About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between El Caraño Airport (UIB), Quibdó, Colombia and Lanzarote Airport (ACE), Arrecife, Canary Islands, Spain would travel a Great Circle distance of 4,402 miles (or 7,085 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between El Caraño Airport and Lanzarote Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between El Caraño Airport and Lanzarote Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. El Caraño Airport
  2. Aeropuerto El Caraño
Location: Quibdó, Colombia
GPS Coordinates: 5°41'26"N by 76°38'27"W
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 204 feet (62 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from UIB
More Information: UIB Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Lanzarote Airport
  2. Aeropuerto de Lanzarote
Location: Arrecife, Canary Islands, Spain
GPS Coordinates: 28°56'44"N by 13°36'19"W
Operator/Owner: Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 47 feet (14 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from ACE
More Information: ACE Maps & Info

Facts about El Caraño Airport (UIB):

  • The closest airport to El Caraño Airport (UIB) is Reyes Murillo Airport (NQU), which is located 44 miles (71 kilometers) W of UIB.
  • The furthest airport from El Caraño Airport (UIB) is Radin Inten II Airport (RIA II) (TKG), which is nearly antipodal to El Caraño Airport (meaning El Caraño Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Radin Inten II Airport (RIA II)), and is located 12,308 miles (19,808 kilometers) away in Bandar Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia.
  • El Caraño Airport (UIB) currently has only 1 runway.
  • In addition to being known as "El Caraño Airport", another name for UIB is "Aeropuerto El Caraño".
  • Because of El Caraño Airport's relatively low elevation of 204 feet, planes can take off or land at El Caraño Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Facts about Lanzarote Airport (ACE):

  • The closest airport to Lanzarote Airport (ACE) is Fuerteventura Airport (FUE), which is located 37 miles (60 kilometers) SSW of ACE.
  • Because of Lanzarote Airport's relatively low elevation of 47 feet, planes can take off or land at Lanzarote Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • In 1999 a new passenger terminal opened, with a capacity of 6 million passengers per annum.
  • In addition to being known as "Lanzarote Airport", another name for ACE is "Aeropuerto de Lanzarote".
  • Lanzarote Airport handled 5,334,598 passengers last year.
  • Lanzarote Airport (ACE) currently has only 1 runway.
  • In the 1930s a need for an aerodrome on the island became evident when connections were required with the other islands and the mainland, as well as a refuelling point for aircraft.
  • Lanzarote Airport, also known as Arrecife Airport, is the airport serving the island of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands.
  • The furthest airport from Lanzarote Airport (ACE) is Norfolk Island Airport (NLK), which is nearly antipodal to Lanzarote Airport (meaning Lanzarote Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Norfolk Island Airport), and is located 12,343 miles (19,865 kilometers) away in Norfolk Island, Australia.
  • A new passenger terminal was constructed along with a control centre, and on 3 March 1970 international and domestic flights began using the airport.

Map of Nearest Airports to El Caraño Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to El Caraño Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
144.16 miles (71.07 km) WReyes Murillo Airport (NQU)Nuquí, ColombiaView Reyes Murillo Airport on a map Set NQU as origin Airport Set NQU as destination Airport Get more information about Reyes Murillo Airport
262.70 miles (100.91 km) NWJosé Celestino Mutis Airport (BSC)Bahía Solano, ColombiaView José Celestino Mutis Airport on a map Set BSC as origin Airport Set BSC as destination Airport Get more information about José Celestino Mutis Airport
379.84 miles (128.49 km) SESanta Ana Airport (CRC)Cartago, ColombiaView Santa Ana Airport on a map Set CRC as origin Airport Set CRC as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Ana Airport
480.93 miles (130.25 km) ENEOlaya Herrera Airport (EOH)Medellín, ColombiaView Olaya Herrera Airport on a map Set EOH as origin Airport Set EOH as destination Airport Get more information about Olaya Herrera Airport
586.78 miles (139.67 km) SEMatecaña International Airport (PEI)Pereira, ColombiaView Matecaña International Airport on a map Set PEI as origin Airport Set PEI as destination Airport Get more information about Matecaña International Airport
