About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Newton Municipal Airport (TNU), Newton, Iowa, United States and El Embrujo Airport (PVA), Providencia Island, Colombia would travel a Great Circle distance of 2,078 miles (or 3,345 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the relatively short distance between Newton Municipal Airport and El Embrujo Airport, the route shown on this map most likely still appears to be a straight line.

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Newton Municipal Airport
Location: Newton, Iowa, United States
GPS Coordinates: 41°40'27"N by 93°1'18"W
Area Served: Newton, Iowa
Operator/Owner: City of Newton
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 953 feet (290 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from TNU
More Information: TNU Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: El Embrujo Airport
Location: Providencia Island, Colombia
GPS Coordinates: 13°21'24"N by 81°21'29"W
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 10 feet (3 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from PVA
More Information: PVA Maps & Info

Facts about Newton Municipal Airport (TNU):

  • Newton Municipal Airport (TNU) currently has only 1 runway.
  • Because of Newton Municipal Airport's relatively low elevation of 953 feet, planes can take off or land at Newton Municipal Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Newton Municipal Airport (TNU) is Ankeny Regional Airport (IKV), which is located 28 miles (45 kilometers) W of TNU.
  • The furthest airport from Newton Municipal Airport (TNU) is Margaret River Airport (MGV), which is located 10,820 miles (17,412 kilometers) away in Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia.

Facts about El Embrujo Airport (PVA):

  • El Embrujo Airport (PVA) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The furthest airport from El Embrujo Airport (PVA) is Cocos (Keeling) Island Airport (CCK), which is nearly antipodal to El Embrujo Airport (meaning El Embrujo Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Cocos (Keeling) Island Airport), and is located 12,290 miles (19,780 kilometers) away in Cocos Islands, Australia.
  • Because of El Embrujo Airport's relatively low elevation of 10 feet, planes can take off or land at El Embrujo Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to El Embrujo Airport (PVA) is Gustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport (ADZ), which is located 58 miles (94 kilometers) SSW of PVA.

Map of Nearest Airports to Newton Municipal Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Newton Municipal Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
128.13 miles (45.27 km) WAnkeny Regional Airport (IKV)Ankeny, Iowa, United StatesView Ankeny Regional Airport on a map Set IKV as origin Airport Set IKV as destination Airport Get more information about Ankeny Regional Airport
234.53 miles (55.57 km) WSWDes Moines International Airport (DSM)Des Moines, Iowa, United StatesView Des Moines International Airport on a map Set DSM as origin Airport Set DSM as destination Airport Get more information about Des Moines International Airport
337.89 miles (60.97 km) NWAmes Municipal Airport (AMW)Ames, Iowa, United StatesView Ames Municipal Airport on a map Set AMW as origin Airport Set AMW as destination Airport Get more information about Ames Municipal Airport
449.22 miles (79.22 km) SEOttumwa Regional Airport (OTM)Ottumwa, Iowa, United StatesView Ottumwa Regional Airport on a map Set OTM as origin Airport Set OTM as destination Airport Get more information about Ottumwa Regional Airport
549.77 miles (80.10 km) WNWBoone Municipal Airport (BNW)Boone, Iowa, United StatesView Boone Municipal Airport on a map Set BNW as origin Airport Set BNW as destination Airport Get more information about Boone Municipal Airport
659.61 miles (95.94 km) WPerry Municipal Airport (PRO)Perry, Iowa, United StatesView Perry Municipal Airport on a map Set PRO as origin Airport Set PRO as destination Airport Get more information about Perry Municipal Airport
768.28 miles (109.88 km) NWWebster City Municipal Airport (EBS)Webster City, Iowa, United StatesView Webster City Municipal Airport on a map Set EBS as origin Airport Set EBS as destination Airport Get more information about Webster City Municipal Airport
868.79 miles (110.71 km) NNEWaterloo Regional Airport (Livingston Betsworth Field) (ALO)Waterloo, Iowa, United StatesView Waterloo Regional Airport (Livingston Betsworth Field) on a map Set ALO as origin Airport Set ALO as destination Airport Get more information about Waterloo Regional Airport (Livingston Betsworth Field)
