About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Siwo Airport (EAE), Sangafa, Emae, Shéfa, Vanuatu and Nicaro Airport (ICR), Nicaro, Cuba would travel a Great Circle distance of 8,280 miles (or 13,326 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Siwo Airport and Nicaro Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Siwo Airport and Nicaro Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Siwo Airport
Location: Sangafa, Emae, Shéfa, Vanuatu
GPS Coordinates: 17°5'25"S by 168°20'34"E
Area Served: Sangafa, Emae, Vanuatu
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 7 feet (2 meters)
View all routes: Routes from EAE
More Information: EAE Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Nicaro Airport
Location: Nicaro, Cuba
GPS Coordinates: 20°41'18"N by 75°31'53"W
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 26 feet (8 meters)
View all routes: Routes from ICR
More Information: ICR Maps & Info

Facts about Siwo Airport (EAE):

  • The furthest airport from Siwo Airport (EAE) is Kiffa Airport (KFA), which is nearly antipodal to Siwo Airport (meaning Siwo Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Kiffa Airport), and is located 12,398 miles (19,953 kilometers) away in Kiffa, Mauritania.
  • The closest airport to Siwo Airport (EAE) is Tongoa Airport (TGH), which is located only 19 miles (31 kilometers) NE of EAE.
  • Because of Siwo Airport's relatively low elevation of 7 feet, planes can take off or land at Siwo Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Facts about Nicaro Airport (ICR):

  • The closest airport to Nicaro Airport (ICR) is Preston Airport (PST), which is located only 9 miles (14 kilometers) WNW of ICR.
  • Because of Nicaro Airport's relatively low elevation of 26 feet, planes can take off or land at Nicaro Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The airfield was once used by the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, but no military aircraft or buildings exists on the site.
  • The furthest airport from Nicaro Airport (ICR) is RAAF Learmonth (LEA), which is located 11,809 miles (19,005 kilometers) away in Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia.

Map of Nearest Airports to Siwo Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Siwo Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
119.46 miles (31.33 km) NETongoa Airport (TGH)Tongoa, Shefa Province, VanuatuView Tongoa Airport on a map Set TGH as origin Airport Set TGH as destination Airport Get more information about Tongoa Airport
237.02 miles (59.57 km) NNWLamen Bay Airport (LNB)Lamen Bay, Epi Island, Shéfa Province, VanuatuView Lamen Bay Airport on a map Set LNB as origin Airport Set LNB as destination Airport Get more information about Lamen Bay Airport
342.10 miles (67.75 km) SBauerfield International Airport (VLI)Port Vila, VanuatuView Bauerfield International Airport on a map Set VLI as origin Airport Set VLI as destination Airport Get more information about Bauerfield International Airport
456.28 miles (90.57 km) NWMalekoula Airport (LPM)Lamap, Malampa, VanuatuView Malekoula Airport on a map Set LPM as origin Airport Set LPM as destination Airport Get more information about Malekoula Airport
563.39 miles (102.01 km) NNWCraig Cove Airport (CCV)Craig Cove, Ambrym Island, Malampa, VanuatuView Craig Cove Airport on a map Set CCV as origin Airport Set CCV as destination Airport Get more information about Craig Cove Airport
685.37 miles (137.40 km) NLonorore Airport (LNE)Lonorore, Pentecost Island, Pénama Province, VanuatuView Lonorore Airport on a map Set LNE as origin Airport Set LNE as destination Airport Get more information about Lonorore Airport
793.64 miles (150.69 km) NWNorsup Airport (NUS)Norsup, Malakula island, VanuatuView Norsup Airport on a map Set NUS as origin Airport Set NUS as destination Airport Get more information about Norsup Airport
8112.60 miles (181.22 km) NSara Airport (SSR)Sara, VanuatuView Sara Airport on a map Set SSR as origin Airport Set SSR as destination Airport Get more information about Sara Airport
