About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Caransebeș Airport (CSB), Caransebeş, Romania and Kilwa Masoko Airport (KIY), Kilwa Masoko, Tanzania would travel a Great Circle distance of 3,904 miles (or 6,283 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Caransebeș Airport and Kilwa Masoko Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Caransebeș Airport and Kilwa Masoko Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Caransebeș Airport
  2. Aeroportul Caransebeș
Location: Caransebeş, Romania
GPS Coordinates: 45°25'13"N by 22°15'7"E
Airport Type: Private
Elevation: 864 feet (263 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from CSB
More Information: CSB Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Kilwa Masoko Airport
  2. Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kilwa Masoko  (Swahili)
Location: Kilwa Masoko, Tanzania
GPS Coordinates: 8°54'39"S by 39°30'30"E
Operator/Owner: Government of Tanzania
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 59 feet (18 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from KIY
More Information: KIY Maps & Info

Facts about Caransebeș Airport (CSB):

  • Caransebeș Airport (CSB) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Caransebeș Airport (CSB) is Timișoara Traian Vuia International Airport (TSR), which is located 52 miles (83 kilometers) WNW of CSB.
  • Because of Caransebeș Airport's relatively low elevation of 864 feet, planes can take off or land at Caransebeș Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The furthest airport from Caransebeș Airport (CSB) is Chatham Islands (CHT), which is located 11,512 miles (18,527 kilometers) away in Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New Zealand.
  • In addition to being known as "Caransebeș Airport", another name for CSB is "Aeroportul Caransebeș".

Facts about Kilwa Masoko Airport (KIY):

  • The furthest airport from Kilwa Masoko Airport (KIY) is Hilo International Airport (ITO), which is located 11,210 miles (18,041 kilometers) away in Hilo, Hawaii, United States.
  • The closest airport to Kilwa Masoko Airport (KIY) is Lindi / Kikwetu Airport (LDI), which is located 67 miles (108 kilometers) SSE of KIY.
  • Because of Kilwa Masoko Airport's relatively low elevation of 59 feet, planes can take off or land at Kilwa Masoko Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Kilwa Masoko Airport (KIY) currently has only 1 runway.
  • In addition to being known as "Kilwa Masoko Airport", another name for KIY is "Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kilwa Masoko  (Swahili)".

Map of Nearest Airports to Caransebeș Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Caransebeș Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
151.74 miles (83.27 km) WNWTimișoara Traian Vuia International Airport (TSR)Timişoara, RomaniaView Timișoara Traian Vuia International Airport on a map Set TSR as origin Airport Set TSR as destination Airport Get more information about Timișoara Traian Vuia International Airport
270.76 miles (113.87 km) NWArad International Airport (ARW)Arad, RomaniaView Arad International Airport on a map Set ARW as origin Airport Set ARW as destination Airport Get more information about Arad International Airport
392.15 miles (148.30 km) ENESibiu International Airport (SBZ)Sibiu, RomaniaView Sibiu International Airport on a map Set SBZ as origin Airport Set SBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Sibiu International Airport
4102.77 miles (165.38 km) WSWBatajnica Airbase (BJY)Batajnica, SerbiaView Batajnica Airbase on a map Set BJY as origin Airport Set BJY as destination Airport Get more information about Batajnica Airbase
5103.52 miles (166.61 km) WSWBelgrade Nikola Tesla Airport (BEG)Belgrade, SerbiaView Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport on a map Set BEG as origin Airport Set BEG as destination Airport Get more information about Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport
6110.54 miles (177.90 km) SECraiova International Airport (CRA)Craiova, RomaniaView Craiova International Airport on a map Set CRA as origin Airport Set CRA as destination Airport Get more information about Craiova International Airport
7112.15 miles (180.48 km) NOradea Airport (OMR)Oradea, RomaniaView Oradea Airport on a map Set OMR as origin Airport Set OMR as destination Airport Get more information about Oradea Airport
