About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between São Filipe Airport (SFL), Fogo, Cape Verde and Montgomery Field (MYF), San Diego, California, United States would travel a Great Circle distance of 5,816 miles (or 9,360 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between São Filipe Airport and Montgomery Field, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between São Filipe Airport and Montgomery Field. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: São Filipe Airport
Location: Fogo, Cape Verde
GPS Coordinates: 14°52'58"N by 24°28'48"W
Area Served: São Filipe
Operator/Owner: Aeroportos e Segurança Aérea (ASA)
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 66 feet (20 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from SFL
More Information: SFL Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Montgomery Field
  2. Gibbs AF Auxiliary Field
Location: San Diego, California, United States
GPS Coordinates: 32°48'56"N by 117°8'21"W
Operator/Owner: City of San Diego
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 427 feet (130 meters)
# of Runways: 3
View all routes: Routes from MYF
More Information: MYF Maps & Info

Facts about São Filipe Airport (SFL):

  • The furthest airport from São Filipe Airport (SFL) is Misima Airport (MIS), which is nearly antipodal to São Filipe Airport (meaning São Filipe Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Misima Airport), and is located 12,095 miles (19,465 kilometers) away in Misima Island, Papua New Guinea.
  • The closest airport to São Filipe Airport (SFL) is Mosteiros Airport (MTI), which is located only 15 miles (23 kilometers) NE of SFL.
  • São Filipe Airport (SFL) currently has only 1 runway.
  • Because of São Filipe Airport's relatively low elevation of 66 feet, planes can take off or land at São Filipe Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Facts about Montgomery Field (MYF):

  • The closest airport to Montgomery Field (MYF) is MCAS Miramar, (NKX), which is located only 4 miles (6 kilometers) N of MYF.
  • In addition to being known as "Montgomery Field", another name for MYF is "Gibbs AF Auxiliary Field".
  • The furthest airport from Montgomery Field (MYF) is Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport (RRG), which is located 11,534 miles (18,562 kilometers) away in Rodrigues Island, Mauritius.
  • Because of Montgomery Field's relatively low elevation of 427 feet, planes can take off or land at Montgomery Field at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Montgomery Field (MYF) has 3 runways.
  • The airport opened in July 1940 as "Gibbs Field" as an all-way clay and gravel surface airfield.
  • After the war the airport returned to civil control.

Map of Nearest Airports to São Filipe Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to São Filipe Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
114.59 miles (23.48 km) NEMosteiros Airport (MTI)Mosteiros, Cape VerdeView Mosteiros Airport on a map Set MTI as origin Airport Set MTI as destination Airport Get more information about Mosteiros Airport
265.90 miles (106.06 km) EPraia International Airport (RAI)Praia, Cape VerdeView Praia International Airport on a map Set RAI as origin Airport Set RAI as destination Airport Get more information about Praia International Airport
386.56 miles (139.31 km) ENEMaio Airport (MMO)Maio, Cape VerdeView Maio Airport on a map Set MMO as origin Airport Set MMO as destination Airport Get more information about Maio Airport
4118.51 miles (190.72 km) NPreguiça Airport (SNE)São Nicolau, Cape VerdeView Preguiça Airport on a map Set SNE as origin Airport Set SNE as destination Airport Get more information about Preguiça Airport
5136.85 miles (220.23 km) NEAristides Pereira International Airport (BVC)Boa Vista, Cape VerdeView Aristides Pereira International Airport on a map Set BVC as origin Airport Set BVC as destination Airport Get more information about Aristides Pereira International Airport
6140.09 miles (225.45 km) NNWCesária Évora International Airport (VXE)São Vicente, Cape VerdeView Cesária Évora International Airport on a map Set VXE as origin Airport Set VXE as destination Airport Get more information about Cesária Évora International Airport
7163.94 miles (263.84 km) NEAmílcar Cabral International Airport (SID)Sal Island, Cape VerdeView Amílcar Cabral International Airport on a map Set SID as origin Airport Set SID as destination Airport Get more information about Amílcar Cabral International Airport