689.72 miles (144.38 km) ENEJosé María Córdova International Airport (MDE)Medellín, ColombiaView José María Córdova International Airport on a map Set MDE as origin Airport Set MDE as destination Airport Get more information about José María Córdova International Airport
793.06 miles (149.77 km) ESELa Nubia Airport (MZL)Manizales, ColombiaView La Nubia Airport on a map Set MZL as origin Airport Set MZL as destination Airport Get more information about La Nubia Airport
8104.62 miles (168.36 km) SEEl Edén Airport International (AXM)Armenia, ColombiaView El Edén Airport International on a map Set AXM as origin Airport Set AXM as destination Airport Get more information about El Edén Airport International
9125.32 miles (201.68 km) ESEMariquita Airport (MQU)Mariquita, Tolima Department, ColombiaView Mariquita Airport on a map Set MQU as origin Airport Set MQU as destination Airport Get more information about Mariquita Airport
10131.49 miles (211.61 km) SGerardo Tobar López Airport (BUN)Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca, ColombiaView Gerardo Tobar López Airport on a map Set BUN as origin Airport Set BUN as destination Airport Get more information about Gerardo Tobar López Airport
11135.92 miles (218.73 km) SEPerales Airport (IBE)Ibagué, ColombiaView Perales Airport on a map Set IBE as origin Airport Set IBE as destination Airport Get more information about Perales Airport
12146.65 miles (236.00 km) NAntonio Roldán Betancourt Airport (APO)Apartadó, ColombiaView Antonio Roldán Betancourt Airport on a map Set APO as origin Airport Set APO as destination Airport Get more information about Antonio Roldán Betancourt Airport
13149.47 miles (240.55 km) SAlfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport (CLO)Cali, ColombiaView Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport on a map Set CLO as origin Airport Set CLO as destination Airport Get more information about Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport
14160.22 miles (257.86 km) SESantiago Vila Airport (GIR)Girardot, ColombiaView Santiago Vila Airport on a map Set GIR as origin Airport Set GIR as destination Airport Get more information about Santiago Vila Airport
15182.06 miles (292.99 km) NEEl Bagre Airport El Tomin Airport (EBG)El Bagre, ColombiaView El Bagre Airport El Tomin Airport on a map Set EBG as origin Airport Set EBG as destination Airport Get more information about El Bagre Airport El Tomin Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from El Caraño Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from El Caraño Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,307.84 miles (19,807.51 km) WSWRadin Inten II Airport (RIA II) (TKG)Bandar Lampung, Sumatra, IndonesiaView Radin Inten II Airport (RIA II) on a map Set TKG as origin Airport Set TKG as destination Airport Get more information about Radin Inten II Airport (RIA II)
212,292.16 miles (19,782.26 km) SSEFatmawati Soekarno Airport (BKS)Bengkulu, IndonesiaView Fatmawati Soekarno Airport on a map Set BKS as origin Airport Set BKS as destination Airport Get more information about Fatmawati Soekarno Airport
312,287.98 miles (19,775.55 km) WSWGunung Batin Airport (AKQ)Astraksetra, IndonesiaView Gunung Batin Airport on a map Set AKQ as origin Airport Set AKQ as destination Airport Get more information about Gunung Batin Airport
412,223.00 miles (19,670.96 km) SSWSultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport (SMB II) (PLM)Palembang, Sumatra, IndonesiaView Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport (SMB II) on a map Set PLM as origin Airport Set PLM as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport (SMB II)
512,208.23 miles (19,647.19 km) WSoekarno–Hatta International Airport (CGK)Jakarta, IndonesiaView Soekarno–Hatta International Airport on a map Set CGK as origin Airport Set CGK as destination Airport Get more information about Soekarno–Hatta International Airport
612,190.84 miles (19,619.20 km) WHalim Perdanakusuma Airport (HLP)Jakarta, IndonesiaView Halim Perdanakusuma Airport on a map Set HLP as origin Airport Set HLP as destination Airport Get more information about Halim Perdanakusuma Airport
712,156.09 miles (19,563.28 km) SSultan Thaha Airport (DJB)Jambi, IndonesiaView Sultan Thaha Airport on a map Set DJB as origin Airport Set DJB as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Thaha Airport
812,155.84 miles (19,562.88 km) SSEDepati Parbo Airport (KRC)Kerinci, IndonesiaView Depati Parbo Airport on a map Set KRC as origin Airport Set KRC as destination Airport Get more information about Depati Parbo Airport
