About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Hargeisa Egal International Airport (HGA), Hargeisa, Somalia and Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport (CHR), Châteauroux / Déols, France would travel a Great Circle distance of 3,577 miles (or 5,756 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Hargeisa Egal International Airport and Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Hargeisa Egal International Airport and Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Hargeisa Egal International Airport
Location: Hargeisa, Somalia
GPS Coordinates: 9°31'5"N by 44°5'20"E
Area Served: Hargeisa, Somalia
Operator/Owner: Somaliland Civil Aviation & Air Transport Ministry
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 4423 feet (1,348 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from HGA
More Information: HGA Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport
  2. Aéroport de Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault"
Location: Châteauroux / Déols, France
GPS Coordinates: 46°51'37"N by 1°43'15"E
Area Served: Châteauroux
Operator/Owner: Aéroport Châteauroux-Centre
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 529 feet (161 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from CHR
More Information: CHR Maps & Info

Facts about Hargeisa Egal International Airport (HGA):

  • Originally a small facility built during the colonial period, the former Hargeisa International Airport was expanded and modernized in the 1980s by the Siad Barre administration so as to accommodate larger aircraft and offer more flight destinations.
  • Because of Hargeisa Egal International Airport's high elevation of 4,423 feet, planes must typically fly at a faster airspeed in order to takeoff or land at HGA. Combined with a high temperature, this could make HGA a "Hot & High" airport, where the air density is lower than it would otherwise be at sea level.
  • In June 2014, the Somaliland regional government and the United States Agency for International Development inaugurated a new wind energy project at the airport.
  • Hargeisa Egal International Airport (HGA) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Hargeisa Egal International Airport (HGA) is Borama Airport (BXX), which is located 70 miles (113 kilometers) WNW of HGA.
  • The furthest airport from Hargeisa Egal International Airport (HGA) is Atuona Airport (AUQ), which is nearly antipodal to Hargeisa Egal International Airport (meaning Hargeisa Egal International Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Atuona Airport), and is located 12,225 miles (19,674 kilometers) away in Atuona, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia.

Facts about Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport (CHR):

  • Because of Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport's relatively low elevation of 529 feet, planes can take off or land at Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport (CHR) is Bourges Airport (BOU), which is located 34 miles (54 kilometers) ENE of CHR.
  • In addition to being known as "Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport", another name for CHR is "Aéroport de Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault"".
  • Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport (CHR) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The furthest airport from Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport (CHR) is Chatham Islands (CHT), which is nearly antipodal to Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport (meaning Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Chatham Islands), and is located 12,208 miles (19,647 kilometers) away in Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New Zealand.
  • The airport supports aviation industry uses including cargo, pilot training, airports firemans training, aircraft maintenance, storage and dismantling.

Map of Nearest Airports to Hargeisa Egal International Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Hargeisa Egal International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
170.37 miles (113.25 km) WNWBorama Airport (BXX)Borama, SomaliaView Borama Airport on a map Set BXX as origin Airport Set BXX as destination Airport Get more information about Borama Airport
281.32 miles (130.87 km) WWilwal International Airport (JIJ)Jijiga, EthiopiaView Wilwal International Airport on a map Set JIJ as origin Airport Set JIJ as destination Airport Get more information about Wilwal International Airport
