About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Ebadon Airstrip (EBN), Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands and Datong Yungang Airport (DAT), Datong, Shanxi, China would travel a Great Circle distance of 3,962 miles (or 6,377 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Ebadon Airstrip and Datong Yungang Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Ebadon Airstrip and Datong Yungang Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

IATA / ICAO Codes: EBN /
Airport Name: Ebadon Airstrip
Location: Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands
GPS Coordinates: 8°43'1"N by 167°43'58"E
Elevation: 0 feet (0 meters)
View all routes: Routes from EBN
More Information: EBN Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Datong Yungang Airport
  2. 大同云冈机场
  3. Dàtóng Yúngāng Jīchǎng
Location: Datong, Shanxi, China
GPS Coordinates: 40°3'37"N by 113°28'54"E
Area Served: Datong, Shanxi, China
Operator/Owner: Shanxi Civil Airport Group
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 3458 feet (1,054 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from DAT
More Information: DAT Maps & Info

Facts about Ebadon Airstrip (EBN):

  • Because of Ebadon Airstrip's relatively low elevation of 0 feet, planes can take off or land at Ebadon Airstrip at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Bigej is covered with tropical palm trees and jungle.
  • The islands of the atoll, particularly the main island, served as a rural copra-trading outpost administered by Japanese civilians under the Japanese Mandated "South Seas" Islands of Micronesia for twenty-two years.
  • On January 31, 1944, the 7th Infantry Division, spearheaded by the 111th Infantry Regiment performed an amphibious assault on Kwajalein.
  • The closest airport to Ebadon Airstrip (EBN) is Bucholz Army Airfield (KWA), which is located only 0 mile (0 kilometer) NNW of EBN.
  • Gugeegue or Gugegwe is an islet north of Ebeye, and is the northernmost point of the concrete causeway connecting the islets between them.
  • The furthest airport from Ebadon Airstrip (EBN) is RAF Ascension (ASI), which is nearly antipodal to Ebadon Airstrip (meaning Ebadon Airstrip is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from RAF Ascension), and is located 12,282 miles (19,767 kilometers) away in Georgetown, Ascension Island, Saint Helena.
  • Omelek is uninhabited and leased by the U.S.
  • Little Bustard and Big Bustard are the first and second islets respectively north of Kwajalein island on the East reef, and are the only islets between Kwajalein and Ebeye.

Facts about Datong Yungang Airport (DAT):

  • In addition to being known as "Datong Yungang Airport", other names for DAT include "大同云冈机场" and "Dàtóng Yúngāng Jīchǎng".
  • The closest airport to Datong Yungang Airport (DAT) is Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport (ZQZ), which is located 89 miles (144 kilometers) ENE of DAT.
  • The furthest airport from Datong Yungang Airport (DAT) is Antoine de Saint Exupéry Airport (OES), which is nearly antipodal to Datong Yungang Airport (meaning Datong Yungang Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Antoine de Saint Exupéry Airport), and is located 12,345 miles (19,868 kilometers) away in San Antonio Oeste, Argentina.
  • Datong Yungang Airport (DAT) currently has only 1 runway.
  • Datong Yungang Airport handled 117,423 passengers last year.

Map of Nearest Airports to Ebadon Airstrip:

