About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Mörön Airport (MXV), Mörön, Khövsgöl Province, Mongolia and Đà Nẵng International Airport (DAD), Da Nang, Vietnam would travel a Great Circle distance of 2,367 miles (or 3,809 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the relatively short distance between Mörön Airport and Đà Nẵng International Airport, the route shown on this map most likely still appears to be a straight line.

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Mörön Airport
Location: Mörön, Khövsgöl Province, Mongolia
GPS Coordinates: 49°39'47"N by 100°5'57"E
Operator/Owner: Civil Aviation Authority of Mongolia
Airport Type: Joint (Civil and Military)
Elevation: 1302 feet (397 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from MXV
More Information: MXV Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Đà Nẵng International Airport
  2. Sân bay Quốc tế Đà Nẵng
Location: Da Nang, Vietnam
GPS Coordinates: 16°2'38"N by 108°11'57"E
Area Served: Da Nang
Operator/Owner: Airports Corporation of Vietnam
Airport Type: Public / Military
Elevation: 33 feet (10 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from DAD
More Information: DAD Maps & Info

Facts about Mörön Airport (MXV):

  • The closest airport to Mörön Airport (MXV) is Bulgan Airport (UGA), which is located 163 miles (262 kilometers) ESE of MXV.
  • The furthest airport from Mörön Airport (MXV) is Lago Argentino Airport (ING), which is nearly antipodal to Mörön Airport (meaning Mörön Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Lago Argentino Airport), and is located 12,096 miles (19,467 kilometers) away in El Calafate, Santa Cruz, Argentina.
  • Mörön Airport (MXV) has 2 runways.
  • Mörön Airport handled 13,000 passengers last year.

Facts about Đà Nẵng International Airport (DAD):

  • The furthest airport from Đà Nẵng International Airport (DAD) is Rodríguez Ballón International Airport (AQP), which is nearly antipodal to Đà Nẵng International Airport (meaning Đà Nẵng International Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Rodríguez Ballón International Airport), and is located 12,412 miles (19,975 kilometers) away in Arequipa, Peru.
  • Da Nang International Airport has two 10,000-foot paved, parallel runways capable of handling large, modern aircraft such as Boeing 747s, 767s and Airbus 320s.
  • Đà Nẵng International Airport (DAD) has 2 runways.
  • Because of Đà Nẵng International Airport's relatively low elevation of 33 feet, planes can take off or land at Đà Nẵng International Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • In addition to being known as "Đà Nẵng International Airport", another name for DAD is "Sân bay Quốc tế Đà Nẵng".
  • In 1955, the newly established Republic of Vietnam Air Force inherited from the French a token force of fifty-eight aircraft.
  • The closest airport to Đà Nẵng International Airport (DAD) is Phu Bai International Airport (HUI), which is located 41 miles (66 kilometers) NW of DAD.

Map of Nearest Airports to Mörön Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Mörön Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1162.53 miles (261.57 km) ESEBulgan Airport (UGA)Bulgan, MongoliaView Bulgan Airport on a map Set UGA as origin Airport Set UGA as destination Airport Get more information about Bulgan Airport
2208.51 miles (335.56 km) SEKharkhorin Airport (KHR)Kharkhorin, MongoliaView Kharkhorin Airport on a map Set KHR as origin Airport Set KHR as destination Airport Get more information about Kharkhorin Airport
3226.89 miles (365.14 km) SSEKhujirt Airport (HJT)Khujirt, Övörkhangai, MongoliaView Khujirt Airport on a map Set HJT as origin Airport Set HJT as destination Airport Get more information about Khujirt Airport
4242.90 miles (390.92 km) SBayankhongor Airport (BYN)Bayankhongor, MongoliaView Bayankhongor Airport on a map Set BYN as origin Airport Set BYN as destination Airport Get more information about Bayankhongor Airport
5259.22 miles (417.18 km) NEInternational Airport Irkutsk (IKT)Irkutsk, RussiaView International Airport Irkutsk on a map Set IKT as origin Airport Set IKT as destination Airport Get more information about International Airport Irkutsk
6266.67 miles (429.17 km) SSEArvaykheer Airport (AVK)Arvaikheer, MongoliaView Arvaykheer Airport on a map Set AVK as origin Airport Set AVK as destination Airport Get more information about Arvaykheer Airport
7285.40 miles (459.30 km) WNWKyzyl Airport (KYZ)Kyzyl, Tuva, RussiaView Kyzyl Airport on a map Set KYZ as origin Airport Set KYZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kyzyl Airport
