About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Mount Cook Airport (MON), Mount Cook, New Zealand and Khovd Airport (HVD), Khovd, Mongolia would travel a Great Circle distance of 7,923 miles (or 12,751 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Mount Cook Airport and Khovd Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Mount Cook Airport and Khovd Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Mount Cook Airport
Location: Mount Cook, New Zealand
GPS Coordinates: 43°46'0"S by 170°8'8"E
Operator/Owner: Aoraki Mount Cook Airport Ltd
Elevation: 2153 feet (656 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from MON
More Information: MON Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Khovd Airport
  2. Ховд нисэх буудал
Location: Khovd, Mongolia
GPS Coordinates: 47°57'41"N by 91°37'32"E
Operator/Owner: Civil Aviation Authority of Mongolia
Airport Type: Joint (Civil and Military)
Elevation: 4898 feet (1,493 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from HVD
More Information: HVD Maps & Info

Facts about Mount Cook Airport (MON):

  • The furthest airport from Mount Cook Airport (MON) is A Coruña Airport (LCG), which is nearly antipodal to Mount Cook Airport (meaning Mount Cook Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from A Coruña Airport), and is located 12,356 miles (19,885 kilometers) away in A Coruña, Spain.
  • The closest airport to Mount Cook Airport (MON) is Glentanner Aerodrome (GTN), which is located only 10 miles (16 kilometers) S of MON.
  • Mount Cook Airport (MON) currently has only 1 runway.

Facts about Khovd Airport (HVD):

  • In addition to being known as "Khovd Airport", another name for HVD is "Ховд нисэх буудал".
  • The furthest airport from Khovd Airport (HVD) is Cochrane Airfield (LGR), which is located 11,701 miles (18,831 kilometers) away in Cochrane, Chile.
  • Because of Khovd Airport's high elevation of 4,898 feet, planes must typically fly at a faster airspeed in order to takeoff or land at HVD. Combined with a high temperature, this could make HVD a "Hot & High" airport, where the air density is lower than it would otherwise be at sea level.
  • Khovd Airport (HVD) has 2 runways.
  • The closest airport to Khovd Airport (HVD) is Ölgii Airport (ULG), which is located 106 miles (170 kilometers) NW of HVD.
  • Khovd Airport handled 31,926 passengers last year.

Map of Nearest Airports to Mount Cook Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Mount Cook Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
19.67 miles (15.56 km) SGlentanner Aerodrome (GTN)Mount Cook, New ZealandView Glentanner Aerodrome on a map Set GTN as origin Airport Set GTN as destination Airport Get more information about Glentanner Aerodrome
221.84 miles (35.15 km) NNWFox Glacier Aerodrome (FGL)Fox Glacier, New ZealandView Fox Glacier Aerodrome on a map Set FGL as origin Airport Set FGL as destination Airport Get more information about Fox Glacier Aerodrome
365.57 miles (105.53 km) SERichard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) (TIU)Timaru, New ZealandView Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) on a map Set TIU as origin Airport Set TIU as destination Airport Get more information about Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport)
479.37 miles (127.74 km) SSWWanaka Airport (WKA)Wanaka, New ZealandView Wanaka Airport on a map Set WKA as origin Airport Set WKA as destination Airport Get more information about Wanaka Airport
583.31 miles (134.07 km) EAshburton Aerodrome (ASG)Ashburton, New ZealandView Ashburton Aerodrome on a map Set ASG as origin Airport Set ASG as destination Airport Get more information about Ashburton Aerodrome
684.40 miles (135.83 km) NNEHokitika Airport (HKK)Hokitika, New ZealandView Hokitika Airport on a map Set HKK as origin Airport Set HKK as destination Airport Get more information about Hokitika Airport
795.36 miles (153.46 km) SSEOamaru Airport (OAM)Oamaru, North Otago, New ZealandView Oamaru Airport on a map Set OAM as origin Airport Set OAM as destination Airport Get more information about Oamaru Airport
