About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Sunyani Airport (NYI), Sunyani, Ghana and Butare Airport (BTQ), Butare, Rwanda would travel a Great Circle distance of 2,315 miles (or 3,726 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the relatively short distance between Sunyani Airport and Butare Airport, the route shown on this map most likely still appears to be a straight line.

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Sunyani Airport
Location: Sunyani, Ghana
GPS Coordinates: 7°21'42"N by 2°19'42"W
Operator/Owner: Government
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 1014 feet (309 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from NYI
More Information: NYI Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Butare Airport
  2. Butare
Location: Butare, Rwanda
GPS Coordinates: 2°35'42"S by 29°44'23"E
Area Served: Butare, Rwanda
Operator/Owner: Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 5801 feet (1,768 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from BTQ
More Information: BTQ Maps & Info

Facts about Sunyani Airport (NYI):

  • The closest airport to Sunyani Airport (NYI) is Soko Airport (BDK), which is located 54 miles (87 kilometers) NNW of NYI.
  • Sunyani Airport (NYI) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The furthest airport from Sunyani Airport (NYI) is Funafuti International Airport (FUN), which is nearly antipodal to Sunyani Airport (meaning Sunyani Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Funafuti International Airport), and is located 12,305 miles (19,803 kilometers) away in Funafuti, Tuvalu.

Facts about Butare Airport (BTQ):

  • Butare Airport (BTQ) currently has only 1 runway.
  • In addition to being known as "Butare Airport", another name for BTQ is "Butare".
  • The closest airport to Butare Airport (BTQ) is Kirundo Airport (KRE), which is located 25 miles (40 kilometers) E of BTQ.
  • Butare Airport is a small civilian airport that serves the town of Butare.
  • The furthest airport from Butare Airport (BTQ) is Cassidy International Airport (CXI), which is located 11,946 miles (19,224 kilometers) away in Christmas Island, Kiribati.
  • Because of Butare Airport's high elevation of 5,801 feet, planes must typically fly at a faster airspeed in order to takeoff or land at BTQ. Combined with a high temperature, this could make BTQ a "Hot & High" airport, where the air density is lower than it would otherwise be at sea level.

Map of Nearest Airports to Sunyani Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Sunyani Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
154.15 miles (87.14 km) NNWSoko Airport (BDK)Bondoukou, Côte d'IvoireView Soko Airport on a map Set BDK as origin Airport Set BDK as destination Airport Get more information about Soko Airport
267.54 miles (108.69 km) SEKumasi Airport (KMS)Kumasi, GhanaView Kumasi Airport on a map Set KMS as origin Airport Set KMS as destination Airport Get more information about Kumasi Airport
3139.44 miles (224.41 km) NNWBouna Tehini Airport (BQO)Bouna, Côte d'IvoireView Bouna Tehini Airport on a map Set BQO as origin Airport Set BQO as destination Airport Get more information about Bouna Tehini Airport
4148.00 miles (238.19 km) SSWAboisso Airport (ABO)Aboisso, Côte d'IvoireView Aboisso Airport on a map Set ABO as origin Airport Set ABO as destination Airport Get more information about Aboisso Airport
5165.96 miles (267.09 km) WSWDimbokro Airport (DIM)Dimbokro, Côte d'IvoireView Dimbokro Airport on a map Set DIM as origin Airport Set DIM as destination Airport Get more information about Dimbokro Airport
6174.57 miles (280.94 km) SSETakoradi Airport (TKD)Sekondi-Takoradi, GhanaView Takoradi Airport on a map Set TKD as origin Airport Set TKD as destination Airport Get more information about Takoradi Airport
7181.76 miles (292.51 km) NNETamale Airport (TML)Tamale, Northern Region, GhanaView Tamale Airport on a map Set TML as origin Airport Set TML as destination Airport Get more information about Tamale Airport