8165.35 miles (266.11 km) NNWAgostinho Neto Airport (NTO)Ponta do Sol, Santo Antão, Cape VerdeView Agostinho Neto Airport on a map Set NTO as origin Airport Set NTO as destination Airport Get more information about Agostinho Neto Airport
9467.00 miles (751.56 km) ELéopold Sédar Senghor International Airport (DKR)Dakar, SenegalView Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport on a map Set DKR as origin Airport Set DKR as destination Airport Get more information about Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport
10535.24 miles (861.38 km) EBanjul International Airport (BJL)Banjul, GambiaView Banjul International Airport on a map Set BJL as origin Airport Set BJL as destination Airport Get more information about Banjul International Airport
11539.88 miles (868.85 km) ESaint-Louis Airport (XLS)Saint-Louis, SenegalView Saint-Louis Airport on a map Set XLS as origin Airport Set XLS as destination Airport Get more information about Saint-Louis Airport
12546.60 miles (879.66 km) ESECap Skirring Airport (CSK)Cap Skirring, SenegalView Cap Skirring Airport on a map Set CSK as origin Airport Set CSK as destination Airport Get more information about Cap Skirring Airport
13566.05 miles (910.96 km) EKaolack Airport (KLC)Kaolack, SenegalView Kaolack Airport on a map Set KLC as origin Airport Set KLC as destination Airport Get more information about Kaolack Airport
14573.24 miles (922.53 km) ESEZiguinchor Airport (ZIG)Ziguinchor, SenegalView Ziguinchor Airport on a map Set ZIG as origin Airport Set ZIG as destination Airport Get more information about Ziguinchor Airport
15596.65 miles (960.21 km) ENERichard Toll Airport (RDT)Richard Toll, SenegalView Richard Toll Airport on a map Set RDT as origin Airport Set RDT as destination Airport Get more information about Richard Toll Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from São Filipe Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from São Filipe Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,095.33 miles (19,465.49 km) SSEMisima Airport (MIS)Misima Island, Papua New GuineaView Misima Airport on a map Set MIS as origin Airport Set MIS as destination Airport Get more information about Misima Airport
212,057.21 miles (19,404.16 km) SWBellona/Anua Airport (BNY)Anua, Bellona Island, Solomon IslandsView Bellona/Anua Airport on a map Set BNY as origin Airport Set BNY as destination Airport Get more information about Bellona/Anua Airport
312,009.59 miles (19,327.52 km) SSEGuasopa Airport (GAZ)Guasopa, Papua New GuineaView Guasopa Airport on a map Set GAZ as origin Airport Set GAZ as destination Airport Get more information about Guasopa Airport
411,977.63 miles (19,276.09 km) SWMbambanakira Airport (MBU)Mbambanakira, Solomon IslandsView Mbambanakira Airport on a map Set MBU as origin Airport Set MBU as destination Airport Get more information about Mbambanakira Airport
511,968.80 miles (19,261.86 km) SSWMunda Airport (MUA)Munda, New Georgia Island, Solomon IslandsView Munda Airport on a map Set MUA as origin Airport Set MUA as destination Airport Get more information about Munda Airport
611,965.63 miles (19,256.77 km) SEGurney Airport (GUR)Alotau, Papua New GuineaView Gurney Airport on a map Set GUR as origin Airport Set GUR as destination Airport Get more information about Gurney Airport
711,965.11 miles (19,255.93 km) SSWYandina Airport (XYA)Yandina, Solomon IslandsView Yandina Airport on a map Set XYA as origin Airport Set XYA as destination Airport Get more information about Yandina Airport
811,959.30 miles (19,246.58 km) SNusatupe Airport (GZO)Gizo / Nusatupe, Western Province, Solomon IslandsView Nusatupe Airport on a map Set GZO as origin Airport Set GZO as destination Airport Get more information about Nusatupe Airport
911,951.22 miles (19,233.58 km) SWHoniara International Airport (formerly Henderson Field) (HIR)Honiara, Guadalcanal Island, Solomon IslandsView Honiara International Airport (formerly Henderson Field) on a map Set HIR as origin Airport Set HIR as destination Airport Get more information about Honiara International Airport (formerly Henderson Field)
1011,920.88 miles (19,184.74 km) SMono Airport (MNY)Stirling Island, Treasury Islands, Solomon IslandsView Mono Airport on a map Set MNY as origin Airport Set MNY as destination Airport Get more information about Mono Airport