8104.68 miles (168.47 km) NNEGreymouth Airport (GMN)Greymouth, New ZealandView Greymouth Airport on a map Set GMN as origin Airport Set GMN as destination Airport Get more information about Greymouth Airport
9106.67 miles (171.66 km) SSWAlexandra Aerodrome (ALR)Alexandra, New ZealandView Alexandra Aerodrome on a map Set ALR as origin Airport Set ALR as destination Airport Get more information about Alexandra Aerodrome
10110.74 miles (178.22 km) SWQueenstown Airport (ZQN)Queenstown, New ZealandView Queenstown Airport on a map Set ZQN as origin Airport Set ZQN as destination Airport Get more information about Queenstown Airport
11121.37 miles (195.32 km) EChristchurch International Airport (CHC)Christchurch, New ZealandView Christchurch International Airport on a map Set CHC as origin Airport Set CHC as destination Airport Get more information about Christchurch International Airport
12126.19 miles (203.08 km) WSWMilford Sound Airport (MFN)Milford Sound, New ZealandView Milford Sound Airport on a map Set MFN as origin Airport Set MFN as destination Airport Get more information about Milford Sound Airport
13149.36 miles (240.37 km) SDunedin International Airport (DUD)Dunedin, Otago, New ZealandView Dunedin International Airport on a map Set DUD as origin Airport Set DUD as destination Airport Get more information about Dunedin International Airport
14158.18 miles (254.57 km) NNEWestport Airport (WSZ)Westport, New ZealandView Westport Airport on a map Set WSZ as origin Airport Set WSZ as destination Airport Get more information about Westport Airport
15197.92 miles (318.52 km) ENEKaikoura Aerodrome (KBZ)Kaikoura, New ZealandView Kaikoura Aerodrome on a map Set KBZ as origin Airport Set KBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikoura Aerodrome

Map of Furthest Airports from Mount Cook Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Mount Cook Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,355.69 miles (19,884.50 km) WNWA Coruña Airport (LCG)A Coruña, SpainView A Coruña Airport on a map Set LCG as origin Airport Set LCG as destination Airport Get more information about A Coruña Airport
212,342.36 miles (19,863.05 km) NWSantiago de Compostela Airport (SCQ)Santiago de Compostela, SpainView Santiago de Compostela Airport on a map Set SCQ as origin Airport Set SCQ as destination Airport Get more information about Santiago de Compostela Airport
312,313.54 miles (19,816.68 km) NNWVigo Airport (VGO)Vigo, Galicia, SpainView Vigo Airport on a map Set VGO as origin Airport Set VGO as destination Airport Get more information about Vigo Airport
412,269.83 miles (19,746.32 km) NNWBraga Airport (BGZ)Braga, PortugalView Braga Airport on a map Set BGZ as origin Airport Set BGZ as destination Airport Get more information about Braga Airport
512,251.77 miles (19,717.26 km) NNWFrancisco Sá Carneiro Airport (OPO)Porto, PortugalView Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport on a map Set OPO as origin Airport Set OPO as destination Airport Get more information about Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport
612,244.90 miles (19,706.21 km) WAsturias Airport (OVD)Oviedo, Asturias, SpainView Asturias Airport on a map Set OVD as origin Airport Set OVD as destination Airport Get more information about Asturias Airport
712,233.08 miles (19,687.19 km) NNWVila Real Airport (VRL)Vila Real, PortugalView Vila Real Airport on a map Set VRL as origin Airport Set VRL as destination Airport Get more information about Vila Real Airport
812,229.42 miles (19,681.29 km) NWBragança Airport (BGC)Bragança, PortugalView Bragança Airport on a map Set BGC as origin Airport Set BGC as destination Airport Get more information about Bragança Airport
912,209.70 miles (19,649.55 km) WNWLeón Airport (LEN)León, SpainView León Airport on a map Set LEN as origin Airport Set LEN as destination Airport Get more information about León Airport
1012,177.25 miles (19,597.34 km) NNWCoimbra Airport (CBP)Coimbra, PortugalView Coimbra Airport on a map Set CBP as origin Airport Set CBP as destination Airport Get more information about Coimbra Airport
1112,165.67 miles (19,578.69 km) NNWCovilhã Airport (COV)Covilhã, PortugalView Covilhã Airport on a map Set COV as origin Airport Set COV as destination Airport Get more information about Covilhã Airport