8181.90 miles (292.74 km) SWFélix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport (ABJ)Abidjan, Côte d'IvoireView Félix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport on a map Set ABJ as origin Airport Set ABJ as destination Airport Get more information about Félix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport
9189.81 miles (305.48 km) WBouaké Airport (BYK)Bouaké, Côte d'IvoireView Bouaké Airport on a map Set BYK as origin Airport Set BYK as destination Airport Get more information about Bouaké Airport
10191.70 miles (308.51 km) SEKotoka International Airport Accra Air Force Station (ACC)Accra, GhanaView Kotoka International Airport Accra Air Force Station on a map Set ACC as origin Airport Set ACC as destination Airport Get more information about Kotoka International Airport Accra Air Force Station
11194.82 miles (313.54 km) WNWKatiola Airport (KTC)Katiola, Côte d'IvoireView Katiola Airport on a map Set KTC as origin Airport Set KTC as destination Airport Get more information about Katiola Airport
12210.61 miles (338.94 km) WYamoussoukro Airport (ASK)Yamoussoukro, Côte d'IvoireView Yamoussoukro Airport on a map Set ASK as origin Airport Set ASK as destination Airport Get more information about Yamoussoukro Airport
13216.41 miles (348.27 km) NNWGaoua Airport (XGA)Gaoua, Burkina FasoView Gaoua Airport on a map Set XGA as origin Airport Set XGA as destination Airport Get more information about Gaoua Airport
14234.26 miles (377.00 km) WSWDivo Airport (DIV)Divo, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)View Divo Airport on a map Set DIV as origin Airport Set DIV as destination Airport Get more information about Divo Airport
15249.83 miles (402.07 km) NWFerkessedougou Airport (FEK)Ferkessédougou, Côte d'IvoireView Ferkessedougou Airport on a map Set FEK as origin Airport Set FEK as destination Airport Get more information about Ferkessedougou Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Sunyani Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Sunyani Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,305.08 miles (19,803.05 km) SWFunafuti International Airport (FUN)Funafuti, TuvaluView Funafuti International Airport on a map Set FUN as origin Airport Set FUN as destination Airport Get more information about Funafuti International Airport
212,103.51 miles (19,478.66 km) SArorae Island Airport (AIS)Arorae Island, KiribatiView Arorae Island Airport on a map Set AIS as origin Airport Set AIS as destination Airport Get more information about Arorae Island Airport
312,006.23 miles (19,322.10 km) SSEBeru Island Airport (BEZ)Beru, KiribatiView Beru Island Airport on a map Set BEZ as origin Airport Set BEZ as destination Airport Get more information about Beru Island Airport
411,876.33 miles (19,113.05 km) SSWAéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport (FUT)Futuna Island, Wallis and Futuna IslandsView Aéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport on a map Set FUT as origin Airport Set FUT as destination Airport Get more information about Aéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport
511,853.82 miles (19,076.83 km) SWWallis Island (WLS)Wallis and Futuna IslandsView Wallis Island on a map Set WLS as origin Airport Set WLS as destination Airport Get more information about Wallis Island
611,845.86 miles (19,064.01 km) SSEAranuka Airport (AAK)Aranuka, KiribatiView Aranuka Airport on a map Set AAK as origin Airport Set AAK as destination Airport Get more information about Aranuka Airport
711,833.06 miles (19,043.42 km) SSEAbemama Atoll Airport (AEA)Abemama Atoll, KiribatiView Abemama Atoll Airport on a map Set AEA as origin Airport Set AEA as destination Airport Get more information about Abemama Atoll Airport
811,797.70 miles (18,986.51 km) SLabasa Airport (LBS)Labasa, FijiView Labasa Airport on a map Set LBS as origin Airport Set LBS as destination Airport Get more information about Labasa Airport
911,787.46 miles (18,970.03 km) SYasawa Island Airport (YAS)Yasawa Island, FijiView Yasawa Island Airport on a map Set YAS as origin Airport Set YAS as destination Airport Get more information about Yasawa Island Airport
