as destination Airport Get more information about Buta Zega Airport
15288.81 miles (464.80 km) WNWBossangoa Airport (BSN)Bossangoa, Central African RepublicView Bossangoa Airport on a map Set BSN as destination Airport Set BSN as destination Airport Get more information about Bossangoa Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Gbadolite Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Gbadolite Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,992.36 miles (19,299.78 km) SSEManihiki Island Airport (MHX)Manihiki Island, Cook IslandsView Manihiki Island Airport on a map Set MHX as destination Airport Set MHX as destination Airport Get more information about Manihiki Island Airport
211,990.45 miles (19,296.71 km) SSWCassidy International Airport (CXI)Christmas Island, KiribatiView Cassidy International Airport on a map Set CXI as destination Airport Set CXI as destination Airport Get more information about Cassidy International Airport
311,556.34 miles (18,598.08 km) ECanton Island Airport (CIS)Canton Island, KiribatiView Canton Island Airport on a map Set CIS as destination Airport Set CIS as destination Airport Get more information about Canton Island Airport
411,478.16 miles (18,472.26 km) SSWMaupiti Airport (MAU)Maupiti, Leeward Islands, French PolynesiaView Maupiti Airport on a map Set MAU as destination Airport Set MAU as destination Airport Get more information about Maupiti Airport
511,460.73 miles (18,444.21 km) SSWBora Bora Airport (BOB)Bora Bora, French PolynesiaView Bora Bora Airport on a map Set BOB as destination Airport Set BOB as destination Airport Get more information about Bora Bora Airport
611,449.19 miles (18,425.64 km) SEFitiuta Airport (FTI)Fiti‘uta, American Samoa, United StatesView Fitiuta Airport on a map Set FTI as destination Airport Set FTI as destination Airport Get more information about Fitiuta Airport
711,444.29 miles (18,417.76 km) SETau Airport (TAV)Tau, American SamoaView Tau Airport on a map Set TAV as destination Airport Set TAV as destination Airport Get more information about Tau Airport
811,438.56 miles (18,408.54 km) SEOfu Airport (OFU)Ofu, American SamoaView Ofu Airport on a map Set OFU as destination Airport Set OFU as destination Airport Get more information about Ofu Airport
911,421.77 miles (18,381.50 km) SWMataiva Airport (MVT)Mataiva, French PolynesiaView Mataiva Airport on a map Set MVT as destination Airport Set MVT as destination Airport Get more information about Mataiva Airport
1011,420.72 miles (18,379.82 km) SSWHuahine – Fare Airport (HUH)Huahine, Society Islands, French PolynesiaView Huahine – Fare Airport on a map Set HUH as destination Airport Set HUH as destination Airport Get more information about Huahine – Fare Airport
1111,382.28 miles (18,317.96 km) SEPago Pago International Airport (PPG)Pago Pago, American SamoaView Pago Pago International Airport on a map Set PPG as destination Airport Set PPG as destination Airport Get more information about Pago Pago International Airport
1211,356.01 miles (18,275.68 km) SMitiaro Island Airport (MOI)Mitiaro Island, Cook IslandsView Mitiaro Island Airport on a map Set MOI as destination Airport Set MOI as destination Airport Get more information about Mitiaro Island Airport
1311,345.72 miles (18,259.11 km) SEFagali'i Airport (FGI)Apia, SamoaView Fagali'i Airport on a map Set FGI as destination Airport Set FGI as destination Airport Get more information about Fagali'i Airport
1411,333.56 miles (18,239.55 km) SAkatoka Manava Airport (Mauke Airport) (MUK)Mauke Island, Cook IslandsView Akatoka Manava Airport (Mauke Airport) on a map Set MUK as destination Airport Set MUK as destination Airport Get more information about Akatoka Manava Airport (Mauke Airport)
1511,331.98 miles (18,237.01 km) SEFaleolo International Airport (APW)Apia, Upolu Island, SamoaView Faleolo International Airport on a map Set APW as destination Airport Set APW as destination Airport Get more information about Faleolo International Airport