1111,915.49 miles (19,176.07 km) SEVivigani Airport (VIV)Vivigani, Goodenough Island, Papua New GuineaView Vivigani Airport on a map Set VIV as origin Airport Set VIV as destination Airport Get more information about Vivigani Airport
1211,908.97 miles (19,165.58 km) SWKirakira Airport (IRA)Kirakira, Makira Island, Solomon IslandsView Kirakira Airport on a map Set IRA as origin Airport Set IRA as destination Airport Get more information about Kirakira Airport
1311,903.57 miles (19,156.90 km) SELosuia Airport (Kiriwina Airfield) (LSA)Losuia, Kiriwina Island, Papua New GuineaView Losuia Airport (Kiriwina Airfield) on a map Set LSA as origin Airport Set LSA as destination Airport Get more information about Losuia Airport (Kiriwina Airfield)
1411,899.87 miles (19,150.93 km) SEAgaun Airport (AUP)Agaun, Papua New GuineaView Agaun Airport on a map Set AUP as origin Airport Set AUP as destination Airport Get more information about Agaun Airport
1511,899.15 miles (19,149.77 km) SWAfutara Airport (AFT)Afutara, Solomon IslandsView Afutara Airport on a map Set AFT as origin Airport Set AFT as destination Airport Get more information about Afutara Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Montgomery Field:

List of Nearest Airports to Montgomery Field:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
13.59 miles (5.78 km) NMCAS Miramar, (NKX)San Diego, California, United StatesView MCAS Miramar, on a map Set NKX as destination Airport Set NKX as destination Airport Get more information about MCAS Miramar,
26.39 miles (10.28 km) SSWSan Diego International Airport (SAN)San Diego, California, United StatesView San Diego International Airport on a map Set SAN as destination Airport Set SAN as destination Airport Get more information about San Diego International Airport
39.19 miles (14.78 km) SSWNAS North Island (NZY)San Diego, California, United StatesView NAS North Island on a map Set NZY as destination Airport Set NZY as destination Airport Get more information about NAS North Island
49.72 miles (15.64 km) EGillespie Field (SEE)San Diego / El Cajon, California, United StatesView Gillespie Field on a map Set SEE as destination Airport Set SEE as destination Airport Get more information about Gillespie Field
517.52 miles (28.20 km) SNaval Outlying Landing Field Imperial Beach (NRS)Imperial Beach, California, United StatesView Naval Outlying Landing Field Imperial Beach on a map Set NRS as destination Airport Set NRS as destination Airport Get more information about Naval Outlying Landing Field Imperial Beach
619.21 miles (30.91 km) SSEBrown Field Municipal Airport (SDM)San Diego, California, United StatesView Brown Field Municipal Airport on a map Set SDM as destination Airport Set SDM as destination Airport Get more information about Brown Field Municipal Airport
721.40 miles (34.45 km) SSETijuana International Airport (TIJ)Tijuana, Baja California, MexicoView Tijuana International Airport on a map Set TIJ as destination Airport Set TIJ as destination Airport Get more information about Tijuana International Airport
823.08 miles (37.14 km) NNWMcClellan–Palomar Airport (CLD)Carlsbad, California, United StatesView McClellan–Palomar Airport on a map Set CLD as destination Airport Set CLD as destination Airport Get more information about McClellan–Palomar Airport
930.38 miles (48.90 km) NNWBob Maxwell Field (Oceanside Municipal Airport) (OCN)Oceanside, California, United StatesView Bob Maxwell Field (Oceanside Municipal Airport) on a map Set OCN as destination Airport Set OCN as destination Airport Get more information about Bob Maxwell Field (Oceanside Municipal Airport)
1056.43 miles (90.81 km) ENEBorrego Valley Airport (BXS)Borrego Springs, California, United StatesView Borrego Valley Airport on a map Set BXS as destination Airport Set BXS as destination Airport Get more information about Borrego Valley Airport
1163.79 miles (102.66 km) NHemet-Ryan AirportRyan Field (HMT)Hemet, California, United StatesView Hemet-Ryan AirportRyan Field on a map Set HMT as destination Airport Set HMT as destination Airport Get more information about Hemet-Ryan AirportRyan Field
1268.57 miles (110.35 km) NNWMCAS El Toro (NZJ)Santa Ana, California, United StatesView MCAS El Toro on a map Set NZJ as destination Airport Set NZJ as destination Airport Get more information about MCAS El Toro