9123.83 miles (199.29 km) SSEDillon's Bay Airport (DLY)Dillon's Bay, Erromango, Taféa, VanuatuView Dillon's Bay Airport on a map Set DLY as origin Airport Set DLY as destination Airport Get more information about Dillon's Bay Airport
10125.73 miles (202.34 km) NNWLongana Airport (LOD)Longana, Ambae Island, Pénama Province, VanuatuView Longana Airport on a map Set LOD as origin Airport Set LOD as destination Airport Get more information about Longana Airport
11132.34 miles (212.99 km) NWSanto-Pekoa International Airport (SON)Luganville, VanuatuView Santo-Pekoa International Airport on a map Set SON as origin Airport Set SON as destination Airport Get more information about Santo-Pekoa International Airport
12136.79 miles (220.14 km) SSEIpota Airport (IPA)Ipota, Erromango, VanuatuView Ipota Airport on a map Set IPA as origin Airport Set IPA as destination Airport Get more information about Ipota Airport
13145.66 miles (234.41 km) NMaewo-Naone Airport (MWF)Maewo, VanuatuView Maewo-Naone Airport on a map Set MWF as origin Airport Set MWF as destination Airport Get more information about Maewo-Naone Airport
14169.60 miles (272.95 km) SSEAniwa Airport (AWD)Aniwa Island, Taféa, VanuatuView Aniwa Airport on a map Set AWD as origin Airport Set AWD as destination Airport Get more information about Aniwa Airport
15204.72 miles (329.46 km) NNWGaua Airport (ZGU)Gaua, Torba, VanuatuView Gaua Airport on a map Set ZGU as origin Airport Set ZGU as destination Airport Get more information about Gaua Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Siwo Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Siwo Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,398.43 miles (19,953.29 km) NNWKiffa Airport (KFA)Kiffa, MauritaniaView Kiffa Airport on a map Set KFA as origin Airport Set KFA as destination Airport Get more information about Kiffa Airport
212,380.46 miles (19,924.37 km) WTamchakett Airport (THT)Tamchakett, MauritaniaView Tamchakett Airport on a map Set THT as origin Airport Set THT as destination Airport Get more information about Tamchakett Airport
312,364.93 miles (19,899.38 km) NELetfotar Airport (MOM)Moudjeria, MauritaniaView Letfotar Airport on a map Set MOM as origin Airport Set MOM as destination Airport Get more information about Letfotar Airport
412,333.41 miles (19,848.65 km) NTidjikja Airport (TIY)Tidjikja, MauritaniaView Tidjikja Airport on a map Set TIY as origin Airport Set TIY as destination Airport Get more information about Tidjikja Airport
512,300.75 miles (19,796.09 km) WAioun el Atrouss Airport (AEO)Aioun El Atrouss, MauritaniaView Aioun el Atrouss Airport on a map Set AEO as origin Airport Set AEO as destination Airport Get more information about Aioun el Atrouss Airport
612,299.82 miles (19,794.59 km) NNESélibaby Airport (SEY)Sélibaby, MauritaniaView Sélibaby Airport on a map Set SEY as origin Airport Set SEY as destination Airport Get more information about Sélibaby Airport
712,298.45 miles (19,792.38 km) ENEKaédi Airport (KED)Kaédi, MauritaniaView Kaédi Airport on a map Set KED as origin Airport Set KED as destination Airport Get more information about Kaédi Airport
812,285.51 miles (19,771.57 km) NEOuro Sogui Airport (MAX)Matam, SenegalView Ouro Sogui Airport on a map Set MAX as origin Airport Set MAX as destination Airport Get more information about Ouro Sogui Airport
912,283.42 miles (19,768.20 km) NNWYélimané Airport (EYL)Yélimané, MaliView Yélimané Airport on a map Set EYL as origin Airport Set EYL as destination Airport Get more information about Yélimané Airport
1012,272.72 miles (19,750.98 km) NNEBakel Airport (BXE)Bakel, SenegalView Bakel Airport on a map Set BXE as origin Airport Set BXE as destination Airport Get more information about Bakel Airport
1112,267.52 miles (19,742.61 km) NWTichitt Airport (THI)Tichitt, MauritaniaView Tichitt Airport on a map Set THI as origin Airport Set THI as destination Airport Get more information about Tichitt Airport
1212,265.73 miles (19,739.72 km) EAbbaye Airport (BGH)Boghe (Bogué), MauritaniaView Abbaye Airport on a map Set BGH as origin Airport Set BGH as destination Airport Get more information about Abbaye Airport