968.85 miles (110.80 km) SEFairfield Municipal Airport (FFL)Fairfield, Iowa, United StatesView Fairfield Municipal Airport on a map Set FFL as origin Airport Set FFL as destination Airport Get more information about Fairfield Municipal Airport
1069.08 miles (111.18 km) ENEThe Eastern Iowa Airport (CID)Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United StatesView The Eastern Iowa Airport on a map Set CID as origin Airport Set CID as destination Airport Get more information about The Eastern Iowa Airport
1176.19 miles (122.61 km) EIowa City Municipal Airport (IOW)Iowa City, Iowa, United StatesView Iowa City Municipal Airport on a map Set IOW as origin Airport Set IOW as destination Airport Get more information about Iowa City Municipal Airport
1282.94 miles (133.47 km) WSWCreston Municipal Airport (CSQ)Creston, Iowa, United StatesView Creston Municipal Airport on a map Set CSQ as origin Airport Set CSQ as destination Airport Get more information about Creston Municipal Airport
1385.24 miles (137.19 km) NWFort Dodge Regional Airport (FOD)Fort Dodge, Iowa, United StatesView Fort Dodge Regional Airport on a map Set FOD as origin Airport Set FOD as destination Airport Get more information about Fort Dodge Regional Airport
1493.13 miles (149.89 km) ESEMount Pleasant Municipal Airport (MPZ)Mount Pleasant, Iowa, United StatesView Mount Pleasant Municipal Airport on a map Set MPZ as origin Airport Set MPZ as destination Airport Get more information about Mount Pleasant Municipal Airport
1594.49 miles (152.07 km) WNWArthur N. Neu Airport (CIN)Carroll, Iowa, United StatesView Arthur N. Neu Airport on a map Set CIN as origin Airport Set CIN as destination Airport Get more information about Arthur N. Neu Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Newton Municipal Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Newton Municipal Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
110,819.64 miles (17,412.48 km) WMargaret River Airport (MGV)Margaret River, Western Australia, AustraliaView Margaret River Airport on a map Set MGV as origin Airport Set MGV as destination Airport Get more information about Margaret River Airport
210,796.57 miles (17,375.35 km) WBusselton Regional Airport (BQB)Busselton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Busselton Regional Airport on a map Set BQB as origin Airport Set BQB as destination Airport Get more information about Busselton Regional Airport
310,777.20 miles (17,344.18 km) WManjimup Airport (MJP)Manjimup, Western Australia, AustraliaView Manjimup Airport on a map Set MJP as origin Airport Set MJP as destination Airport Get more information about Manjimup Airport
410,772.42 miles (17,336.49 km) WBunbury Airport (BUY)Bunbury, Western Australia, AustraliaView Bunbury Airport on a map Set BUY as origin Airport Set BUY as destination Airport Get more information about Bunbury Airport
510,732.18 miles (17,271.73 km) WSWRottnest Airport (RTS)Rottnest Island, Western Australia, AustraliaView Rottnest Airport on a map Set RTS as origin Airport Set RTS as destination Airport Get more information about Rottnest Airport
610,718.28 miles (17,249.36 km) WSWJandakot Airport (JAD)Jandakot, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jandakot Airport on a map Set JAD as origin Airport Set JAD as destination Airport Get more information about Jandakot Airport
710,712.06 miles (17,239.34 km) WAlbany Airport (ALH)Albany, Western Australia, AustraliaView Albany Airport on a map Set ALH as origin Airport Set ALH as destination Airport Get more information about Albany Airport
810,708.38 miles (17,233.42 km) WSWPerth Airport (PER)Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaView Perth Airport on a map Set PER as origin Airport Set PER as destination Airport Get more information about Perth Airport
910,692.43 miles (17,207.75 km) WSWJurien Bay Airport (JUR)Jurien Bay, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jurien Bay Airport on a map Set JUR as origin Airport Set JUR as destination Airport Get more information about Jurien Bay Airport
1010,682.12 miles (17,191.17 km) WKatanning Airport (KNI)Katanning, Western Australia, AustraliaView Katanning Airport on a map Set KNI as origin Airport Set KNI as destination Airport Get more information about Katanning Airport