List of Nearest Airports to Ebadon Airstrip:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
10.23 miles (0.36 km) NNWBucholz Army Airfield (KWA)Kwajalein, Marshall IslandsView Bucholz Army Airfield on a map Set KWA as origin Airport Set KWA as destination Airport Get more information about Bucholz Army Airfield
273.53 miles (118.33 km) NWElenak Airport (EAL)Elenak, Marshall IslandsView Elenak Airport on a map Set EAL as origin Airport Set EAL as destination Airport Get more information about Elenak Airport
375.32 miles (121.21 km) SSEMajkin Airport (MJE)Majkin, Marshall IslandsView Majkin Airport on a map Set MJE as origin Airport Set MJE as destination Airport Get more information about Majkin Airport
4101.18 miles (162.84 km) WLae Airport (LML)Lae Atoll, Marshall IslandsView Lae Airport on a map Set LML as origin Airport Set LML as destination Airport Get more information about Lae Airport
5103.81 miles (167.07 km) SSEWoja Airport (WJA)Woja, Marshall IslandsView Woja Airport on a map Set WJA as origin Airport Set WJA as destination Airport Get more information about Woja Airport
6108.21 miles (174.15 km) SEJabot Airport (JAT)Jabat Island, Marshall IslandsView Jabot Airport on a map Set JAT as origin Airport Set JAT as destination Airport Get more information about Jabot Airport
7114.55 miles (184.34 km) SEAilinglaplap Atoll (AIP)Ailinglaplap Atoll, Marshall IslandsView Ailinglaplap Atoll on a map Set AIP as origin Airport Set AIP as destination Airport Get more information about Ailinglaplap Atoll
8115.75 miles (186.28 km) SEJeh Airport (JEJ)Ailinglaplap Atoll, Marshall IslandsView Jeh Airport on a map Set JEJ as origin Airport Set JEJ as destination Airport Get more information about Jeh Airport
9131.86 miles (212.20 km) NELikiep Airport (LIK)Likiep Atoll, Marshall IslandsView Likiep Airport on a map Set LIK as origin Airport Set LIK as destination Airport Get more information about Likiep Airport
10135.33 miles (217.78 km) WUjae Airport (UJE)Ujae Atoll, Marshall IslandsView Ujae Airport on a map Set UJE as origin Airport Set UJE as destination Airport Get more information about Ujae Airport
11155.02 miles (249.48 km) NWWotho Airport (WTO)Wotho, Marshall IslandsView Wotho Airport on a map Set WTO as origin Airport Set WTO as destination Airport Get more information about Wotho Airport
12178.14 miles (286.69 km) NNWRongelap Airport (RNP)Rongelap Atoll, Marshall IslandsView Rongelap Airport on a map Set RNP as origin Airport Set RNP as destination Airport Get more information about Rongelap Airport
13178.46 miles (287.19 km) ENEWotje Airport (WTE)Wotje (Wotje Atoll), Marshall IslandsView Wotje Airport on a map Set WTE as origin Airport Set WTE as destination Airport Get more information about Wotje Airport
14185.09 miles (297.88 km) NEAiluk Airport (AIM)Ailuk, Marshall IslandsView Ailuk Airport on a map Set AIM as origin Airport Set AIM as destination Airport Get more information about Ailuk Airport
15212.83 miles (342.52 km) EKaben Airport (KBT)Maloelap Atoll, Marshall IslandsView Kaben Airport on a map Set KBT as origin Airport Set KBT as destination Airport Get more information about Kaben Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Ebadon Airstrip:

List of Furthest Airports from Ebadon Airstrip:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,282.50 miles (19,766.72 km) ESERAF Ascension (ASI)Georgetown, Ascension Island, Saint HelenaView RAF Ascension on a map Set ASI as origin Airport Set ASI as destination Airport Get more information about RAF Ascension
211,478.72 miles (18,473.17 km) SSWCape Palmas Airport (CPA)Cape Palmas, LiberiaView Cape Palmas Airport on a map Set CPA as origin Airport Set CPA as destination Airport Get more information about Cape Palmas Airport
311,475.10 miles (18,467.34 km) SSWSasstown Airport (SAZ)Sasstown, LiberiaView Sasstown Airport on a map Set SAZ as origin Airport Set SAZ as destination Airport Get more information about Sasstown Airport
411,461.42 miles (18,445.32 km) SSWGreenville/Sinoe Airport (SNI)Greenville, LiberiaView Greenville/Sinoe Airport on a map Set SNI as origin Airport Set SNI as destination Airport Get more information about Greenville/Sinoe Airport
511,415.18 miles (18,370.91 km) SBuchanan Airport (UCN)Buchanan, LiberiaView Buchanan Airport on a map Set UCN as origin Airport Set UCN as destination Airport Get more information about Buchanan Airport
611,403.65 miles (18,352.36 km) SSWSassandra Airport (ZSS)Sassandra, Côte d'IvoireView Sassandra Airport on a map Set ZSS as origin Airport Set ZSS as destination Airport Get more information about Sassandra Airport
711,395.49 miles (18,339.22 km) SRoberts International Airport Roberts Field (ROB)Monrovia, LiberiaView Roberts International Airport Roberts Field on a map Set ROB as origin Airport Set ROB as destination Airport Get more information about Roberts International Airport Roberts Field
811,394.78 miles (18,338.07 km) SSpriggs Payne Airport (MLW)Monrovia, LiberiaView Spriggs Payne Airport on a map Set MLW as origin Airport Set MLW as destination Airport Get more information about Spriggs Payne Airport
911,377.61 miles (18,310.45 km) SSWTchien Airport (THC)Tchien, LiberiaView Tchien Airport on a map Set THC as origin Airport Set THC as destination Airport Get more information about Tchien Airport
1011,333.64 miles (18,239.69 km) SSWGuiglo Airport (GGO)Guiglo, Côte d'IvoireView Guiglo Airport on a map Set GGO as origin Airport Set GGO as destination Airport Get more information about Guiglo Airport
1111,326.91 miles (18,228.85 km) SSWDivo Airport (DIV)Divo, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)View Divo Airport on a map Set DIV as origin Airport Set DIV as destination Airport Get more information about Divo Airport
1211,325.19 miles (18,226.08 km) SSWGagnoa Airport (GGN)Gagnoa, Côte d'IvoireView Gagnoa Airport on a map Set GGN as origin Airport Set GGN as destination Airport Get more information about Gagnoa Airport
1311,313.97 miles (18,208.03 km) SSherbro International Airport (BTE)Bonthe, Sierra LeoneView Sherbro International Airport on a map Set BTE as origin Airport Set BTE as destination Airport Get more information about Sherbro International Airport
1411,312.97 miles (18,206.41 km) SSWFélix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport (ABJ)Abidjan, Côte d'IvoireView Félix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport on a map Set ABJ as origin Airport Set ABJ as destination Airport Get more information about Félix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport
1511,294.69 miles (18,177.00 km) SGbangbatok Airport (GBK)Gbangbatok, Sierra LeoneView Gbangbatok Airport on a map Set GBK as origin Airport Set GBK as destination Airport Get more information about Gbangbatok Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Datong Yungang Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Datong Yungang Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
189.46 miles (143.98 km) ENEZhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport (ZQZ)Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, ChinaView Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport on a map Set ZQZ as destination Airport Set ZQZ as destination Airport Get more information about Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport
2102.88 miles (165.57 km) WNWHohhot Baita International Airport (HET)Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Hohhot Baita International Airport on a map Set HET as destination Airport Set HET as destination Airport Get more information about Hohhot Baita International Airport
3139.10 miles (223.86 km) SSEShijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport (SJW)Shijiazhuang, ChinaView Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport on a map Set SJW as destination Airport Set SJW as destination Airport Get more information about Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport
4155.16 miles (249.71 km) EBeijing Nanyuan Airport (NAY)Beijing, ChinaView Beijing Nanyuan Airport on a map Set NAY as destination Airport Set NAY as destination Airport Get more information about Beijing Nanyuan Airport
5164.04 miles (264.00 km) EBeijing Capital International Airport (PEK)Beijing, People's Republic of ChinaView Beijing Capital International Airport on a map Set PEK as destination Airport Set PEK as destination Airport Get more information about Beijing Capital International Airport
6166.29 miles (267.62 km) SSWTaiyuan Wuxu International Airport (TYN)Taiyuan, Shanxi, ChinaView Taiyuan Wuxu International Airport on a map Set TYN as destination Airport Set TYN as destination Airport Get more information about Taiyuan Wuxu International Airport
7186.83 miles (300.67 km) WNWBaotou Airport (BAV)Baotou, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Baotou Airport on a map Set BAV as destination Airport Set BAV as destination Airport Get more information about Baotou Airport
8196.14 miles (315.65 km) WOrdos Ejin Horo Airport (DSN)Ordos, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Ordos Ejin Horo Airport on a map Set DSN as destination Airport Set DSN as destination Airport Get more information about Ordos Ejin Horo Airport