1312,255.74 miles (19,723.65 km) NKayes Airport (KYS)Kayes, MaliView Kayes Airport on a map Set KYS as origin Airport Set KYS as destination Airport Get more information about Kayes Airport
1412,248.53 miles (19,712.05 km) NWNioro Airport (NIX)Nioro, MaliView Nioro Airport on a map Set NIX as origin Airport Set NIX as destination Airport Get more information about Nioro Airport
1512,234.88 miles (19,690.08 km) EBoutilimit Airport (OTL)Boutilimit, MauritaniaView Boutilimit Airport on a map Set OTL as origin Airport Set OTL as destination Airport Get more information about Boutilimit Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Nicaro Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Nicaro Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
18.72 miles (14.03 km) WNWPreston Airport (PST)Guatemala, CubaView Preston Airport on a map Set PST as destination Airport Set PST as destination Airport Get more information about Preston Airport
239.45 miles (63.49 km) EOrestes Acosta Airport (MOA)Moa, CubaView Orestes Acosta Airport on a map Set MOA as destination Airport Set MOA as destination Airport Get more information about Orestes Acosta Airport
348.19 miles (77.56 km) SSEMariana Grajales Airport (GAO)Guantánamo, CubaView Mariana Grajales Airport on a map Set GAO as destination Airport Set GAO as destination Airport Get more information about Mariana Grajales Airport
451.08 miles (82.20 km) WFrank País International Airport (HOG)Holguín, CubaView Frank País International Airport on a map Set HOG as destination Airport Set HOG as destination Airport Get more information about Frank País International Airport
553.42 miles (85.97 km) SSWAntonio Maceo Airport (SCU)Santiago, CubaView Antonio Maceo Airport on a map Set SCU as destination Airport Set SCU as destination Airport Get more information about Antonio Maceo Airport
659.83 miles (96.29 km) SSEUnited States Naval Station Guantanamo Bay (NBW)Guantanamo Bay, CubaView United States Naval Station Guantanamo Bay on a map Set NBW as destination Airport Set NBW as destination Airport Get more information about United States Naval Station Guantanamo Bay
770.00 miles (112.66 km) ESEGustavo Rizo Airport (BCA)Baracoa, CubaView Gustavo Rizo Airport on a map Set BCA as destination Airport Set BCA as destination Airport Get more information about Gustavo Rizo Airport
873.36 miles (118.05 km) WSWCarlos Manuel de Céspedes Airport (BYM)Bayamo, CubaView Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Airport on a map Set BYM as destination Airport Set BYM as destination Airport Get more information about Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Airport
9103.94 miles (167.28 km) NDuncan Town Airport (DCT)Duncan Town, Ragged Island, BahamasView Duncan Town Airport on a map Set DCT as destination Airport Set DCT as destination Airport Get more information about Duncan Town Airport
10104.38 miles (167.98 km) WSWSierra Maestra Airport (MZO)Manzanillo, CubaView Sierra Maestra Airport on a map Set MZO as destination Airport Set MZO as destination Airport Get more information about Sierra Maestra Airport
11122.01 miles (196.36 km) EInagua Airport (IGA)Matthew Town, Great Inagua Island, BahamasView Inagua Airport on a map Set IGA as destination Airport Set IGA as destination Airport Get more information about Inagua Airport
12157.67 miles (253.74 km) WNWIgnacio Agramonte International Airport (CMW)Camagüey, CubaView Ignacio Agramonte International Airport on a map Set CMW as destination Airport Set CMW as destination Airport Get more information about Ignacio Agramonte International Airport
13165.61 miles (266.52 km) SSEJérémie Airport (JEE)Jérémie, HaitiView Jérémie Airport on a map Set JEE as destination Airport Set JEE as destination Airport Get more information about Jérémie Airport
14166.42 miles (267.83 km) NNEColonel Hill Airport (CRI)Colonel Hill, Crooked Island, BahamasView Colonel Hill Airport on a map Set CRI as destination Airport Set CRI as destination Airport Get more information about Colonel Hill Airport