1110,648.32 miles (17,136.77 km) WSWGeraldton Airport (GET)Geraldton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Geraldton Airport on a map Set GET as origin Airport Set GET as destination Airport Get more information about Geraldton Airport
1210,622.44 miles (17,095.11 km) WSWKalbarri Airport (KAX)Kalbarri, Western Australia, AustraliaView Kalbarri Airport on a map Set KAX as origin Airport Set KAX as destination Airport Get more information about Kalbarri Airport
1310,601.16 miles (17,060.87 km) WSWMorawa Airport (MWB)Morawa, Western Australia, AustraliaView Morawa Airport on a map Set MWB as origin Airport Set MWB as destination Airport Get more information about Morawa Airport
1410,595.74 miles (17,052.14 km) WSWMullewa Airport (MXU)Mullewa, Western Australia, AustraliaView Mullewa Airport on a map Set MXU as origin Airport Set MXU as destination Airport Get more information about Mullewa Airport
1510,572.91 miles (17,015.41 km) WSWShark Bay Airport (MJK)Monkey Mia, Western Australia, AustraliaView Shark Bay Airport on a map Set MJK as origin Airport Set MJK as destination Airport Get more information about Shark Bay Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to El Embrujo Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to El Embrujo Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
158.47 miles (94.10 km) SSWGustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport (ADZ)San Andres Island, ColombiaView Gustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport on a map Set ADZ as destination Airport Set ADZ as destination Airport Get more information about Gustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport
2140.95 miles (226.84 km) SWCorn Island International Airport (RNI)Corn Island, NicaraguaView Corn Island International Airport on a map Set RNI as destination Airport Set RNI as destination Airport Get more information about Corn Island International Airport
3144.05 miles (231.82 km) WNWPuerto Cabezas Airport (PUZ)Puerto Cabezas, NicaraguaView Puerto Cabezas Airport on a map Set PUZ as destination Airport Set PUZ as destination Airport Get more information about Puerto Cabezas Airport
4188.22 miles (302.92 km) WSWBluefields Airport (BEF)Bluefields, NicaraguaView Bluefields Airport on a map Set BEF as destination Airport Set BEF as destination Airport Get more information about Bluefields Airport
5199.70 miles (321.39 km) WNWWaspam Airport (WSP)Waspam, NicaraguaView Waspam Airport on a map Set WSP as destination Airport Set WSP as destination Airport Get more information about Waspam Airport
6224.69 miles (361.60 km) WNWBonanza Airport (BZA)Bonanza, RAAN, NicaraguaView Bonanza Airport on a map Set BZA as destination Airport Set BZA as destination Airport Get more information about Bonanza Airport
7230.98 miles (371.73 km) WSiuna Airport (SIU)Siuna, NicaraguaView Siuna Airport on a map Set SIU as destination Airport Set SIU as destination Airport Get more information about Siuna Airport
8233.69 miles (376.09 km) SWBarra del Colorado Airport (BCL)Barra del Colorado, Costa RicaView Barra del Colorado Airport on a map Set BCL as destination Airport Set BCL as destination Airport Get more information about Barra del Colorado Airport
9241.55 miles (388.74 km) SWTortuguero Airport (TTQ)Tortuguero, Costa RicaView Tortuguero Airport on a map Set TTQ as destination Airport Set TTQ as destination Airport Get more information about Tortuguero Airport
10260.44 miles (419.13 km) SSWLimón International Airport (LIO)Puerto Limón, Costa RicaView Limón International Airport on a map Set LIO as destination Airport Set LIO as destination Airport Get more information about Limón International Airport
11272.64 miles (438.77 km) SWGuápiles Airport (GPL)Guápiles, Costa RicaView Guápiles Airport on a map Set GPL as destination Airport Set GPL as destination Airport Get more information about Guápiles Airport
12281.13 miles (452.43 km) SSWChanguinola "Capitan Manuel Niño" International Airport (CHX)Changuinola, Bocas del Toro, PanamaView Changuinola Capitan Manuel Niño International Airport on a map Set CHX as destination Airport Set CHX as destination Airport Get more information about Changuinola Capitan Manuel Niño International Airport
13283.99 miles (457.04 km) SSWBocas del Toro "Isla Colón" International Airport (BOC)Bocas Town, Bocas del Toro, PanamaView Bocas del Toro Isla Colón International Airport on a map Set BOC as destination Airport Set BOC as destination Airport Get more information about Bocas del Toro Isla Colón International Airport