8289.29 miles (465.57 km) SWAltai Airport (LTI)Altai, Govi-Altai, MongoliaView Altai Airport on a map Set LTI as origin Airport Set LTI as destination Airport Get more information about Altai Airport
9328.57 miles (528.78 km) ESEChinggis Khaan International Airport (ULN)Ulan Bator, MongoliaView Chinggis Khaan International Airport on a map Set ULN as origin Airport Set ULN as destination Airport Get more information about Chinggis Khaan International Airport
10353.24 miles (568.49 km) ENEBaikal International Airport (UUD)Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, RussiaView Baikal International Airport on a map Set UUD as origin Airport Set UUD as destination Airport Get more information about Baikal International Airport
11357.98 miles (576.11 km) WUlaangom Airport (ULO)Ulaangom, Uvs Province, MongoliaView Ulaangom Airport on a map Set ULO as origin Airport Set ULO as destination Airport Get more information about Ulaangom Airport
12393.62 miles (633.46 km) SEMandalgovi Airport (MXW)Mandalgovi, Dundgovi, MongoliaView Mandalgovi Airport on a map Set MXW as origin Airport Set MXW as destination Airport Get more information about Mandalgovi Airport
13402.81 miles (648.26 km) WSWKhovd Airport (HVD)Khovd, MongoliaView Khovd Airport on a map Set HVD as origin Airport Set HVD as destination Airport Get more information about Khovd Airport
14460.37 miles (740.89 km) WÖlgii Airport (ULG)Bayan-Ölgii Province, MongoliaView Ölgii Airport on a map Set ULG as origin Airport Set ULG as destination Airport Get more information about Ölgii Airport
15467.09 miles (751.71 km) NWAbakan International Airport (ABA)Abakan, Khakassia, RussiaView Abakan International Airport on a map Set ABA as origin Airport Set ABA as destination Airport Get more information about Abakan International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Mörön Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Mörön Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,096.21 miles (19,466.91 km) WLago Argentino Airport (ING)El Calafate, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Lago Argentino Airport on a map Set ING as origin Airport Set ING as destination Airport Get more information about Lago Argentino Airport
212,085.63 miles (19,449.89 km) WComandante Armando Tola International Airport (FTE)El Calafate, Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaView Comandante Armando Tola International Airport on a map Set FTE as origin Airport Set FTE as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante Armando Tola International Airport
312,085.60 miles (19,449.85 km) WSWTeniente Julio Gallardo Airfield (PNT)Puerto Natales, ChileView Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield on a map Set PNT as origin Airport Set PNT as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield
412,062.52 miles (19,412.70 km) WSWCochrane Airfield (LGR)Cochrane, ChileView Cochrane Airfield on a map Set LGR as origin Airport Set LGR as destination Airport Get more information about Cochrane Airfield
512,002.60 miles (19,316.26 km) WSWChile Chico Airfield (CCH)Chile Chico, Aisén Region, ChileView Chile Chico Airfield on a map Set CCH as origin Airport Set CCH as destination Airport Get more information about Chile Chico Airfield
611,992.88 miles (19,300.63 km) WGobernador Gregores Airport (GGS)Gobernador Gregores, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Gobernador Gregores Airport on a map Set GGS as origin Airport Set GGS as destination Airport Get more information about Gobernador Gregores Airport
711,983.69 miles (19,285.83 km) SWPresidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport (PUQ)Punta Arenas, ChileView Presidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport on a map Set PUQ as origin Airport Set PUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Presidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport
811,978.13 miles (19,276.89 km) SWTeniente Vidal Airfield (GXQ)Coyhaique, ChileView Teniente Vidal Airfield on a map Set GXQ as origin Airport Set GXQ as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Vidal Airfield
911,976.42 miles (19,274.14 km) WSWBalmaceda Airport (BBA)Balmaceda, ChileView Balmaceda Airport on a map Set BBA as origin Airport Set BBA as destination Airport Get more information about Balmaceda Airport
1011,972.34 miles (19,267.57 km) WSWPerito Moreno Airport (PMQ)Perito Moreno, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Perito Moreno Airport on a map Set PMQ as origin Airport Set PMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Perito Moreno Airport