15174.35 miles (280.59 km) NDeadman's Cay Airport (LGI)Deadman's Cay, Long Island, BahamasView Deadman's Cay Airport on a map Set LGI as destination Airport Set LGI as destination Airport Get more information about Deadman's Cay Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Nicaro Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Nicaro Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,809.16 miles (19,004.96 km) WSWRAAF Learmonth (LEA)Exmouth, Western Australia, AustraliaView RAAF Learmonth on a map Set LEA as destination Airport Set LEA as destination Airport Get more information about RAAF Learmonth
211,783.14 miles (18,963.07 km) WSWCarnarvon Airport (CVQ)Carnarvon, Western Australia, AustraliaView Carnarvon Airport on a map Set CVQ as destination Airport Set CVQ as destination Airport Get more information about Carnarvon Airport
311,756.38 miles (18,920.02 km) WSWShark Bay Airport (MJK)Monkey Mia, Western Australia, AustraliaView Shark Bay Airport on a map Set MJK as destination Airport Set MJK as destination Airport Get more information about Shark Bay Airport
411,730.36 miles (18,878.13 km) WBarrow Island Airport (BWB)Barrow Island, Western Australia, AustraliaView Barrow Island Airport on a map Set BWB as destination Airport Set BWB as destination Airport Get more information about Barrow Island Airport
511,724.77 miles (18,869.15 km) SChristmas Island Airport (XCH)Christmas Island, AustraliaView Christmas Island Airport on a map Set XCH as destination Airport Set XCH as destination Airport Get more information about Christmas Island Airport
611,661.88 miles (18,767.93 km) SECocos (Keeling) Island Airport (CCK)Cocos Islands, AustraliaView Cocos (Keeling) Island Airport on a map Set CCK as destination Airport Set CCK as destination Airport Get more information about Cocos (Keeling) Island Airport
711,653.19 miles (18,753.95 km) SWKalbarri Airport (KAX)Kalbarri, Western Australia, AustraliaView Kalbarri Airport on a map Set KAX as destination Airport Set KAX as destination Airport Get more information about Kalbarri Airport
811,641.70 miles (18,735.45 km) WKarratha Airport (KTA)Karratha / Dampier, Western Australia, AustraliaView Karratha Airport on a map Set KTA as destination Airport Set KTA as destination Airport Get more information about Karratha Airport
911,585.17 miles (18,644.48 km) SWGeraldton Airport (GET)Geraldton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Geraldton Airport on a map Set GET as destination Airport Set GET as destination Airport Get more information about Geraldton Airport
1011,577.77 miles (18,632.56 km) WCoolawanyah Station Airport (COY)Coolawanyah Station, Western Australia, AustraliaView Coolawanyah Station Airport on a map Set COY as destination Airport Set COY as destination Airport Get more information about Coolawanyah Station Airport
1111,575.53 miles (18,628.97 km) WSolomon Airport (SLJ)Karijini National Park, Western Australia, AustraliaView Solomon Airport on a map Set SLJ as destination Airport Set SLJ as destination Airport Get more information about Solomon Airport
1211,569.07 miles (18,618.57 km) WSWParaburdoo Airport (PBO)Paraburdoo, Western Australia, AustraliaView Paraburdoo Airport on a map Set PBO as destination Airport Set PBO as destination Airport Get more information about Paraburdoo Airport
1311,565.31 miles (18,612.52 km) WSWTom Price Airport (TPR)Tom Price, Western Australia, AustraliaView Tom Price Airport on a map Set TPR as destination Airport Set TPR as destination Airport Get more information about Tom Price Airport
1411,559.39 miles (18,602.99 km) SWMullewa Airport (MXU)Mullewa, Western Australia, AustraliaView Mullewa Airport on a map Set MXU as destination Airport Set MXU as destination Airport Get more information about Mullewa Airport
1511,520.77 miles (18,540.84 km) WPort Hedland International Airport (PHE)Port Hedland, Western Australia, AustraliaView Port Hedland International Airport on a map Set PHE as destination Airport Set PHE as destination Airport Get more information about Port Hedland International Airport