About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Bolzano Airport (BZO), Bolzano, Italy and Cheddi Jagan International Airport (GEO), Georgetown, Guyana would travel a Great Circle distance of 4,925 miles (or 7,927 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Bolzano Airport and Cheddi Jagan International Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Bolzano Airport and Cheddi Jagan International Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Bolzano Airport
  2. Aeroporto di Bolzano
Location: Bolzano, Italy
GPS Coordinates: 46°27'37"N by 11°19'35"E
Area Served: Bolzano, Italy
Operator/Owner: ABD Airport AG/S.p.A.
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 787 feet (240 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from BZO
More Information: BZO Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Cheddi Jagan International Airport
Location: Georgetown, Guyana
GPS Coordinates: 6°29'53"N by 58°15'14"W
Area Served: Georgetown, Guyana
Operator/Owner: Government of Guyana
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 95 feet (29 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from GEO
More Information: GEO Maps & Info

Facts about Bolzano Airport (BZO):

  • In addition to being known as "Bolzano Airport", another name for BZO is "Aeroporto di Bolzano".
  • The furthest airport from Bolzano Airport (BZO) is Chatham Islands (CHT), which is nearly antipodal to Bolzano Airport (meaning Bolzano Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Chatham Islands), and is located 12,016 miles (19,337 kilometers) away in Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New Zealand.
  • Because of Bolzano Airport's relatively low elevation of 787 feet, planes can take off or land at Bolzano Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Bolzano Airport handled 12,905 passengers last year.
  • Bolzano Airport (BZO) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Bolzano Airport (BZO) is Cortina Airport (CDF), which is located 38 miles (62 kilometers) ENE of BZO.
  • http://www.bolzanoairport.it/voli-di-linea.htm

Facts about Cheddi Jagan International Airport (GEO):

  • The terminal has six ground level gates.
  • The furthest airport from Cheddi Jagan International Airport (GEO) is Betoambari Airport (BUW), which is nearly antipodal to Cheddi Jagan International Airport (meaning Cheddi Jagan International Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Betoambari Airport), and is located 12,347 miles (19,870 kilometers) away in Bau-Bau, Buton, Indonesia.
  • Cheddi Jagan International Airport (GEO) has 2 runways.
  • The airport sits at an elevation of 95 feet above mean sea level.
  • On 30 July 2011, Caribbean Airlines Flight 523 overran the runway in rainy weather while landing at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport in Guyana and went through a chain-link perimeter fence.
  • Because of Cheddi Jagan International Airport's relatively low elevation of 95 feet, planes can take off or land at Cheddi Jagan International Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Cheddi Jagan International Airport (GEO) is Ogle Airport (OGL), which is located 24 miles (38 kilometers) NNE of GEO.
  • At the end of the war, Atkinson Field was reduced in scope to a skeleton staff.

Map of Nearest Airports to Bolzano Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Bolzano Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
138.42 miles (61.83 km) ENECortina Airport (CDF)Cortina d'Ampezzo, ItalyView Cortina Airport on a map Set CDF as origin Airport Set CDF as destination Airport Get more information about Cortina Airport
248.44 miles (77.95 km) ESEBelluno Airport (BLX)Belluno, ItalyView Belluno Airport on a map Set BLX as origin Airport Set BLX as destination Airport Get more information about Belluno Airport
355.28 miles (88.97 km) NInnsbruck Airport (INN)Innsbruck, AustriaView Innsbruck Airport on a map Set INN as origin Airport Set INN as destination Airport Get more information about Innsbruck Airport
462.05 miles (99.87 km) SVicenza “Tommaso Dal Molin” Airport (VIC)Vicenza, ItalyView Vicenza “Tommaso Dal Molin” Airport on a map Set VIC as origin Airport Set VIC as destination Airport Get more information about Vicenza “Tommaso Dal Molin” Airport
567.56 miles (108.72 km) ESEAviano Air Base (AVB)Aviano, Pordenone, ItalyView Aviano Air Base on a map Set AVB as origin Airport Set AVB as destination Airport Get more information about Aviano Air Base