1111,954.21 miles (19,238.39 km) WSWPiloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport (RGL)Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Piloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport on a map Set RGL as origin Airport Set RGL as destination Airport Get more information about Piloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport
1211,904.24 miles (19,157.97 km) WSWAlto Río Senguer Airport (ARR)Alto Río Senguer, Chubut, ArgentinaView Alto Río Senguer Airport on a map Set ARR as origin Airport Set ARR as destination Airport Get more information about Alto Río Senguer Airport
1311,861.10 miles (19,088.54 km) SSWGamboa Airport (WCA)Castro, ChileView Gamboa Airport on a map Set WCA as origin Airport Set WCA as destination Airport Get more information about Gamboa Airport
1411,859.08 miles (19,085.29 km) SWChaitén Airfield (WCH)Chaitén, Los Lagos, ChileView Chaitén Airfield on a map Set WCH as origin Airport Set WCH as destination Airport Get more information about Chaitén Airfield
1511,850.66 miles (19,071.74 km) SSWMocopulli Airport (MHC)Castro, Los Lagos, ChileView Mocopulli Airport on a map Set MHC as origin Airport Set MHC as destination Airport Get more information about Mocopulli Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Đà Nẵng International Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Đà Nẵng International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
141.19 miles (66.29 km) NWPhu Bai International Airport (HUI)Huế, Thừa Thiên–Huế, VietnamView Phu Bai International Airport on a map Set HUI as destination Airport Set HUI as destination Airport Get more information about Phu Bai International Airport
255.45 miles (89.24 km) SEChu Lai Airport (VCL)Chu Lai, Quang Nam, VietnamView Chu Lai Airport on a map Set VCL as destination Airport Set VCL as destination Airport Get more information about Chu Lai Airport
3154.90 miles (249.29 km) SSEPhu Cat Airport (UIH)Qui Nhơn, Binh Dinh, VietnamView Phu Cat Airport on a map Set UIH as destination Airport Set UIH as destination Airport Get more information about Phu Cat Airport
4175.42 miles (282.30 km) NNESanya Phoenix International Airport (SYX)Sanya, Hainan, ChinaView Sanya Phoenix International Airport on a map Set SYX as destination Airport Set SYX as destination Airport Get more information about Sanya Phoenix International Airport
5179.18 miles (288.37 km) SSWRatanakiri Airport (RBE)Ratanakiri, CambodiaView Ratanakiri Airport on a map Set RBE as destination Airport Set RBE as destination Airport Get more information about Ratanakiri Airport
6228.17 miles (367.20 km) WSWUbon Ratchathani Airport ท่าอากาศยานอุบลราชธานี (UBP)Ubon Ratchathani, ThailandView Ubon Ratchathani Airport ท่าอากาศยานอุบลราชธานี on a map Set UBP as destination Airport Set UBP as destination Airport Get more information about Ubon Ratchathani Airport ท่าอากาศยานอุบลราชธานี
7230.86 miles (371.53 km) WSavannakhet Airport (ZVK)Savannakhet, LaosView Savannakhet Airport on a map Set ZVK as destination Airport Set ZVK as destination Airport Get more information about Savannakhet Airport
8233.31 miles (375.47 km) SBuon Ma Thuot Airport (BMV)Buon Me Thuot, VietnamView Buon Ma Thuot Airport on a map Set BMV as destination Airport Set BMV as destination Airport Get more information about Buon Ma Thuot Airport
9249.81 miles (402.03 km) NWVinh Airport (VII)Vinh, Nghe An, VietnamView Vinh Airport on a map Set VII as destination Airport Set VII as destination Airport Get more information about Vinh Airport
10252.89 miles (406.98 km) WNWNakhon Phanom Airport (KOP)Nakhon Phanom, ThailandView Nakhon Phanom Airport on a map Set KOP as destination Airport Set KOP as destination Airport Get more information about Nakhon Phanom Airport
11287.78 miles (463.13 km) SSECam Ranh International Airport (CXR)Cam Ranh, Khánh Hòa, VietnamView Cam Ranh International Airport on a map Set CXR as destination Airport Set CXR as destination Airport Get more information about Cam Ranh International Airport
12296.87 miles (477.77 km) SLien Khuong Airport (DLI)Da Lat, Lam Dong, VietnamView Lien Khuong Airport on a map Set DLI as destination Airport Set DLI as destination Airport Get more information about Lien Khuong Airport
13307.09 miles (494.21 km) NNEHaikou Meilan International Airport (HAK)Haikou, Hainan, ChinaView Haikou Meilan International Airport on a map Set HAK as destination Airport Set HAK as destination Airport Get more information about Haikou Meilan International Airport
