About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Mörön Airport (MXV), Mörön, Khövsgöl Province, Mongolia and Mission Field (LVM), Livingston, Montana, United States would travel a Great Circle distance of 5,597 miles (or 9,008 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Mörön Airport and Mission Field, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Mörön Airport and Mission Field. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Mörön Airport
Location: Mörön, Khövsgöl Province, Mongolia
GPS Coordinates: 49°39'47"N by 100°5'57"E
Operator/Owner: Civil Aviation Authority of Mongolia
Airport Type: Joint (Civil and Military)
Elevation: 1302 feet (397 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from MXV
More Information: MXV Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Mission Field
Location: Livingston, Montana, United States
GPS Coordinates: 45°41'57"N by 110°26'53"W
Area Served: Livingston, Montana
Operator/Owner: City of Livingston & Park County
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 4659 feet (1,420 meters)
# of Runways: 3
View all routes: Routes from LVM
More Information: LVM Maps & Info

Facts about Mörön Airport (MXV):

  • The furthest airport from Mörön Airport (MXV) is Lago Argentino Airport (ING), which is nearly antipodal to Mörön Airport (meaning Mörön Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Lago Argentino Airport), and is located 12,096 miles (19,467 kilometers) away in El Calafate, Santa Cruz, Argentina.
  • The closest airport to Mörön Airport (MXV) is Bulgan Airport (UGA), which is located 163 miles (262 kilometers) ESE of MXV.
  • Mörön Airport (MXV) has 2 runways.
  • Mörön Airport handled 13,000 passengers last year.

Facts about Mission Field (LVM):

  • Because of Mission Field's high elevation of 4,659 feet, planes must typically fly at a faster airspeed in order to takeoff or land at LVM. Combined with a high temperature, this could make LVM a "Hot & High" airport, where the air density is lower than it would otherwise be at sea level.
  • The furthest airport from Mission Field (LVM) is Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport (RRG), which is located 10,610 miles (17,075 kilometers) away in Rodrigues Island, Mauritius.
  • The closest airport to Mission Field (LVM) is Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport (BZN), which is located 34 miles (55 kilometers) W of LVM.
  • Mission Field (LVM) has 3 runways.