9206.88 miles (332.93 km) SWLüliang Airport (LLV)Lüliang, Shanxi, ChinaView Lüliang Airport on a map Set LLV as destination Airport Set LLV as destination Airport Get more information about Lüliang Airport
10215.64 miles (347.04 km) ESETianjin Binhai International Airport (TSN)Tianjin, ChinaView Tianjin Binhai International Airport on a map Set TSN as destination Airport Set TSN as destination Airport Get more information about Tianjin Binhai International Airport
11225.44 miles (362.81 km) SSEXingtai Dalian Airport (XNT)Xingtai, Hebei, ChinaView Xingtai Dalian Airport on a map Set XNT as destination Airport Set XNT as destination Airport Get more information about Xingtai Dalian Airport
12240.25 miles (386.64 km) ETangshan Sannühe Airport (TVS)Tangshan, Hebei, ChinaView Tangshan Sannühe Airport on a map Set TVS as destination Airport Set TVS as destination Airport Get more information about Tangshan Sannühe Airport
13243.28 miles (391.51 km) NNWErenhot Saiwusu International Airport (ERL)Erenhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Erenhot Saiwusu International Airport on a map Set ERL as destination Airport Set ERL as destination Airport Get more information about Erenhot Saiwusu International Airport
14249.69 miles (401.83 km) SSEHandan Airport (HDG)Handan, Hebei, ChinaView Handan Airport on a map Set HDG as destination Airport Set HDG as destination Airport Get more information about Handan Airport
15264.15 miles (425.10 km) SChangzhi Wangcun Airport (CIH)Changzhi, Shanxi, ChinaView Changzhi Wangcun Airport on a map Set CIH as destination Airport Set CIH as destination Airport Get more information about Changzhi Wangcun Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Datong Yungang Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Datong Yungang Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,345.30 miles (19,867.78 km) WSWAntoine de Saint Exupéry Airport (OES)San Antonio Oeste, ArgentinaView Antoine de Saint Exupéry Airport on a map Set OES as destination Airport Set OES as destination Airport Get more information about Antoine de Saint Exupéry Airport
212,342.94 miles (19,863.98 km) SEDr. Arturo Umberto Illia Airport (GNR)General Roca, Río Negro, ArgentinaView Dr. Arturo Umberto Illia Airport on a map Set GNR as destination Airport Set GNR as destination Airport Get more information about Dr. Arturo Umberto Illia Airport
312,320.53 miles (19,827.92 km) SEPresidente Perón Internacional Airport (NQN)Neuquen, ArgentinaView Presidente Perón Internacional Airport on a map Set NQN as destination Airport Set NQN as destination Airport Get more information about Presidente Perón Internacional Airport
412,296.31 miles (19,788.95 km) SEMaquinchao Airport (MQD)Maquinchao, Río Negro Province, ArgentinaView Maquinchao Airport on a map Set MQD as destination Airport Set MQD as destination Airport Get more information about Maquinchao Airport
512,272.26 miles (19,750.23 km) SSEColonia Catriel Airport (CCT)Colonia Catriel, Río Negro, ArgentinaView Colonia Catriel Airport on a map Set CCT as destination Airport Set CCT as destination Airport Get more information about Colonia Catriel Airport
612,271.17 miles (19,748.48 km) ESECutral Có Airport (CUT)Cutral Có, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Cutral Có Airport on a map Set CUT as destination Airport Set CUT as destination Airport Get more information about Cutral Có Airport
712,254.51 miles (19,721.68 km) ESEIngeniero Jacobacci Airport (IGB)Ingeniero Jacobacci, Río Negro, ArgentinaView Ingeniero Jacobacci Airport on a map Set IGB as destination Airport Set IGB as destination Airport Get more information about Ingeniero Jacobacci Airport
812,243.64 miles (19,704.18 km) WSWGobernador Edgardo Castello Airport (VDM)Viedma, ArgentinaView Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport on a map Set VDM as destination Airport Set VDM as destination Airport Get more information about Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport
912,236.44 miles (19,692.60 km) SSWEl Tehuelche Airport (PMY)Puerto Madryn, ArgentinaView El Tehuelche Airport on a map Set PMY as destination Airport Set PMY as destination Airport Get more information about El Tehuelche Airport
1012,231.04 miles (19,683.90 km) ESEZapala Airport (APZ)Zapala, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Zapala Airport on a map Set APZ as destination Airport Set APZ as destination Airport Get more information about Zapala Airport
1112,210.05 miles (19,650.13 km) SSWAlmirante Marcos A. Zar Airport (REL)Trelew, Chubut, ArgentinaView Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport on a map Set REL as destination Airport Set REL as destination Airport Get more information about Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport
1212,192.58 miles (19,622.01 km) EAviador Carlos Campos Airport (CPC)San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Aviador Carlos Campos Airport on a map Set CPC as destination Airport Set CPC as destination Airport Get more information about Aviador Carlos Campos Airport
1312,186.96 miles (19,612.95 km) WSWComandante Espora Airport (BHI)Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, ArgentinaView Comandante Espora Airport on a map Set BHI as destination Airport Set BHI as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante Espora Airport
1412,182.07 miles (19,605.09 km) ESESan Carlos de Bariloche Airport (BRC)San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro Province, ArgentinaView San Carlos de Bariloche Airport on a map Set BRC as destination Airport Set BRC as destination Airport Get more information about San Carlos de Bariloche Airport
1512,168.22 miles (19,582.80 km) SSWSanta Rosa Airport (RSA)Santa Rosa, ArgentinaView Santa Rosa Airport on a map Set RSA as destination Airport Set RSA as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Rosa Airport