668.80 miles (110.72 km) WSamedan Airport (SMV)St. Moritz / Samedan, SwitzerlandView Samedan Airport on a map Set SMV as origin Airport Set SMV as destination Airport Get more information about Samedan Airport
769.81 miles (112.35 km) SETreviso-Sant'Angelo Airport (TSF)Treviso, ItalyView Treviso-Sant'Angelo Airport on a map Set TSF as origin Airport Set TSF as destination Airport Get more information about Treviso-Sant'Angelo Airport
876.47 miles (123.06 km) SSWVerona Airport (VRN)Verona, ItalyView Verona Airport on a map Set VRN as origin Airport Set VRN as destination Airport Get more information about Verona Airport
977.70 miles (125.05 km) SSEPadua “Gino Allegri” Airport (QPA)Padua, ItalyView Padua “Gino Allegri” Airport on a map Set QPA as origin Airport Set QPA as destination Airport Get more information about Padua “Gino Allegri” Airport
1082.33 miles (132.49 km) SEVenice Marco Polo Airport (VCE)Venice, ItalyView Venice Marco Polo Airport on a map Set VCE as origin Airport Set VCE as destination Airport Get more information about Venice Marco Polo Airport
1185.83 miles (138.12 km) SWBrescia Airport Gabriele D'Annunzio (VBS)Brescia, ItalyView Brescia Airport Gabriele D'Annunzio on a map Set VBS as origin Airport Set VBS as destination Airport Get more information about Brescia Airport Gabriele D'Annunzio
1295.22 miles (153.24 km) SWIl Caravaggio International Airport (BGY)Bergamo (near Milan), ItalyView Il Caravaggio International Airport on a map Set BGY as origin Airport Set BGY as destination Airport Get more information about Il Caravaggio International Airport
1399.85 miles (160.69 km) NWHohenems-Dornbirn Airport (HOH)Hohenems, AustriaView Hohenems-Dornbirn Airport on a map Set HOH as origin Airport Set HOH as destination Airport Get more information about Hohenems-Dornbirn Airport
14109.29 miles (175.88 km) NWSt. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport (ACH)Altenrhein, SwitzerlandView St. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport on a map Set ACH as origin Airport Set ACH as destination Airport Get more information about St. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport
15111.64 miles (179.66 km) ESETrieste – Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport (TRS)Trieste, ItalyView Trieste – Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport on a map Set TRS as origin Airport Set TRS as destination Airport Get more information about Trieste – Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Bolzano Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Bolzano Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,015.79 miles (19,337.49 km) ESEChatham Islands (CHT)Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New ZealandView Chatham Islands on a map Set CHT as origin Airport Set CHT as destination Airport Get more information about Chatham Islands
211,571.83 miles (18,623.00 km) ESEGisborne Airport (GIS)Gisborne, New ZealandView Gisborne Airport on a map Set GIS as origin Airport Set GIS as destination Airport Get more information about Gisborne Airport
311,568.36 miles (18,617.42 km) ESEHood Aerodrome (MRO)Masterton, New ZealandView Hood Aerodrome on a map Set MRO as origin Airport Set MRO as destination Airport Get more information about Hood Aerodrome
411,562.84 miles (18,608.54 km) ESEHawke's Bay Airport (NPE)Napier, New ZealandView Hawke's Bay Airport on a map Set NPE as origin Airport Set NPE as destination Airport Get more information about Hawke's Bay Airport
511,543.45 miles (18,577.34 km) ESEPalmerston North Airport (PMR)Palmerston North, New ZealandView Palmerston North Airport on a map Set PMR as origin Airport Set PMR as destination Airport Get more information about Palmerston North Airport
611,543.22 miles (18,576.97 km) ESEWellington International Airport (WLG)Wellington, New ZealandView Wellington International Airport on a map Set WLG as origin Airport Set WLG as destination Airport Get more information about Wellington International Airport
711,537.02 miles (18,566.98 km) ESEKapiti Coast Airport (PPQ)Paraparaumu Beach, New ZealandView Kapiti Coast Airport on a map Set PPQ as origin Airport Set PPQ as destination Airport Get more information about Kapiti Coast Airport
811,521.40 miles (18,541.86 km) ESEKaikoura Aerodrome (KBZ)Kaikoura, New ZealandView Kaikoura Aerodrome on a map Set KBZ as origin Airport Set KBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikoura Aerodrome