Map of Nearest Airports to Mörön Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Mörön Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1162.53 miles (261.57 km) ESEBulgan Airport (UGA)Bulgan, MongoliaView Bulgan Airport on a map Set UGA as origin Airport Set UGA as destination Airport Get more information about Bulgan Airport
2208.51 miles (335.56 km) SEKharkhorin Airport (KHR)Kharkhorin, MongoliaView Kharkhorin Airport on a map Set KHR as origin Airport Set KHR as destination Airport Get more information about Kharkhorin Airport
3226.89 miles (365.14 km) SSEKhujirt Airport (HJT)Khujirt, Övörkhangai, MongoliaView Khujirt Airport on a map Set HJT as origin Airport Set HJT as destination Airport Get more information about Khujirt Airport
4242.90 miles (390.92 km) SBayankhongor Airport (BYN)Bayankhongor, MongoliaView Bayankhongor Airport on a map Set BYN as origin Airport Set BYN as destination Airport Get more information about Bayankhongor Airport
5259.22 miles (417.18 km) NEInternational Airport Irkutsk (IKT)Irkutsk, RussiaView International Airport Irkutsk on a map Set IKT as origin Airport Set IKT as destination Airport Get more information about International Airport Irkutsk
6266.67 miles (429.17 km) SSEArvaykheer Airport (AVK)Arvaikheer, MongoliaView Arvaykheer Airport on a map Set AVK as origin Airport Set AVK as destination Airport Get more information about Arvaykheer Airport
7285.40 miles (459.30 km) WNWKyzyl Airport (KYZ)Kyzyl, Tuva, RussiaView Kyzyl Airport on a map Set KYZ as origin Airport Set KYZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kyzyl Airport
8289.29 miles (465.57 km) SWAltai Airport (LTI)Altai, Govi-Altai, MongoliaView Altai Airport on a map Set LTI as origin Airport Set LTI as destination Airport Get more information about Altai Airport
9328.57 miles (528.78 km) ESEChinggis Khaan International Airport (ULN)Ulan Bator, MongoliaView Chinggis Khaan International Airport on a map Set ULN as origin Airport Set ULN as destination Airport Get more information about Chinggis Khaan International Airport
10353.24 miles (568.49 km) ENEBaikal International Airport (UUD)Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, RussiaView Baikal International Airport on a map Set UUD as origin Airport Set UUD as destination Airport Get more information about Baikal International Airport
11357.98 miles (576.11 km) WUlaangom Airport (ULO)Ulaangom, Uvs Province, MongoliaView Ulaangom Airport on a map Set ULO as origin Airport Set ULO as destination Airport Get more information about Ulaangom Airport
12393.62 miles (633.46 km) SEMandalgovi Airport (MXW)Mandalgovi, Dundgovi, MongoliaView Mandalgovi Airport on a map Set MXW as origin Airport Set MXW as destination Airport Get more information about Mandalgovi Airport
13402.81 miles (648.26 km) WSWKhovd Airport (HVD)Khovd, MongoliaView Khovd Airport on a map Set HVD as origin Airport Set HVD as destination Airport Get more information about Khovd Airport
14460.37 miles (740.89 km) WÖlgii Airport (ULG)Bayan-Ölgii Province, MongoliaView Ölgii Airport on a map Set ULG as origin Airport Set ULG as destination Airport Get more information about Ölgii Airport
15467.09 miles (751.71 km) NWAbakan International Airport (ABA)Abakan, Khakassia, RussiaView Abakan International Airport on a map Set ABA as origin Airport Set ABA as destination Airport Get more information about Abakan International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Mörön Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Mörön Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,096.21 miles (19,466.91 km) WLago Argentino Airport (ING)El Calafate, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Lago Argentino Airport on a map Set ING as origin Airport Set ING as destination Airport Get more information about Lago Argentino Airport
212,085.63 miles (19,449.89 km) WComandante Armando Tola International Airport (FTE)El Calafate, Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaView Comandante Armando Tola International Airport on a map Set FTE as origin Airport Set FTE as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante Armando Tola International Airport
312,085.60 miles (19,449.85 km) WSWTeniente Julio Gallardo Airfield (PNT)Puerto Natales, ChileView Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield on a map Set PNT as origin Airport Set PNT as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield
412,062.52 miles (19,412.70 km) WSWCochrane Airfield (LGR)Cochrane, ChileView Cochrane Airfield on a map Set LGR as origin Airport Set LGR as destination Airport Get more information about Cochrane Airfield
512,002.60 miles (19,316.26 km) WSWChile Chico Airfield (CCH)Chile Chico, Aisén Region, ChileView Chile Chico Airfield on a map Set CCH as origin Airport Set CCH as destination Airport Get more information about Chile Chico Airfield
611,992.88 miles (19,300.63 km) WGobernador Gregores Airport (GGS)Gobernador Gregores, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Gobernador Gregores Airport on a map Set GGS as origin Airport Set GGS as destination Airport Get more information about Gobernador Gregores Airport
711,983.69 miles (19,285.83 km) SWPresidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport (PUQ)Punta Arenas, ChileView Presidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport on a map Set PUQ as origin Airport Set PUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Presidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport
811,978.13 miles (19,276.89 km) SWTeniente Vidal Airfield (GXQ)Coyhaique, ChileView Teniente Vidal Airfield on a map Set GXQ as origin Airport Set GXQ as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Vidal Airfield
911,976.42 miles (19,274.14 km) WSWBalmaceda Airport (BBA)Balmaceda, ChileView Balmaceda Airport on a map Set BBA as origin Airport Set BBA as destination Airport Get more information about Balmaceda Airport
1011,972.34 miles (19,267.57 km) WSWPerito Moreno Airport (PMQ)Perito Moreno, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Perito Moreno Airport on a map Set PMQ as origin Airport Set PMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Perito Moreno Airport
1111,954.21 miles (19,238.39 km) WSWPiloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport (RGL)Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Piloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport on a map Set RGL as origin Airport Set RGL as destination Airport Get more information about Piloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport
1211,904.24 miles (19,157.97 km) WSWAlto Río Senguer Airport (ARR)Alto Río Senguer, Chubut, ArgentinaView Alto Río Senguer Airport on a map Set ARR as origin Airport Set ARR as destination Airport Get more information about Alto Río Senguer Airport
1311,861.10 miles (19,088.54 km) SSWGamboa Airport (WCA)Castro, ChileView Gamboa Airport on a map Set WCA as origin Airport Set WCA as destination Airport Get more information about Gamboa Airport
1411,859.08 miles (19,085.29 km) SWChaitén Airfield (WCH)Chaitén, Los Lagos, ChileView Chaitén Airfield on a map Set WCH as origin Airport Set WCH as destination Airport Get more information about Chaitén Airfield
1511,850.66 miles (19,071.74 km) SSWMocopulli Airport (MHC)Castro, Los Lagos, ChileView Mocopulli Airport on a map Set MHC as origin Airport Set MHC as destination Airport Get more information about Mocopulli Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Mission Field:

List of Nearest Airports to Mission Field:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
134.37 miles (55.31 km) WBozeman Yellowstone International Airport (BZN)Bozeman, Montana, United StatesView Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport on a map Set BZN as destination Airport Set BZN as destination Airport Get more information about Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport
277.10 miles (124.07 km) SSWYellowstone Airport (WYS)West Yellowstone, Montana, United StatesView Yellowstone Airport on a map Set WYS as destination Airport Set WYS as destination Airport Get more information about Yellowstone Airport
392.15 miles (148.31 km) EBillings Logan International Airport (BIL)Billings, Montana, United StatesView Billings Logan International Airport on a map Set BIL as destination Airport Set BIL as destination Airport Get more information about Billings Logan International Airport
496.56 miles (155.40 km) NWHelena Regional Airport (HLN)Helena, Montana, United StatesView Helena Regional Airport on a map Set HLN as destination Airport Set HLN as destination Airport Get more information about Helena Regional Airport
5100.23 miles (161.31 km) WBert Mooney Airport (BTM)Butte, Montana, United StatesView Bert Mooney Airport on a map Set BTM as destination Airport Set BTM as destination Airport Get more information about Bert Mooney Airport
6104.33 miles (167.91 km) NNELewistown Municipal Airport (LWT)Lewistown, Montana, United StatesView Lewistown Municipal Airport on a map Set LWT as destination Airport Set LWT as destination Airport Get more information about Lewistown Municipal Airport
7105.84 miles (170.33 km) ENERoundup Airport (RPX)Roundup, Montana, United StatesView Roundup Airport on a map Set RPX as destination Airport Set RPX as destination Airport Get more information about Roundup Airport
8106.47 miles (171.35 km) WSWDillon Airport (DLN)Dillon, Montana, United StatesView Dillon Airport on a map Set DLN as destination Airport Set DLN as destination Airport Get more information about Dillon Airport
9107.05 miles (172.28 km) SEYellowstone Regional Airport (COD)Cody, Wyoming, United StatesView Yellowstone Regional Airport on a map Set COD as destination Airport Set COD as destination Airport Get more information about Yellowstone Regional Airport
10129.57 miles (208.53 km) NNWMalmstrom Air Force Base (GFA)Great Falls, Montana, United StatesView Malmstrom Air Force Base on a map Set GFA as destination Airport Set GFA as destination Airport Get more information about Malmstrom Air Force Base
11130.77 miles (210.45 km) NNWGreat Falls International Airport (GTF)Great Falls, Montana, United StatesView Great Falls International Airport on a map Set GTF as destination Airport Set GTF as destination Airport Get more information about Great Falls International Airport
12137.10 miles (220.64 km) SWDubois Municipal Airport (DBS)Dubois, Idaho, United StatesView Dubois Municipal Airport on a map Set DBS as destination Airport Set DBS as destination Airport Get more information about Dubois Municipal Airport
13145.26 miles (233.77 km) SJackson Hole Airport (JAC)Jackson, Wyoming, United StatesView Jackson Hole Airport on a map Set JAC as destination Airport Set JAC as destination Airport Get more information about Jackson Hole Airport
14170.81 miles (274.90 km) SSWIdaho Falls Regional Airport (IDA)Idaho Falls, Idaho, United StatesView Idaho Falls Regional Airport on a map Set IDA as destination Airport Set IDA as destination Airport Get more information about Idaho Falls Regional Airport
15171.20 miles (275.52 km) WSWLemhi County Airport (SMN)Salmon, Idaho, United StatesView Lemhi County Airport on a map Set SMN as destination Airport Set SMN as destination Airport Get more information about Lemhi County Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Mission Field:

List of Furthest Airports from Mission Field:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
110,610.00 miles (17,075.09 km) SSESir Gaëtan Duval Airport (RRG)Rodrigues Island, MauritiusView Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport on a map Set RRG as destination Airport Set RRG as destination Airport Get more information about Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport
210,572.70 miles (17,015.06 km) SSEPierrefonds Airport (ZSE)Saint-Pierre, RéunionView Pierrefonds Airport on a map Set ZSE as destination Airport Set ZSE as destination Airport Get more information about Pierrefonds Airport
310,565.28 miles (17,003.13 km) SSESir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport (MRU)Plaisance, MauritiusView Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport on a map Set MRU as destination Airport Set MRU as destination Airport Get more information about Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport
410,547.19 miles (16,974.02 km) SSERoland Garros Airport (RUN)St Denis, Réunion, FranceView Roland Garros Airport on a map Set RUN as destination Airport Set RUN as destination Airport Get more information about Roland Garros Airport
510,537.56 miles (16,958.51 km) SETôlanaro Airport (FTU)Tôlanaro, MadagascarView Tôlanaro Airport on a map Set FTU as destination Airport Set FTU as destination Airport Get more information about Tôlanaro Airport
610,436.01 miles (16,795.09 km) SEAmpanihy Airport (AMP)Ampanihy, MadagascarView Ampanihy Airport on a map Set AMP as destination Airport Set AMP as destination Airport Get more information about Ampanihy Airport
710,363.30 miles (16,678.07 km) SEMananjary Airport (MNJ)Mananjary, MadagascarView Mananjary Airport on a map Set MNJ as destination Airport Set MNJ as destination Airport Get more information about Mananjary Airport
810,336.10 miles (16,634.30 km) SEFianarantsoa Airport (WFI)Fianarantsoa, MadagascarView Fianarantsoa Airport on a map Set WFI as destination Airport Set WFI as destination Airport Get more information about Fianarantsoa Airport
910,237.12 miles (16,475.00 km) SEAndavadoaka Airport (DVD)Andavadoaka, Toliara province, Atsimo-Andrefana region, MadagascarView Andavadoaka Airport on a map Set DVD as destination Airport Set DVD as destination Airport Get more information about Andavadoaka Airport
1010,236.50 miles (16,474.01 km) SEManja Airport (MJA)Manja, Menabe, MadagascarView Manja Airport on a map Set MJA as destination Airport Set MJA as destination Airport Get more information about Manja Airport
1110,220.99 miles (16,449.05 km) SEMorombe Airport (MXM)Morombe, MadagascarView Morombe Airport on a map Set MXM as destination Airport Set MXM as destination Airport Get more information about Morombe Airport
1210,207.72 miles (16,427.69 km) SEToamasino Airport (TMM)Toamasina, MadagascarView Toamasino Airport on a map Set TMM as destination Airport Set TMM as destination Airport Get more information about Toamasino Airport
1310,190.72 miles (16,400.33 km) SEIvato International Airport (TNR)Antananarivo, MadagascarView Ivato International Airport on a map Set TNR as destination Airport Set TNR as destination Airport Get more information about Ivato International Airport
1410,169.15 miles (16,365.62 km) SEMiandrivazo Airport (ZVA)Miandrivazo, MadagascarView Miandrivazo Airport on a map Set ZVA as destination Airport Set ZVA as destination Airport Get more information about Miandrivazo Airport
1510,157.09 miles (16,346.22 km) SESainte Marie Airport (SMS)Île Sainte-Marie, MadagascarView Sainte Marie Airport on a map Set SMS as destination Airport Set SMS as destination Airport Get more information about Sainte Marie Airport