912,135.34 miles (19,529.89 km) WSWHusein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA) (BDO)Bandung, IndonesiaView Husein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA) on a map Set BDO as origin Airport Set BDO as destination Airport Get more information about Husein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA)
1012,083.26 miles (19,446.07 km) SERokot Airport (RKI)Sipura, IndonesiaView Rokot Airport on a map Set RKI as origin Airport Set RKI as destination Airport Get more information about Rokot Airport
1112,082.35 miles (19,444.61 km) WSWCibeureum Airfield (TSY)Tasikmalaya, West Java, IndonesiaView Cibeureum Airfield on a map Set TSY as origin Airport Set TSY as destination Airport Get more information about Cibeureum Airfield
1212,073.42 miles (19,430.24 km) WSWPenggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport (CBN)Cirebon, Java, IndonesiaView Penggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport on a map Set CBN as origin Airport Set CBN as destination Airport Get more information about Penggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport
1312,071.92 miles (19,427.82 km) WSWBuluh Tumbang Airport H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin Airport (TJQ)Tanjung Pandan, Bangka-Belitung, IndonesiaView Buluh Tumbang Airport H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin Airport on a map Set TJQ as origin Airport Set TJQ as destination Airport Get more information about Buluh Tumbang Airport H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin Airport
1412,071.32 miles (19,426.86 km) SSWChristmas Island Airport (XCH)Christmas Island, AustraliaView Christmas Island Airport on a map Set XCH as origin Airport Set XCH as destination Airport Get more information about Christmas Island Airport
1512,036.95 miles (19,371.54 km) SSEMinangkabau International Airport (MIA) (PDG)Ketaping, West Sumatra, IndonesiaView Minangkabau International Airport (MIA) on a map Set PDG as origin Airport Set PDG as destination Airport Get more information about Minangkabau International Airport (MIA)

Map of Nearest Airports to Lanzarote Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Lanzarote Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
137.48 miles (60.32 km) SSWFuerteventura Airport (FUE)Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, SpainView Fuerteventura Airport on a map Set FUE as destination Airport Set FUE as destination Airport Get more information about Fuerteventura Airport
2126.16 miles (203.04 km) SHassan I Airport El Aaiún Airport (EUN)El Aaiún (Laayoune), MoroccoView Hassan I Airport El Aaiún Airport on a map Set EUN as destination Airport Set EUN as destination Airport Get more information about Hassan I Airport El Aaiún Airport
3128.91 miles (207.46 km) WSWGran Canaria Airport (LPA)Las Palmas, Canary Islands, SpainView Gran Canaria Airport on a map Set LPA as destination Airport Set LPA as destination Airport Get more information about Gran Canaria Airport
4152.04 miles (244.69 km) ESETan Tan Airport (TTA)Tan-Tan, MoroccoView Tan Tan Airport on a map Set TTA as destination Airport Set TTA as destination Airport Get more information about Tan Tan Airport
5168.87 miles (271.76 km) WTenerife North Airport (TFN)Tenerife, Canary Islands, SpainView Tenerife North Airport on a map Set TFN as destination Airport Set TFN as destination Airport Get more information about Tenerife North Airport
6190.63 miles (306.78 km) WSWTenerife-South Airport (TFS)Tenerife, Canary Islands, SpainView Tenerife-South Airport on a map Set TFS as destination Airport Set TFS as destination Airport Get more information about Tenerife-South Airport
7228.13 miles (367.14 km) WSWLa Gomera Airport (GMZ)Alajeró / San Sebastián, Canary Islands, SpainView La Gomera Airport on a map Set GMZ as destination Airport Set GMZ as destination Airport Get more information about La Gomera Airport
8252.27 miles (405.99 km) WLa Palma Airport (SPC)La Palma, Canary Islands, SpainView La Palma Airport on a map Set SPC as destination Airport Set SPC as destination Airport Get more information about La Palma Airport
9269.18 miles (433.20 km) ENEAgadir – Al Massira Airport (AGA)Agadir, MoroccoView Agadir – Al Massira Airport on a map Set AGA as destination Airport Set AGA as destination Airport Get more information about Agadir – Al Massira Airport
10289.15 miles (465.34 km) NEEssaouira-Mogador Airport (ESU)Essaouira, MoroccoView Essaouira-Mogador Airport on a map Set ESU as destination Airport Set ESU as destination Airport Get more information about Essaouira-Mogador Airport