383.57 miles (134.49 km) NEBerbera Airport (BBO)Berbera, SomaliaView Berbera Airport on a map Set BBO as origin Airport Set BBO as destination Airport Get more information about Berbera Airport
4100.70 miles (162.06 km) EBurao Airport (BUO)Burao, SomaliaView Burao Airport on a map Set BUO as origin Airport Set BUO as destination Airport Get more information about Burao Airport
5146.32 miles (235.48 km) NWAli-Sabieh Airport (AII)Ali-Sabieh, DjiboutiView Ali-Sabieh Airport on a map Set AII as origin Airport Set AII as destination Airport Get more information about Ali-Sabieh Airport
6152.43 miles (245.31 km) WAba Tenna Dejazmach Yilma International Airport (DIR)Dire Dawa, EthiopiaView Aba Tenna Dejazmach Yilma International Airport on a map Set DIR as origin Airport Set DIR as destination Airport Get more information about Aba Tenna Dejazmach Yilma International Airport
7153.11 miles (246.41 km) NNWDjibouti–Ambouli International Airport (JIB)Djibouti, DjiboutiView Djibouti–Ambouli International Airport on a map Set JIB as origin Airport Set JIB as destination Airport Get more information about Djibouti–Ambouli International Airport
8163.47 miles (263.07 km) NNWMoucha Airport (MHI)Moucha Island, DjiboutiView Moucha Airport on a map Set MHI as origin Airport Set MHI as destination Airport Get more information about Moucha Airport
9177.99 miles (286.45 km) NNWObock Airport (OBC)Obock, DjiboutiView Obock Airport on a map Set OBC as origin Airport Set OBC as destination Airport Get more information about Obock Airport
10192.74 miles (310.19 km) SKabri Dar Airport (ABK)Kabri Dar (Kabre Dare), EthiopiaView Kabri Dar Airport on a map Set ABK as origin Airport Set ABK as destination Airport Get more information about Kabri Dar Airport
11237.48 miles (382.19 km) NNEAden International Airport (ADE)Aden, YemenView Aden International Airport on a map Set ADE as origin Airport Set ADE as destination Airport Get more information about Aden International Airport
12237.48 miles (382.19 km) ENEErigavo Airport (ERA)Erigavo, SomaliaView Erigavo Airport on a map Set ERA as origin Airport Set ERA as destination Airport Get more information about Erigavo Airport
13250.02 miles (402.36 km) SGode Airport (GDE)Gode, EthiopiaView Gode Airport on a map Set GDE as origin Airport Set GDE as destination Airport Get more information about Gode Airport
14264.28 miles (425.32 km) NNWAssab International Airport (ASA)Assab, EritreaView Assab International Airport on a map Set ASA as origin Airport Set ASA as destination Airport Get more information about Assab International Airport
15282.68 miles (454.92 km) SWGhinnir Airport (GNN)Ghinnir, EthiopiaView Ghinnir Airport on a map Set GNN as origin Airport Set GNN as destination Airport Get more information about Ghinnir Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Hargeisa Egal International Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Hargeisa Egal International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,224.80 miles (19,673.86 km) EAtuona Airport (AUQ)Atuona, Marquesas Islands, French PolynesiaView Atuona Airport on a map Set AUQ as origin Airport Set AUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Atuona Airport
211,887.31 miles (19,130.73 km) SEFangatau Airport (FGU)Fangatau, French PolynesiaView Fangatau Airport on a map Set FGU as origin Airport Set FGU as destination Airport Get more information about Fangatau Airport
311,825.84 miles (19,031.80 km) SPukarua Airport (PUK)Pukarua, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Pukarua Airport on a map Set PUK as origin Airport Set PUK as destination Airport Get more information about Pukarua Airport
411,805.17 miles (18,998.54 km) SERaroia Airport (RRR)Raroia, French PolynesiaView Raroia Airport on a map Set RRR as origin Airport Set RRR as destination Airport Get more information about Raroia Airport
511,756.08 miles (18,919.53 km) SSEHao Airport (HOI)Hao, Tuamotu Island, French PolynesiaView Hao Airport on a map Set HOI as origin Airport Set HOI as destination Airport Get more information about Hao Airport
611,735.43 miles (18,886.30 km) SSENukutavake Airport (NUK)Nukutavake, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Nukutavake Airport on a map Set NUK as origin Airport Set NUK as destination Airport Get more information about Nukutavake Airport
711,722.78 miles (18,865.93 km) SEMakemo Airport (MKP)Makemo, French PolynesiaView Makemo Airport on a map Set MKP as origin Airport Set MKP as destination Airport Get more information about Makemo Airport
811,670.85 miles (18,782.37 km) ESEManihi Airport (XMH)Manihi, French PolynesiaView Manihi Airport on a map Set XMH as origin Airport Set XMH as destination Airport Get more information about Manihi Airport