1011,756.94 miles (18,920.91 km) SSEBonriki International Airport (TRW)Tarawa, KiribatiView Bonriki International Airport on a map Set TRW as origin Airport Set TRW as destination Airport Get more information about Bonriki International Airport
1111,736.94 miles (18,888.73 km) SKoro Airport (KXF)Koro Island, FijiView Koro Airport on a map Set KXF as origin Airport Set KXF as destination Airport Get more information about Koro Airport
1211,728.06 miles (18,874.43 km) SSEAbaiang Atoll Airport (ABF)Abaiang, KiribatiView Abaiang Atoll Airport on a map Set ABF as origin Airport Set ABF as destination Airport Get more information about Abaiang Atoll Airport
1311,723.31 miles (18,866.78 km) SMana Island Airport (MNF)Mana Island, FijiView Mana Island Airport on a map Set MNF as origin Airport Set MNF as destination Airport Get more information about Mana Island Airport
1411,719.09 miles (18,860.00 km) SSEMarakei Airport (MZK)Marakei, KiribatiView Marakei Airport on a map Set MZK as origin Airport Set MZK as destination Airport Get more information about Marakei Airport
1511,718.51 miles (18,859.06 km) SNadi International Airport (NAN)Nadi, FijiView Nadi International Airport on a map Set NAN as origin Airport Set NAN as destination Airport Get more information about Nadi International Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Butare Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Butare Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
124.67 miles (39.70 km) EKirundo Airport (KRE)Kirundo, BurundiView Kirundo Airport on a map Set KRE as destination Airport Set KRE as destination Airport Get more information about Kirundo Airport
251.21 miles (82.42 km) NNEKigali International Airport (KGL)Kigali, RwandaView Kigali International Airport on a map Set KGL as destination Airport Set KGL as destination Airport Get more information about Kigali International Airport
358.15 miles (93.59 km) SSWBujumbura International Airport (BJM)Bujumbura, BurundiView Bujumbura International Airport on a map Set BJM as destination Airport Set BJM as destination Airport Get more information about Bujumbura International Airport
459.17 miles (95.23 km) SSEGitega Airport (GID)Gitega, BurundiView Gitega Airport on a map Set GID as destination Airport Set GID as destination Airport Get more information about Gitega Airport
567.26 miles (108.25 km) WNWKuvumu Airport (BKY)Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Kuvumu Airport on a map Set BKY as destination Airport Set BKY as destination Airport Get more information about Kuvumu Airport
671.43 miles (114.96 km) NNWGisenyi Airport (GYI)Gisenyi, RwandaView Gisenyi Airport on a map Set GYI as destination Airport Set GYI as destination Airport Get more information about Gisenyi Airport
772.70 miles (117.00 km) NNWGoma Airport (GOM)Goma, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Goma Airport on a map Set GOM as destination Airport Set GOM as destination Airport Get more information about Goma Airport
8152.95 miles (246.15 km) NNEMbarara Airport (MBQ)Mbarara, UgandaView Mbarara Airport on a map Set MBQ as destination Airport Set MBQ as destination Airport Get more information about Mbarara Airport
9158.30 miles (254.75 km) SKigoma Airport (TKQ)Kigoma, TanzaniaView Kigoma Airport on a map Set TKQ as destination Airport Set TKQ as destination Airport Get more information about Kigoma Airport
10168.12 miles (270.56 km) ENEBukoba Airport (BKZ)Bukoba, TanzaniaView Bukoba Airport on a map Set BKZ as destination Airport Set BKZ as destination Airport Get more information about Bukoba Airport
11194.05 miles (312.29 km) NKasese Airport (KSE)Kasese, UgandaView Kasese Airport on a map Set KSE as destination Airport Set KSE as destination Airport Get more information about Kasese Airport
12219.80 miles (353.73 km) NBeni Airport (BNC)Beni, Nord-Kivu, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Beni Airport on a map Set BNC as destination Airport Set BNC as destination Airport Get more information about Beni Airport
13220.61 miles (355.04 km) EMwanza Airport (MWZ)Mwanza, TanzaniaView Mwanza Airport on a map Set MWZ as destination Airport Set MWZ as destination Airport Get more information about Mwanza Airport