1212,145.37 miles (19,546.04 km) WNWValladolid International Airport (VLL)Valladolid, SpainView Valladolid International Airport on a map Set VLL as origin Airport Set VLL as destination Airport Get more information about Valladolid International Airport
1312,141.19 miles (19,539.31 km) NWSalamanca-Matacán Airport (SLM)Salamanca, SpainView Salamanca-Matacán Airport on a map Set SLM as origin Airport Set SLM as destination Airport Get more information about Salamanca-Matacán Airport
1412,133.52 miles (19,526.95 km) WSantander Airport (SDR)Santander, Cantabria, SpainView Santander Airport on a map Set SDR as origin Airport Set SDR as destination Airport Get more information about Santander Airport
1512,106.68 miles (19,483.76 km) WNWBurgos Airport (RGS)Burgos, SpainView Burgos Airport on a map Set RGS as origin Airport Set RGS as destination Airport Get more information about Burgos Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Khovd Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Khovd Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1105.70 miles (170.11 km) NWÖlgii Airport (ULG)Bayan-Ölgii Province, MongoliaView Ölgii Airport on a map Set ULG as destination Airport Set ULG as destination Airport Get more information about Ölgii Airport
2126.34 miles (203.33 km) SWFuyun Airport (FYN)Fuyun, Xinjiang, ChinaView Fuyun Airport on a map Set FYN as destination Airport Set FYN as destination Airport Get more information about Fuyun Airport
3140.53 miles (226.16 km) NUlaangom Airport (ULO)Ulaangom, Uvs Province, MongoliaView Ulaangom Airport on a map Set ULO as destination Airport Set ULO as destination Airport Get more information about Ulaangom Airport
4164.82 miles (265.24 km) WAltay Airport (AAT)Altay, Xinjiang, ChinaView Altay Airport on a map Set AAT as destination Airport Set AAT as destination Airport Get more information about Altay Airport
5214.29 miles (344.87 km) WKanas Airport (KJI)Burqin County, Xinjiang, ChinaView Kanas Airport on a map Set KJI as destination Airport Set KJI as destination Airport Get more information about Kanas Airport
6241.93 miles (389.34 km) ESEAltai Airport (LTI)Altai, Govi-Altai, MongoliaView Altai Airport on a map Set LTI as destination Airport Set LTI as destination Airport Get more information about Altai Airport
7284.95 miles (458.58 km) NNEKyzyl Airport (KYZ)Kyzyl, Tuva, RussiaView Kyzyl Airport on a map Set KYZ as destination Airport Set KYZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kyzyl Airport
8343.78 miles (553.26 km) SWÜrümqi Diwopu International Airport (URC)Ürümqi, Xinjiang, ChinaView Ürümqi Diwopu International Airport on a map Set URC as destination Airport Set URC as destination Airport Get more information about Ürümqi Diwopu International Airport
9359.90 miles (579.21 km) WSWKaramay Airport (KRY)Karamay, Xinjiang, ChinaView Karamay Airport on a map Set KRY as destination Airport Set KRY as destination Airport Get more information about Karamay Airport
10361.92 miles (582.45 km) SSWTurpan Jiaohe Airport (TLQ)Turpan, Xinjiang, ChinaView Turpan Jiaohe Airport on a map Set TLQ as destination Airport Set TLQ as destination Airport Get more information about Turpan Jiaohe Airport
11367.28 miles (591.07 km) SSEHami Airport (HMI)Hami City, Xinjiang, ChinaView Hami Airport on a map Set HMI as destination Airport Set HMI as destination Airport Get more information about Hami Airport
12399.63 miles (643.14 km) NAbakan International Airport (ABA)Abakan, Khakassia, RussiaView Abakan International Airport on a map Set ABA as destination Airport Set ABA as destination Airport Get more information about Abakan International Airport
13402.81 miles (648.26 km) ENEMörön Airport (MXV)Mörön, Khövsgöl Province, MongoliaView Mörön Airport on a map Set MXV as destination Airport Set MXV as destination Airport Get more information about Mörön Airport
14437.72 miles (704.44 km) WNWOskemen Airport (UKK)Oskemen (Ust-Kamenogorsk), KazakhstanView Oskemen Airport on a map Set UKK as destination Airport Set UKK as destination Airport Get more information about Oskemen Airport