911,506.75 miles (18,518.27 km) ESEWoodbourne Airport (BHE)Blenheim, New ZealandView Woodbourne Airport on a map Set BHE as origin Airport Set BHE as destination Airport Get more information about Woodbourne Airport
1011,503.71 miles (18,513.38 km) ESEWanganui Airport (WAG)Wanganui, New ZealandView Wanganui Airport on a map Set WAG as origin Airport Set WAG as destination Airport Get more information about Wanganui Airport
1111,498.37 miles (18,504.79 km) ESETaupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō (TUO)Taupo, New ZealandView Taupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō on a map Set TUO as origin Airport Set TUO as destination Airport Get more information about Taupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō
1211,497.95 miles (18,504.10 km) EChristchurch International Airport (CHC)Christchurch, New ZealandView Christchurch International Airport on a map Set CHC as origin Airport Set CHC as destination Airport Get more information about Christchurch International Airport
1311,494.62 miles (18,498.76 km) ESEWhakatane Airport (WHK)Whakatane, New ZealandView Whakatane Airport on a map Set WHK as origin Airport Set WHK as destination Airport Get more information about Whakatane Airport
1411,479.52 miles (18,474.45 km) ESERotorua International Airport (ROT)Rotorua, New ZealandView Rotorua International Airport on a map Set ROT as origin Airport Set ROT as destination Airport Get more information about Rotorua International Airport
1511,472.01 miles (18,462.37 km) EAshburton Aerodrome (ASG)Ashburton, New ZealandView Ashburton Aerodrome on a map Set ASG as origin Airport Set ASG as destination Airport Get more information about Ashburton Aerodrome

Map of Nearest Airports to Cheddi Jagan International Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Cheddi Jagan International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
123.64 miles (38.04 km) NNEOgle Airport (OGL)Georgetown, GuyanaView Ogle Airport on a map Set OGL as destination Airport Set OGL as destination Airport Get more information about Ogle Airport
291.46 miles (147.19 km) ESEMajoor Henry Fernandes Airport (ICK)Nieuw-Nickerie, SurinameView Majoor Henry Fernandes Airport on a map Set ICK as destination Airport Set ICK as destination Airport Get more information about Majoor Henry Fernandes Airport
3113.79 miles (183.13 km) SEWashabo Airstrip (WSO)Washabo, SurinameView Washabo Airstrip on a map Set WSO as destination Airport Set WSO as destination Airport Get more information about Washabo Airstrip
4122.27 miles (196.77 km) ESEWageningen Airstrip (AGI)Wageningen, SurinameView Wageningen Airstrip on a map Set AGI as destination Airport Set AGI as destination Airport Get more information about Wageningen Airstrip
5139.36 miles (224.27 km) ESETotness Airstrip (TOT)Totness, Coronie, SurinameView Totness Airstrip on a map Set TOT as destination Airport Set TOT as destination Airport Get more information about Totness Airstrip
6215.75 miles (347.22 km) ESEZorg en Hoop Airport (ORG)Paramaribo, SurinameView Zorg en Hoop Airport on a map Set ORG as destination Airport Set ORG as destination Airport Get more information about Zorg en Hoop Airport
7222.73 miles (358.45 km) ESEJohan Adolf Pengel International Airport (PBM)Zanderij (near Paramaribo), SurinameView Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport on a map Set PBM as destination Airport Set PBM as destination Airport Get more information about Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport
8231.29 miles (372.23 km) WEl Dorado Airport (EOR)El Dorado, VenezuelaView El Dorado Airport on a map Set EOR as destination Airport Set EOR as destination Airport Get more information about El Dorado Airport
9240.44 miles (386.95 km) SSWLethem Airport (LTM)Lethem, GuyanaView Lethem Airport on a map Set LTM as destination Airport Set LTM as destination Airport Get more information about Lethem Airport
10244.62 miles (393.68 km) SELaduani Airstrip (LDO)Ladouanie, SurinameView Laduani Airstrip on a map Set LDO as destination Airport Set LDO as destination Airport Get more information about Laduani Airstrip
11249.09 miles (400.87 km) SEBotopasi Airstrip (BTO)Botopasi, SurinameView Botopasi Airstrip on a map Set BTO as destination Airport Set BTO as destination Airport Get more information about Botopasi Airstrip
12256.98 miles (413.56 km) SEDjoemoe Airstrip (DOE)Djumu (Djoemoe), SurinameView Djoemoe Airstrip on a map Set DOE as destination Airport Set DOE as destination Airport Get more information about Djoemoe Airstrip