14294.26 miles (473.56 km) SSEEnrique Adolfo Jiménez Airport (ONX)Colón, PanamaView Enrique Adolfo Jiménez Airport on a map Set ONX as destination Airport Set ONX as destination Airport Get more information about Enrique Adolfo Jiménez Airport
15300.97 miles (484.36 km) SWTobías Bolaños International Airport (SYQ)San José, Costa RicaView Tobías Bolaños International Airport on a map Set SYQ as destination Airport Set SYQ as destination Airport Get more information about Tobías Bolaños International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from El Embrujo Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from El Embrujo Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,290.48 miles (19,779.56 km) ESECocos (Keeling) Island Airport (CCK)Cocos Islands, AustraliaView Cocos (Keeling) Island Airport on a map Set CCK as destination Airport Set CCK as destination Airport Get more information about Cocos (Keeling) Island Airport
211,919.74 miles (19,182.92 km) WSWChristmas Island Airport (XCH)Christmas Island, AustraliaView Christmas Island Airport on a map Set XCH as destination Airport Set XCH as destination Airport Get more information about Christmas Island Airport
311,733.98 miles (18,883.97 km) SSWFatmawati Soekarno Airport (BKS)Bengkulu, IndonesiaView Fatmawati Soekarno Airport on a map Set BKS as destination Airport Set BKS as destination Airport Get more information about Fatmawati Soekarno Airport
411,720.80 miles (18,862.75 km) SWRadin Inten II Airport (RIA II) (TKG)Bandar Lampung, Sumatra, IndonesiaView Radin Inten II Airport (RIA II) on a map Set TKG as destination Airport Set TKG as destination Airport Get more information about Radin Inten II Airport (RIA II)
511,697.18 miles (18,824.75 km) SWSoekarno–Hatta International Airport (CGK)Jakarta, IndonesiaView Soekarno–Hatta International Airport on a map Set CGK as destination Airport Set CGK as destination Airport Get more information about Soekarno–Hatta International Airport
611,691.81 miles (18,816.10 km) SWHalim Perdanakusuma Airport (HLP)Jakarta, IndonesiaView Halim Perdanakusuma Airport on a map Set HLP as destination Airport Set HLP as destination Airport Get more information about Halim Perdanakusuma Airport
711,684.05 miles (18,803.61 km) SWGunung Batin Airport (AKQ)Astraksetra, IndonesiaView Gunung Batin Airport on a map Set AKQ as destination Airport Set AKQ as destination Airport Get more information about Gunung Batin Airport
811,683.24 miles (18,802.30 km) SWHusein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA) (BDO)Bandung, IndonesiaView Husein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA) on a map Set BDO as destination Airport Set BDO as destination Airport Get more information about Husein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA)
911,663.40 miles (18,770.38 km) WSWCibeureum Airfield (TSY)Tasikmalaya, West Java, IndonesiaView Cibeureum Airfield on a map Set TSY as destination Airport Set TSY as destination Airport Get more information about Cibeureum Airfield
1011,655.64 miles (18,757.89 km) SRokot Airport (RKI)Sipura, IndonesiaView Rokot Airport on a map Set RKI as destination Airport Set RKI as destination Airport Get more information about Rokot Airport
1111,634.88 miles (18,724.47 km) SSWDepati Parbo Airport (KRC)Kerinci, IndonesiaView Depati Parbo Airport on a map Set KRC as destination Airport Set KRC as destination Airport Get more information about Depati Parbo Airport
1211,626.92 miles (18,711.67 km) WSWTunggul Wulung Airport (CXP)Cilacap, Java Island, IndonesiaView Tunggul Wulung Airport on a map Set CXP as destination Airport Set CXP as destination Airport Get more information about Tunggul Wulung Airport
1311,623.87 miles (18,706.76 km) WSWPenggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport (CBN)Cirebon, Java, IndonesiaView Penggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport on a map Set CBN as destination Airport Set CBN as destination Airport Get more information about Penggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport
1411,604.22 miles (18,675.13 km) SSWSultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport (SMB II) (PLM)Palembang, Sumatra, IndonesiaView Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport (SMB II) on a map Set PLM as destination Airport Set PLM as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport (SMB II)
1511,599.24 miles (18,667.13 km) WSWPurwokerto / Wirasaba Airport (PWL)Wirasaba, Central Java, IndonesiaView Purwokerto / Wirasaba Airport on a map Set PWL as destination Airport Set PWL as destination Airport Get more information about Purwokerto / Wirasaba Airport