14321.34 miles (517.15 km) NNWTho Xuan Airport (THD)Thanh Hoa, VietnamView Tho Xuan Airport on a map Set THD as destination Airport Set THD as destination Airport Get more information about Tho Xuan Airport
15334.01 miles (537.53 km) WBuriram Airport (BFV)Buriram (Buri Ram), ThailandView Buriram Airport on a map Set BFV as destination Airport Set BFV as destination Airport Get more information about Buriram Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Đà Nẵng International Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Đà Nẵng International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,411.70 miles (19,974.65 km) SWRodríguez Ballón International Airport (AQP)Arequipa, PeruView Rodríguez Ballón International Airport on a map Set AQP as destination Airport Set AQP as destination Airport Get more information about Rodríguez Ballón International Airport
212,320.53 miles (19,827.92 km) WSWInca Manco Cápac International Airport (JUL)Juliaca, PeruView Inca Manco Cápac International Airport on a map Set JUL as destination Airport Set JUL as destination Airport Get more information about Inca Manco Cápac International Airport
312,318.79 miles (19,825.12 km) SSWIlo Airport (ILQ)Ilo, Moquegua Region, PeruView Ilo Airport on a map Set ILQ as destination Airport Set ILQ as destination Airport Get more information about Ilo Airport
412,263.23 miles (19,735.70 km) SAlejandro Velasco Astete International Airport (CUZ)Cusco, Cusco Region, PeruView Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport on a map Set CUZ as destination Airport Set CUZ as destination Airport Get more information about Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport
512,250.62 miles (19,715.42 km) SSWChacalluta International Airport (ARI)Arica, ChileView Chacalluta International Airport on a map Set ARI as destination Airport Set ARI as destination Airport Get more information about Chacalluta International Airport
612,250.62 miles (19,715.42 km) SSWChacalluta International Airport (ACM)Arica, Amazonas, ColombiaView Chacalluta International Airport on a map Set ACM as destination Airport Set ACM as destination Airport Get more information about Chacalluta International Airport
712,245.27 miles (19,706.80 km) SSEAndahuaylas Airport (ANS)Andahuaylas, PeruView Andahuaylas Airport on a map Set ANS as destination Airport Set ANS as destination Airport Get more information about Andahuaylas Airport
812,210.84 miles (19,651.39 km) ESEMaria Reiche Neuman Airport (NZC)Nazca, Ica Region, PeruView Maria Reiche Neuman Airport on a map Set NZC as destination Airport Set NZC as destination Airport Get more information about Maria Reiche Neuman Airport
912,195.30 miles (19,626.38 km) WEl Alto International Airport (LPB)La Paz, BoliviaView El Alto International Airport on a map Set LPB as destination Airport Set LPB as destination Airport Get more information about El Alto International Airport
1012,193.12 miles (19,622.87 km) WSWApolo Airport (APB)Apolo, La Paz, BoliviaView Apolo Airport on a map Set APB as destination Airport Set APB as destination Airport Get more information about Apolo Airport
1112,180.54 miles (19,602.62 km) SECoronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport (AYP)Ayacucho, PeruView Coronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport on a map Set AYP as destination Airport Set AYP as destination Airport Get more information about Coronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport
1212,180.54 miles (19,602.62 km) SECoronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport (AYC)Ayacucho, PeruView Coronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport on a map Set AYC as destination Airport Set AYC as destination Airport Get more information about Coronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport
1312,143.87 miles (19,543.61 km) SWPadre Aldamiz International Airport (PEM)Puerto Maldonado, PeruView Padre Aldamiz International Airport on a map Set PEM as destination Airport Set PEM as destination Airport Get more information about Padre Aldamiz International Airport
1412,129.01 miles (19,519.70 km) WSWRurrenabaque Airport (RBQ)Rurrenabaque, BoliviaView Rurrenabaque Airport on a map Set RBQ as destination Airport Set RBQ as destination Airport Get more information about Rurrenabaque Airport
1512,108.81 miles (19,487.19 km) SSWDiego Aracena International Airport (IQQ)Iquique, ChileView Diego Aracena International Airport on a map Set IQQ as destination Airport Set IQQ as destination Airport Get more information about Diego Aracena International Airport