8116.66 miles (187.74 km) NECluj Avram Iancu International Airport (CLJ)Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaView Cluj Avram Iancu International Airport on a map Set CLJ as origin Airport Set CLJ as destination Airport Get more information about Cluj Avram Iancu International Airport
9117.34 miles (188.83 km) WNovi Sad Čenej Airport (QND)Novi Sad, SerbiaView Novi Sad Čenej Airport on a map Set QND as origin Airport Set QND as destination Airport Get more information about Novi Sad Čenej Airport
10126.53 miles (203.62 km) NETârgu Mureș International Airport (TGM)Târgu-Mureş, RomaniaView Târgu Mureș International Airport on a map Set TGM as origin Airport Set TGM as destination Airport Get more information about Târgu Mureș International Airport
11145.26 miles (233.78 km) SNiš Constantine the Great International Airport (INI)Niš, SerbiaView Niš Constantine the Great International Airport on a map Set INI as origin Airport Set INI as destination Airport Get more information about Niš Constantine the Great International Airport
12146.11 miles (235.13 km) NNWDebrecen International Airport (DEB)Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar, HungaryView Debrecen International Airport on a map Set DEB as origin Airport Set DEB as destination Airport Get more information about Debrecen International Airport
13160.59 miles (258.44 km) NSatu Mare Airport (SUJ)Satu Mare, RomaniaView Satu Mare Airport on a map Set SUJ as origin Airport Set SUJ as destination Airport Get more information about Satu Mare Airport
14163.73 miles (263.49 km) SWUžice-Ponikve Airport (UZC)Užice, SerbiaView Užice-Ponikve Airport on a map Set UZC as origin Airport Set UZC as destination Airport Get more information about Užice-Ponikve Airport
15165.04 miles (265.61 km) NNEBaia Mare Airport (BAY)Baia Mare, RomaniaView Baia Mare Airport on a map Set BAY as origin Airport Set BAY as destination Airport Get more information about Baia Mare Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Caransebeș Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Caransebeș Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,512.03 miles (18,526.77 km) EChatham Islands (CHT)Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New ZealandView Chatham Islands on a map Set CHT as origin Airport Set CHT as destination Airport Get more information about Chatham Islands
211,112.90 miles (17,884.44 km) ESEGisborne Airport (GIS)Gisborne, New ZealandView Gisborne Airport on a map Set GIS as origin Airport Set GIS as destination Airport Get more information about Gisborne Airport
311,085.56 miles (17,840.43 km) EHawke's Bay Airport (NPE)Napier, New ZealandView Hawke's Bay Airport on a map Set NPE as origin Airport Set NPE as destination Airport Get more information about Hawke's Bay Airport
411,068.07 miles (17,812.29 km) EHood Aerodrome (MRO)Masterton, New ZealandView Hood Aerodrome on a map Set MRO as origin Airport Set MRO as destination Airport Get more information about Hood Aerodrome
511,049.82 miles (17,782.91 km) EPalmerston North Airport (PMR)Palmerston North, New ZealandView Palmerston North Airport on a map Set PMR as origin Airport Set PMR as destination Airport Get more information about Palmerston North Airport
611,037.51 miles (17,763.11 km) ESEWhakatane Airport (WHK)Whakatane, New ZealandView Whakatane Airport on a map Set WHK as origin Airport Set WHK as destination Airport Get more information about Whakatane Airport
711,036.83 miles (17,762.01 km) EWellington International Airport (WLG)Wellington, New ZealandView Wellington International Airport on a map Set WLG as origin Airport Set WLG as destination Airport Get more information about Wellington International Airport
811,035.07 miles (17,759.18 km) EKapiti Coast Airport (PPQ)Paraparaumu Beach, New ZealandView Kapiti Coast Airport on a map Set PPQ as origin Airport Set PPQ as destination Airport Get more information about Kapiti Coast Airport
911,025.19 miles (17,743.29 km) ETaupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō (TUO)Taupo, New ZealandView Taupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō on a map Set TUO as origin Airport Set TUO as destination Airport Get more information about Taupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō
1011,015.62 miles (17,727.88 km) ESERotorua International Airport (ROT)Rotorua, New ZealandView Rotorua International Airport on a map Set ROT as origin Airport Set ROT as destination Airport Get more information about Rotorua International Airport
1111,011.21 miles (17,720.78 km) EWanganui Airport (WAG)Wanganui, New ZealandView Wanganui Airport on a map Set WAG as origin Airport Set WAG as destination Airport Get more information about Wanganui Airport
1211,003.82 miles (17,708.88 km) EKaikoura Aerodrome (KBZ)Kaikoura, New ZealandView Kaikoura Aerodrome on a map Set KBZ as origin Airport Set KBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikoura Aerodrome
1310,996.15 miles (17,696.55 km) EWoodbourne Airport (BHE)Blenheim, New ZealandView Woodbourne Airport on a map Set BHE as origin Airport Set BHE as destination Airport Get more information about Woodbourne Airport
1410,995.06 miles (17,694.80 km) ESETauranga Airport (TRG)Tauranga, New ZealandView Tauranga Airport on a map Set TRG as origin Airport Set TRG as destination Airport Get more information about Tauranga Airport
1510,975.50 miles (17,663.31 km) ESEMatamata Airport (MTA)Matamata, New ZealandView Matamata Airport on a map Set MTA as origin Airport Set MTA as destination Airport Get more information about Matamata Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Kilwa Masoko Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Kilwa Masoko Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
167.07 miles (107.94 km) SSELindi / Kikwetu Airport (LDI)Lindi, TanzaniaView Lindi / Kikwetu Airport on a map Set LDI as destination Airport Set LDI as destination Airport Get more information about Lindi / Kikwetu Airport
2108.62 miles (174.80 km) SSEMtwara Airport (MYW)Mtwara, TanzaniaView Mtwara Airport on a map Set MYW as destination Airport Set MYW as destination Airport Get more information about Mtwara Airport
3135.86 miles (218.64 km) SSWMasasi Airport (XMI)Masasi, TanzaniaView Masasi Airport on a map Set XMI as destination Airport Set XMI as destination Airport Get more information about Masasi Airport
4142.02 miles (228.56 km) NJulius Nyerere International Airport (DAR)Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaView Julius Nyerere International Airport on a map Set DAR as destination Airport Set DAR as destination Airport Get more information about Julius Nyerere International Airport
5178.64 miles (287.50 km) SSEMocímboa da Praia Airport (MZB)Mocimboa da Praia, MozambiqueView Mocímboa da Praia Airport on a map Set MZB as destination Airport Set MZB as destination Airport Get more information about Mocímboa da Praia Airport
6186.81 miles (300.63 km) NAbeid Amani Karume International Airport (ZNZ)Zanzibar, TanzaniaView Abeid Amani Karume International Airport on a map Set ZNZ as destination Airport Set ZNZ as destination Airport Get more information about Abeid Amani Karume International Airport
7190.85 miles (307.14 km) SMueda Airport (MUD)Mueda, MozambiqueView Mueda Airport on a map Set MUD as destination Airport Set MUD as destination Airport Get more information about Mueda Airport
8270.79 miles (435.80 km) WNWIringa / Nduli Airport (IRI)Iringa, TanzaniaView Iringa / Nduli Airport on a map Set IRI as destination Airport Set IRI as destination Airport Get more information about Iringa / Nduli Airport
9289.87 miles (466.50 km) SSEPemba Airport (POL)Pemba/Porto Amelia, MozambiqueView Pemba Airport on a map Set POL as destination Airport Set POL as destination Airport Get more information about Pemba Airport
10313.62 miles (504.72 km) SEPrince Said Ibrahim International Airport (HAH)Moroni, ComorosView Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport on a map Set HAH as destination Airport Set HAH as destination Airport Get more information about Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport
11319.18 miles (513.66 km) SEIconi Airport (YVA)Moroni, ComorosView Iconi Airport on a map Set YVA as destination Airport Set YVA as destination Airport Get more information about Iconi Airport
12322.48 miles (518.98 km) NWMsalato International Airport– Proposed airport – (DOD)Dodoma, TanzaniaView Msalato International Airport– Proposed airport – on a map Set DOD as destination Airport Set DOD as destination Airport Get more information about Msalato International Airport– Proposed airport –