14229.16 miles (368.80 km) SKalemie Airport (FMI)Kalemie, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Kalemie Airport on a map Set FMI as destination Airport Set FMI as destination Airport Get more information about Kalemie Airport
15261.00 miles (420.04 km) NEEntebbe International Airport (EBB)Entebbe, UgandaView Entebbe International Airport on a map Set EBB as destination Airport Set EBB as destination Airport Get more information about Entebbe International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Butare Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Butare Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,945.54 miles (19,224.43 km) ECassidy International Airport (CXI)Christmas Island, KiribatiView Cassidy International Airport on a map Set CXI as destination Airport Set CXI as destination Airport Get more information about Cassidy International Airport
211,284.04 miles (18,159.85 km) SWAtuona Airport (AUQ)Atuona, Marquesas Islands, French PolynesiaView Atuona Airport on a map Set AUQ as destination Airport Set AUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Atuona Airport
311,275.14 miles (18,145.53 km) SEManihiki Island Airport (MHX)Manihiki Island, Cook IslandsView Manihiki Island Airport on a map Set MHX as destination Airport Set MHX as destination Airport Get more information about Manihiki Island Airport
411,229.11 miles (18,071.46 km) SSWAhe Airport (AHE)Ahe, French PolynesiaView Ahe Airport on a map Set AHE as destination Airport Set AHE as destination Airport Get more information about Ahe Airport
511,225.52 miles (18,065.68 km) SSWManihi Airport (XMH)Manihi, French PolynesiaView Manihi Airport on a map Set XMH as destination Airport Set XMH as destination Airport Get more information about Manihi Airport
611,225.44 miles (18,065.55 km) SMataiva Airport (MVT)Mataiva, French PolynesiaView Mataiva Airport on a map Set MVT as destination Airport Set MVT as destination Airport Get more information about Mataiva Airport
711,210.20 miles (18,041.03 km) NNEHilo International Airport (ITO)Hilo, Hawaii, United StatesView Hilo International Airport on a map Set ITO as destination Airport Set ITO as destination Airport Get more information about Hilo International Airport
811,189.67 miles (18,007.99 km) NNEPōhakuloa Training Area (BSF)Camp Pohakuloa, Hawaii, United StatesView Pōhakuloa Training Area on a map Set BSF as destination Airport Set BSF as destination Airport Get more information about Pōhakuloa Training Area
911,189.55 miles (18,007.80 km) NNEKona International Airport at Keāhole (KOA)Kailua / Kona, Hawaii, United StatesView Kona International Airport at Keāhole on a map Set KOA as destination Airport Set KOA as destination Airport Get more information about Kona International Airport at Keāhole
1011,180.01 miles (17,992.45 km) NNEWaimea-Kohala Airport (MUE)Kamuela, Hawaii, United StatesView Waimea-Kohala Airport on a map Set MUE as destination Airport Set MUE as destination Airport Get more information about Waimea-Kohala Airport
1111,179.20 miles (17,991.14 km) SSWArutua Airport (AXR)Arutua, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Arutua Airport on a map Set AXR as destination Airport Set AXR as destination Airport Get more information about Arutua Airport
1211,158.86 miles (17,958.39 km) NNEUpolu Airport (UPP)Hawi, Hawaii, United StatesView Upolu Airport on a map Set UPP as destination Airport Set UPP as destination Airport Get more information about Upolu Airport
1311,154.31 miles (17,951.07 km) SSWApataki Airport (APK)Apataki, French PolynesiaView Apataki Airport on a map Set APK as destination Airport Set APK as destination Airport Get more information about Apataki Airport
1411,120.92 miles (17,897.34 km) NNEHana Airport (HNM)Hana, Hawaii, United StatesView Hana Airport on a map Set HNM as destination Airport Set HNM as destination Airport Get more information about Hana Airport
1511,117.42 miles (17,891.71 km) SBora Bora Airport (BOB)Bora Bora, French PolynesiaView Bora Bora Airport on a map Set BOB as destination Airport Set BOB as destination Airport Get more information about Bora Bora Airport