911,659.84 miles (18,764.64 km) ESEAhe Airport (AHE)Ahe, French PolynesiaView Ahe Airport on a map Set AHE as origin Airport Set AHE as destination Airport Get more information about Ahe Airport
1011,640.21 miles (18,733.05 km) SEFakarava Airport (FAV)Fakarava, Society Islands, French PolynesiaView Fakarava Airport on a map Set FAV as origin Airport Set FAV as destination Airport Get more information about Fakarava Airport
1111,639.49 miles (18,731.89 km) SSETureira Airport (ZTA)Tureia, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Tureira Airport on a map Set ZTA as origin Airport Set ZTA as destination Airport Get more information about Tureira Airport
1211,614.52 miles (18,691.71 km) ESEApataki Airport (APK)Apataki, French PolynesiaView Apataki Airport on a map Set APK as origin Airport Set APK as destination Airport Get more information about Apataki Airport
1311,613.15 miles (18,689.51 km) ESEArutua Airport (AXR)Arutua, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Arutua Airport on a map Set AXR as origin Airport Set AXR as destination Airport Get more information about Arutua Airport
1411,595.24 miles (18,660.68 km) SEAnaa Airport (AAA)Anaa, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Anaa Airport on a map Set AAA as origin Airport Set AAA as destination Airport Get more information about Anaa Airport
1511,497.02 miles (18,502.61 km) STotegegie Airport (GMR)Mangareva, Gambier Islands, French PolynesiaView Totegegie Airport on a map Set GMR as origin Airport Set GMR as destination Airport Get more information about Totegegie Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
133.59 miles (54.06 km) ENEBourges Airport (BOU)Bourges, FranceView Bourges Airport on a map Set BOU as destination Airport Set BOU as destination Airport Get more information about Bourges Airport
253.38 miles (85.91 km) SEMontluçon - Guéret Airport (MCU)Montluçon, FranceView Montluçon - Guéret Airport on a map Set MCU as destination Airport Set MCU as destination Airport Get more information about Montluçon - Guéret Airport
361.32 miles (98.68 km) NWTours Val de Loire Airport (TUF)Tours, FranceView Tours Val de Loire Airport on a map Set TUF as destination Airport Set TUF as destination Airport Get more information about Tours Val de Loire Airport
469.59 miles (112.00 km) WSWPoitiers–Biard Airport (PIS)Poitiers, FranceView Poitiers–Biard Airport on a map Set PIS as destination Airport Set PIS as destination Airport Get more information about Poitiers–Biard Airport
573.71 miles (118.63 km) SSWLimoges – Bellegarde Airport (LIG)Limoges, FranceView Limoges – Bellegarde Airport on a map Set LIG as destination Airport Set LIG as destination Airport Get more information about Limoges – Bellegarde Airport
677.91 miles (125.38 km) NOrléans - Bricy Air Base (ORE)Orléans, FranceView Orléans - Bricy Air Base on a map Set ORE as destination Airport Set ORE as destination Airport Get more information about Orléans - Bricy Air Base
783.67 miles (134.65 km) ESEMoulins - Montbeugny Airport (XMU)Moulins, Allier, FranceView Moulins - Montbeugny Airport on a map Set XMU as destination Airport Set XMU as destination Airport Get more information about Moulins - Montbeugny Airport
8101.20 miles (162.86 km) SEClermont-Ferrand Auvergne Airport (CFE)Clermont-Ferrand, FranceView Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne Airport on a map Set CFE as destination Airport Set CFE as destination Airport Get more information about Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne Airport
9106.08 miles (170.72 km) SWAngoulême - Brie - Champniers Airport (ANG)Angoulême, FranceView Angoulême - Brie - Champniers Airport on a map Set ANG as destination Airport Set ANG as destination Airport Get more information about Angoulême - Brie - Champniers Airport
10106.99 miles (172.18 km) WNWAngers – Loire Airport (ANE)Angers, FranceView Angers – Loire Airport on a map Set ANE as destination Airport Set ANE as destination Airport Get more information about Angers – Loire Airport
11107.47 miles (172.95 km) NEAuxerre - Branches Aerodrome (AUF)Auxerre, FranceView Auxerre - Branches Aerodrome on a map Set AUF as destination Airport Set AUF as destination Airport Get more information about Auxerre - Branches Aerodrome
12110.83 miles (178.37 km) NChartres - Champhol Aerodrome (QTJ)Chartres, FranceView Chartres - Champhol Aerodrome on a map Set QTJ as destination Airport Set QTJ as destination Airport Get more information about Chartres - Champhol Aerodrome