13336.61 miles (541.72 km) NMoi International Airport (MBA)Mombasa, KenyaView Moi International Airport on a map Set MBA as destination Airport Set MBA as destination Airport Get more information about Moi International Airport
14341.05 miles (548.86 km) NBamburi Airport (BMQ)Bamburi, KenyaView Bamburi Airport on a map Set BMQ as destination Airport Set BMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Bamburi Airport
15389.48 miles (626.80 km) WKaronga Airport (KGJ)Karonga, MalawiView Karonga Airport on a map Set KGJ as destination Airport Set KGJ as destination Airport Get more information about Karonga Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Kilwa Masoko Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Kilwa Masoko Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,210.49 miles (18,041.48 km) NEHilo International Airport (ITO)Hilo, Hawaii, United StatesView Hilo International Airport on a map Set ITO as destination Airport Set ITO as destination Airport Get more information about Hilo International Airport
211,183.13 miles (17,997.46 km) ENECassidy International Airport (CXI)Christmas Island, KiribatiView Cassidy International Airport on a map Set CXI as destination Airport Set CXI as destination Airport Get more information about Cassidy International Airport
311,170.11 miles (17,976.51 km) NEPōhakuloa Training Area (BSF)Camp Pohakuloa, Hawaii, United StatesView Pōhakuloa Training Area on a map Set BSF as destination Airport Set BSF as destination Airport Get more information about Pōhakuloa Training Area
411,166.38 miles (17,970.50 km) NEWaimea-Kohala Airport (MUE)Kamuela, Hawaii, United StatesView Waimea-Kohala Airport on a map Set MUE as destination Airport Set MUE as destination Airport Get more information about Waimea-Kohala Airport
511,156.30 miles (17,954.28 km) NEKona International Airport at Keāhole (KOA)Kailua / Kona, Hawaii, United StatesView Kona International Airport at Keāhole on a map Set KOA as destination Airport Set KOA as destination Airport Get more information about Kona International Airport at Keāhole
611,145.72 miles (17,937.24 km) NEUpolu Airport (UPP)Hawi, Hawaii, United StatesView Upolu Airport on a map Set UPP as destination Airport Set UPP as destination Airport Get more information about Upolu Airport
711,142.15 miles (17,931.52 km) SAtuona Airport (AUQ)Atuona, Marquesas Islands, French PolynesiaView Atuona Airport on a map Set AUQ as destination Airport Set AUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Atuona Airport
811,116.23 miles (17,889.80 km) NEHana Airport (HNM)Hana, Hawaii, United StatesView Hana Airport on a map Set HNM as destination Airport Set HNM as destination Airport Get more information about Hana Airport
911,090.29 miles (17,848.04 km) NEKahului Airport (OGG)Kahului, Hawaii, United StatesView Kahului Airport on a map Set OGG as destination Airport Set OGG as destination Airport Get more information about Kahului Airport
1011,074.95 miles (17,823.36 km) NEKapalua Airport (JHM)Lahaina, Hawaii, United StatesView Kapalua Airport on a map Set JHM as destination Airport Set JHM as destination Airport Get more information about Kapalua Airport
1111,067.20 miles (17,810.89 km) NELanai Airport (LNY)Lanai City, Hawaii, United StatesView Lanai Airport on a map Set LNY as destination Airport Set LNY as destination Airport Get more information about Lanai Airport
1211,049.24 miles (17,781.98 km) NEKalaupapa Airport (LUP)Kalaupapa, Hawaii, United StatesView Kalaupapa Airport on a map Set LUP as destination Airport Set LUP as destination Airport Get more information about Kalaupapa Airport
1311,045.08 miles (17,775.29 km) NEMolokai Airport (MKK)Kaunakakai, Hawaii, United StatesView Molokai Airport on a map Set MKK as destination Airport Set MKK as destination Airport Get more information about Molokai Airport
1410,994.70 miles (17,694.22 km) NEHonolulu International Airport (HNL)Honolulu, Hawaii, United StatesView Honolulu International Airport on a map Set HNL as destination Airport Set HNL as destination Airport Get more information about Honolulu International Airport
1510,994.70 miles (17,694.22 km) NEHickam Field (HIK)Honolulu, Hawaii, United StatesView Hickam Field on a map Set HIK as destination Airport Set HIK as destination Airport Get more information about Hickam Field