15444.32 miles (715.06 km) ESEBayankhongor Airport (BYN)Bayankhongor, MongoliaView Bayankhongor Airport on a map Set BYN as destination Airport Set BYN as destination Airport Get more information about Bayankhongor Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Khovd Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Khovd Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,700.97 miles (18,830.84 km) WCochrane Airfield (LGR)Cochrane, ChileView Cochrane Airfield on a map Set LGR as destination Airport Set LGR as destination Airport Get more information about Cochrane Airfield
211,693.66 miles (18,819.07 km) WSWLago Argentino Airport (ING)El Calafate, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Lago Argentino Airport on a map Set ING as destination Airport Set ING as destination Airport Get more information about Lago Argentino Airport
311,687.15 miles (18,808.60 km) WSWTeniente Julio Gallardo Airfield (PNT)Puerto Natales, ChileView Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield on a map Set PNT as destination Airport Set PNT as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield
411,683.23 miles (18,802.29 km) WSWComandante Armando Tola International Airport (FTE)El Calafate, Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaView Comandante Armando Tola International Airport on a map Set FTE as destination Airport Set FTE as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante Armando Tola International Airport
511,651.47 miles (18,751.17 km) WTeniente Vidal Airfield (GXQ)Coyhaique, ChileView Teniente Vidal Airfield on a map Set GXQ as destination Airport Set GXQ as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Vidal Airfield
611,650.26 miles (18,749.23 km) WChile Chico Airfield (CCH)Chile Chico, Aisén Region, ChileView Chile Chico Airfield on a map Set CCH as destination Airport Set CCH as destination Airport Get more information about Chile Chico Airfield
711,638.75 miles (18,730.71 km) WBalmaceda Airport (BBA)Balmaceda, ChileView Balmaceda Airport on a map Set BBA as destination Airport Set BBA as destination Airport Get more information about Balmaceda Airport
811,633.79 miles (18,722.73 km) WSWGamboa Airport (WCA)Castro, ChileView Gamboa Airport on a map Set WCA as destination Airport Set WCA as destination Airport Get more information about Gamboa Airport
911,625.65 miles (18,709.62 km) WSWMocopulli Airport (MHC)Castro, Los Lagos, ChileView Mocopulli Airport on a map Set MHC as destination Airport Set MHC as destination Airport Get more information about Mocopulli Airport
1011,616.80 miles (18,695.39 km) WPerito Moreno Airport (PMQ)Perito Moreno, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Perito Moreno Airport on a map Set PMQ as destination Airport Set PMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Perito Moreno Airport
1111,611.95 miles (18,687.58 km) WSWPupelde Airfield (ZUD)Ancud, Los Lagos Region, ChileView Pupelde Airfield on a map Set ZUD as destination Airport Set ZUD as destination Airport Get more information about Pupelde Airfield
1211,603.32 miles (18,673.69 km) WSWChaitén Airfield (WCH)Chaitén, Los Lagos, ChileView Chaitén Airfield on a map Set WCH as destination Airport Set WCH as destination Airport Get more information about Chaitén Airfield
1311,600.39 miles (18,668.97 km) WGobernador Gregores Airport (GGS)Gobernador Gregores, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Gobernador Gregores Airport on a map Set GGS as destination Airport Set GGS as destination Airport Get more information about Gobernador Gregores Airport
1411,594.30 miles (18,659.17 km) WSWPresidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport (PUQ)Punta Arenas, ChileView Presidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport on a map Set PUQ as destination Airport Set PUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Presidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport
1511,578.97 miles (18,634.50 km) WAlto Río Senguer Airport (ARR)Alto Río Senguer, Chubut, ArgentinaView Alto Río Senguer Airport on a map Set ARR as destination Airport Set ARR as destination Airport Get more information about Alto Río Senguer Airport