13122.83 miles (197.67 km) SSWPérigueux - Bassillac Airport (PGX)Périgueux, FranceView Périgueux - Bassillac Airport on a map Set PGX as destination Airport Set PGX as destination Airport Get more information about Périgueux - Bassillac Airport
14123.44 miles (198.65 km) WCholet Le Pontreau Airport (CET)Cholet, FranceView Cholet Le Pontreau Airport on a map Set CET as destination Airport Set CET as destination Airport Get more information about Cholet Le Pontreau Airport
15126.30 miles (203.25 km) SBrive–Souillac Airport (BVE)Brive-la-Gaillarde, FranceView Brive–Souillac Airport on a map Set BVE as destination Airport Set BVE as destination Airport Get more information about Brive–Souillac Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Châteauroux-Centre "Marcel Dassault" Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,208.24 miles (19,647.21 km) SSWChatham Islands (CHT)Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New ZealandView Chatham Islands on a map Set CHT as destination Airport Set CHT as destination Airport Get more information about Chatham Islands
211,934.04 miles (19,205.93 km) SEKaikoura Aerodrome (KBZ)Kaikoura, New ZealandView Kaikoura Aerodrome on a map Set KBZ as destination Airport Set KBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikoura Aerodrome
311,932.71 miles (19,203.78 km) ESEChristchurch International Airport (CHC)Christchurch, New ZealandView Christchurch International Airport on a map Set CHC as destination Airport Set CHC as destination Airport Get more information about Christchurch International Airport
411,930.04 miles (19,199.48 km) SEHood Aerodrome (MRO)Masterton, New ZealandView Hood Aerodrome on a map Set MRO as destination Airport Set MRO as destination Airport Get more information about Hood Aerodrome
511,923.47 miles (19,188.91 km) SEWellington International Airport (WLG)Wellington, New ZealandView Wellington International Airport on a map Set WLG as destination Airport Set WLG as destination Airport Get more information about Wellington International Airport
611,914.11 miles (19,173.85 km) ESEAshburton Aerodrome (ASG)Ashburton, New ZealandView Ashburton Aerodrome on a map Set ASG as destination Airport Set ASG as destination Airport Get more information about Ashburton Aerodrome
711,909.41 miles (19,166.29 km) EOamaru Airport (OAM)Oamaru, North Otago, New ZealandView Oamaru Airport on a map Set OAM as destination Airport Set OAM as destination Airport Get more information about Oamaru Airport
811,906.45 miles (19,161.52 km) SEKapiti Coast Airport (PPQ)Paraparaumu Beach, New ZealandView Kapiti Coast Airport on a map Set PPQ as destination Airport Set PPQ as destination Airport Get more information about Kapiti Coast Airport
911,901.10 miles (19,152.91 km) SEWoodbourne Airport (BHE)Blenheim, New ZealandView Woodbourne Airport on a map Set BHE as destination Airport Set BHE as destination Airport Get more information about Woodbourne Airport
1011,899.87 miles (19,150.93 km) ESERichard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) (TIU)Timaru, New ZealandView Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) on a map Set TIU as destination Airport Set TIU as destination Airport Get more information about Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport)
1111,891.76 miles (19,137.89 km) SEPalmerston North Airport (PMR)Palmerston North, New ZealandView Palmerston North Airport on a map Set PMR as destination Airport Set PMR as destination Airport Get more information about Palmerston North Airport
1211,884.44 miles (19,126.11 km) EDunedin International Airport (DUD)Dunedin, Otago, New ZealandView Dunedin International Airport on a map Set DUD as destination Airport Set DUD as destination Airport Get more information about Dunedin International Airport
1311,870.88 miles (19,104.29 km) SSEHawke's Bay Airport (NPE)Napier, New ZealandView Hawke's Bay Airport on a map Set NPE as destination Airport Set NPE as destination Airport Get more information about Hawke's Bay Airport
1411,866.72 miles (19,097.59 km) SENelson AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Whakatū (NSN)Nelson, New ZealandView Nelson AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Whakatū on a map Set NSN as destination Airport Set NSN as destination Airport Get more information about Nelson AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Whakatū
1511,854.10 miles (19,077.27 km) SEWanganui Airport (WAG)Wanganui, New ZealandView Wanganui Airport on a map Set WAG as destination Airport Set WAG as destination Airport Get more information about Wanganui Airport