13257.23 miles (413.97 km) SECayana Airstrip (AAJ)Awaradam, SurinameView Cayana Airstrip on a map Set AAJ as destination Airport Set AAJ as destination Airport Get more information about Cayana Airstrip
14289.86 miles (466.48 km) SETepoe Airstrip (KCB)Kasikasima, SurinameView Tepoe Airstrip on a map Set KCB as destination Airport Set KCB as destination Airport Get more information about Tepoe Airstrip
15291.38 miles (468.93 km) SEVincent Fayks Airport (OEM)Paloemeu, SurinameView Vincent Fayks Airport on a map Set OEM as destination Airport Set OEM as destination Airport Get more information about Vincent Fayks Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Cheddi Jagan International Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Cheddi Jagan International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,346.98 miles (19,870.49 km) SWBetoambari Airport (BUW)Bau-Bau, Buton, IndonesiaView Betoambari Airport on a map Set BUW as destination Airport Set BUW as destination Airport Get more information about Betoambari Airport
212,285.02 miles (19,770.77 km) SSWWonopito Airport (LWE)Lewoleba, IndonesiaView Wonopito Airport on a map Set LWE as destination Airport Set LWE as destination Airport Get more information about Wonopito Airport
312,285.00 miles (19,770.74 km) SSWFrans Seda Airport (MOF)Maumere, IndonesiaView Frans Seda Airport on a map Set MOF as destination Airport Set MOF as destination Airport Get more information about Frans Seda Airport
412,276.81 miles (19,757.56 km) SSEBajawa Soa Airport (BJW)Bajawa, IndonesiaView Bajawa Soa Airport on a map Set BJW as destination Airport Set BJW as destination Airport Get more information about Bajawa Soa Airport
512,274.27 miles (19,753.47 km) SH. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport (ENE)Ende, Flores, IndonesiaView H. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport on a map Set ENE as destination Airport Set ENE as destination Airport Get more information about H. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport
612,263.54 miles (19,736.20 km) SSWHaluoleo Airport (WMA) (KDI)Kendari, IndonesiaView Haluoleo Airport (WMA) on a map Set KDI as destination Airport Set KDI as destination Airport Get more information about Haluoleo Airport (WMA)
712,256.37 miles (19,724.66 km) ESESultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) (UPG)Makassar, IndonesiaView Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) on a map Set UPG as destination Airport Set UPG as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM)
812,249.57 miles (19,713.73 km) SEKomodo Airport (LBJ)Labuan Bajo, Flores Island, IndonesiaView Komodo Airport on a map Set LBJ as destination Airport Set LBJ as destination Airport Get more information about Komodo Airport
912,211.15 miles (19,651.89 km) WSWAlor Island Airport (ARD)Alor Island, IndonesiaView Alor Island Airport on a map Set ARD as destination Airport Set ARD as destination Airport Get more information about Alor Island Airport
1012,196.48 miles (19,628.28 km) SSEUmbu Mehang Kunda Airport (WGP)Waingapu, Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaView Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport on a map Set WGP as destination Airport Set WGP as destination Airport Get more information about Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport
1112,184.23 miles (19,608.56 km) SESultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport (BMU)Bima, IndonesiaView Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport on a map Set BMU as destination Airport Set BMU as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport
1212,165.10 miles (19,577.79 km) STardamu Airport (SAU)Savu Island, East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaView Tardamu Airport on a map Set SAU as destination Airport Set SAU as destination Airport Get more information about Tardamu Airport
1312,161.39 miles (19,571.82 km) SSoroako Airport (SQR)Soroako, IndonesiaView Soroako Airport on a map Set SQR as destination Airport Set SQR as destination Airport Get more information about Soroako Airport
1412,150.93 miles (19,554.98 km) SSWEl Tari Airport (KOE)Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaView El Tari Airport on a map Set KOE as destination Airport Set KOE as destination Airport Get more information about El Tari Airport
1512,147.73 miles (19,549.83 km) SSEAndi Jemma Airport (MXB)Masamba, IndonesiaView Andi Jemma Airport on a map Set MXB as destination Airport Set MXB as destination Airport Get more information about Andi Jemma Airport