1372.82 miles (117.19 km) NWJohn Wayne Airport (SNA)Santa Ana, California, United StatesView John Wayne Airport on a map Set SNA as destination Airport Set SNA as destination Airport Get more information about John Wayne Airport
1473.89 miles (118.92 km) NMarch Air Reserve Base (RIV)Riverside, California, United StatesView March Air Reserve Base on a map Set RIV as destination Airport Set RIV as destination Airport Get more information about March Air Reserve Base
1574.77 miles (120.33 km) ENESalton Sea Airport (SAS)Salton City, California, United StatesView Salton Sea Airport on a map Set SAS as destination Airport Set SAS as destination Airport Get more information about Salton Sea Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Montgomery Field:

List of Furthest Airports from Montgomery Field:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,534.03 miles (18,562.17 km) SSir Gaëtan Duval Airport (RRG)Rodrigues Island, MauritiusView Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport on a map Set RRG as destination Airport Set RRG as destination Airport Get more information about Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport
211,523.61 miles (18,545.41 km) SSESir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport (MRU)Plaisance, MauritiusView Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport on a map Set MRU as destination Airport Set MRU as destination Airport Get more information about Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport
311,521.03 miles (18,541.25 km) SSEPierrefonds Airport (ZSE)Saint-Pierre, RéunionView Pierrefonds Airport on a map Set ZSE as destination Airport Set ZSE as destination Airport Get more information about Pierrefonds Airport
411,497.36 miles (18,503.16 km) SSERoland Garros Airport (RUN)St Denis, Réunion, FranceView Roland Garros Airport on a map Set RUN as destination Airport Set RUN as destination Airport Get more information about Roland Garros Airport
511,336.92 miles (18,244.95 km) ESETôlanaro Airport (FTU)Tôlanaro, MadagascarView Tôlanaro Airport on a map Set FTU as destination Airport Set FTU as destination Airport Get more information about Tôlanaro Airport
611,238.83 miles (18,087.09 km) SEMananjary Airport (MNJ)Mananjary, MadagascarView Mananjary Airport on a map Set MNJ as destination Airport Set MNJ as destination Airport Get more information about Mananjary Airport
711,206.40 miles (18,034.91 km) ESEAmpanihy Airport (AMP)Ampanihy, MadagascarView Ampanihy Airport on a map Set AMP as destination Airport Set AMP as destination Airport Get more information about Ampanihy Airport
811,192.33 miles (18,012.26 km) SEFianarantsoa Airport (WFI)Fianarantsoa, MadagascarView Fianarantsoa Airport on a map Set WFI as destination Airport Set WFI as destination Airport Get more information about Fianarantsoa Airport
911,121.04 miles (17,897.54 km) SEToamasino Airport (TMM)Toamasina, MadagascarView Toamasino Airport on a map Set TMM as destination Airport Set TMM as destination Airport Get more information about Toamasino Airport
1011,080.22 miles (17,831.85 km) SESainte Marie Airport (SMS)Île Sainte-Marie, MadagascarView Sainte Marie Airport on a map Set SMS as destination Airport Set SMS as destination Airport Get more information about Sainte Marie Airport
1111,078.57 miles (17,829.18 km) SEIvato International Airport (TNR)Antananarivo, MadagascarView Ivato International Airport on a map Set TNR as destination Airport Set TNR as destination Airport Get more information about Ivato International Airport
1211,054.47 miles (17,790.40 km) ESEManja Airport (MJA)Manja, Menabe, MadagascarView Manja Airport on a map Set MJA as destination Airport Set MJA as destination Airport Get more information about Manja Airport
1311,030.10 miles (17,751.18 km) ESEAndavadoaka Airport (DVD)Andavadoaka, Toliara province, Atsimo-Andrefana region, MadagascarView Andavadoaka Airport on a map Set DVD as destination Airport Set DVD as destination Airport Get more information about Andavadoaka Airport
1411,025.11 miles (17,743.15 km) SEMiandrivazo Airport (ZVA)Miandrivazo, MadagascarView Miandrivazo Airport on a map Set ZVA as destination Airport Set ZVA as destination Airport Get more information about Miandrivazo Airport
1511,020.88 miles (17,736.35 km) ESEMorombe Airport (MXM)Morombe, MadagascarView Morombe Airport on a map Set MXM as destination Airport Set MXM as destination Airport Get more information about Morombe Airport