11320.15 miles (515.23 km) NWMadeira Airport (FNC)Funchal, Madeira, PortugalView Madeira Airport on a map Set FNC as destination Airport Set FNC as destination Airport Get more information about Madeira Airport
12328.07 miles (527.98 km) NNWPorto Santo Airport (PXO)Porto Santo, Madeira, PortugalView Porto Santo Airport on a map Set PXO as destination Airport Set PXO as destination Airport Get more information about Porto Santo Airport
13379.70 miles (611.06 km) ENEMarrakesh Menara Airport (RAK)Marrakech, MoroccoView Marrakesh Menara Airport on a map Set RAK as destination Airport Set RAK as destination Airport Get more information about Marrakesh Menara Airport
14388.83 miles (625.76 km) SSWDakhla Airport (VIL)Dakhla, Western SaharaView Dakhla Airport on a map Set VIL as destination Airport Set VIL as destination Airport Get more information about Dakhla Airport
15418.15 miles (672.95 km) ESEGara Djebilet Airport (GBB)Gara Djebilet, AlgeriaView Gara Djebilet Airport on a map Set GBB as destination Airport Set GBB as destination Airport Get more information about Gara Djebilet Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Lanzarote Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Lanzarote Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,343.29 miles (19,864.55 km) WNorfolk Island Airport (NLK)Norfolk Island, AustraliaView Norfolk Island Airport on a map Set NLK as destination Airport Set NLK as destination Airport Get more information about Norfolk Island Airport
211,974.73 miles (19,271.41 km) SNouméa Magenta Airport (GEA)Nouméa, New CaledoniaView Nouméa Magenta Airport on a map Set GEA as destination Airport Set GEA as destination Airport Get more information about Nouméa Magenta Airport
311,964.85 miles (19,255.50 km) ESELord Howe Island Airport (LDH)Lord Howe Island, New South Wales, AustraliaView Lord Howe Island Airport on a map Set LDH as destination Airport Set LDH as destination Airport Get more information about Lord Howe Island Airport
411,957.91 miles (19,244.34 km) STontouta International Airport (NOU)Noumea, New CaledoniaView Tontouta International Airport on a map Set NOU as destination Airport Set NOU as destination Airport Get more information about Tontouta International Airport
511,910.97 miles (19,168.81 km) SSWMaré Airport (MEE)Maré, Loyalty Islands, New CaledoniaView Maré Airport on a map Set MEE as destination Airport Set MEE as destination Airport Get more information about Maré Airport
611,882.87 miles (19,123.58 km) SKoné Airport (KNQ)Koné, New CaledoniaView Koné Airport on a map Set KNQ as destination Airport Set KNQ as destination Airport Get more information about Koné Airport
711,852.29 miles (19,074.36 km) SWKaitaia Airport (KAT)Kaitaia, New ZealandView Kaitaia Airport on a map Set KAT as destination Airport Set KAT as destination Airport Get more information about Kaitaia Airport
811,840.99 miles (19,056.17 km) SSEKoumac Airport (KOC)Koumac, New CaledoniaView Koumac Airport on a map Set KOC as destination Airport Set KOC as destination Airport Get more information about Koumac Airport
911,817.46 miles (19,018.32 km) SWKerikeri Airport (KKE)Kerikeri, New ZealandView Kerikeri Airport on a map Set KKE as destination Airport Set KKE as destination Airport Get more information about Kerikeri Airport
1011,812.35 miles (19,010.09 km) SWKaikohe Aerodrome (KKO)Kaikohe, New ZealandView Kaikohe Aerodrome on a map Set KKO as destination Airport Set KKO as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikohe Aerodrome
1111,799.70 miles (18,989.73 km) SSWAnatom Airport Aneityum Airport (AUY)Anatom, Taféa, VanuatuView Anatom Airport Aneityum Airport on a map Set AUY as destination Airport Set AUY as destination Airport Get more information about Anatom Airport Aneityum Airport
1211,785.55 miles (18,966.96 km) SWDargaville Aerodrome (DGR)Dargaville, New ZealandView Dargaville Aerodrome on a map Set DGR as destination Airport Set DGR as destination Airport Get more information about Dargaville Aerodrome
1311,776.72 miles (18,952.74 km) SSEÎle des Pins Airport (BMY)Waala, Belep Islands, New CaledoniaView Île des Pins Airport on a map Set BMY as destination Airport Set BMY as destination Airport Get more information about Île des Pins Airport
1411,775.01 miles (18,950.00 km) SWWhangarei Airport (WRE)Whangarei, New ZealandView Whangarei Airport on a map Set WRE as destination Airport Set WRE as destination Airport Get more information about Whangarei Airport
1511,742.05 miles (18,896.95 km) SSWFutuna Airport (FTA)Futuna Island, Taféa, VanuatuView Futuna Airport on a map Set FTA as destination Airport Set FTA as destination Airport Get more information about Futuna Airport