About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Compton/Woodley Airport (CPM), Compton, California, United States and Morombe Airport (MXM), Morombe, Madagascar would travel a Great Circle distance of 11,039 miles (or 17,766 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Compton/Woodley Airport and Morombe Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Compton/Woodley Airport and Morombe Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Compton/Woodley Airport
Location: Compton, California, United States
GPS Coordinates: 33°53'24"N by 118°14'36"W
Operator/Owner: County of Los Angeles
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 97 feet (30 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from CPM
More Information: CPM Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Morombe Airport
Location: Morombe, Madagascar
GPS Coordinates: 21°45'14"S by 43°22'31"E
Elevation: 0 feet (0 meters)
View all routes: Routes from MXM
More Information: MXM Maps & Info

Facts about Compton/Woodley Airport (CPM):

  • Compton Airport is featured in Airline episode 46 when Robin Petgrave, the founder of the flight school Tomorrow's Aeronautical Museum, was delayed which eventually resulted in his giving a cast member's son a plane ride at Compton Airport with his flight school which ends the episode.
  • The furthest airport from Compton/Woodley Airport (CPM) is Pierrefonds Airport (ZSE), which is located 11,486 miles (18,486 kilometers) away in Saint-Pierre, Réunion.
  • Because of Compton/Woodley Airport's relatively low elevation of 97 feet, planes can take off or land at Compton/Woodley Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Compton/Woodley Airport is a county-owned public-use airport located two miles southwest of downtown Compton, in southern Los Angeles County, California.
  • Compton/Woodley Airport (CPM) has 2 runways.
  • The closest airport to Compton/Woodley Airport (CPM) is Hawthorne Municipal Airport (HHR), which is located only 6 miles (9 kilometers) WNW of CPM.

Facts about Morombe Airport (MXM):

  • Because of Morombe Airport's relatively low elevation of 0 feet, planes can take off or land at Morombe Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The furthest airport from Morombe Airport (MXM) is Hilo International Airport (ITO), which is located 11,239 miles (18,087 kilometers) away in Hilo, Hawaii, United States.
  • The closest airport to Morombe Airport (MXM) is Andavadoaka Airport (DVD), which is located 26 miles (41 kilometers) SSW of MXM.

Map of Nearest Airports to Compton/Woodley Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Compton/Woodley Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
15.72 miles (9.21 km) WNWHawthorne Municipal Airport (HHR)Hawthorne, California, United StatesView Hawthorne Municipal Airport on a map Set HHR as origin Airport Set HHR as destination Airport Get more information about Hawthorne Municipal Airport
27.26 miles (11.69 km) SELong Beach Airport (JLB)Long Beach, California, United StatesView Long Beach Airport on a map Set JLB as origin Airport Set JLB as destination Airport Get more information about Long Beach Airport
37.26 miles (11.69 km) SELong Beach Airport (LGB)Long Beach, California, United StatesView Long Beach Airport on a map Set LGB as origin Airport Set LGB as destination Airport Get more information about Long Beach Airport
48.14 miles (13.10 km) SWZamperini FieldLomita Landing Strip (TOA)Torrance, California, United StatesView Zamperini FieldLomita Landing Strip on a map Set TOA as origin Airport Set TOA as destination Airport Get more information about Zamperini FieldLomita Landing Strip
510.10 miles (16.26 km) WNWLos Angeles International Airport (LAX)Los Angeles, California, United StatesView Los Angeles International Airport on a map Set LAX as origin Airport Set LAX as destination Airport Get more information about Los Angeles International Airport
614.74 miles (23.73 km) NWSanta Monica Airport (SMO)Santa Monica, California, United StatesView Santa Monica Airport on a map Set SMO as origin Airport Set SMO as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Monica Airport
715.18 miles (24.44 km) EFullerton Municipal Airport (FUL)Fullerton, California, United StatesView Fullerton Municipal Airport on a map Set FUL as origin Airport Set FUL as destination Airport Get more information about Fullerton Municipal Airport
818.08 miles (29.09 km) NESan Gabriel Valley (El Monte) Airport (EMT)El Monte, California, United StatesView San Gabriel Valley (El Monte) Airport on a map Set EMT as origin Airport Set EMT as destination Airport Get more information about San Gabriel Valley (El Monte) Airport
922.44 miles (36.12 km) NNWBob Hope Airport (BUR)Burbank, California, United StatesView Bob Hope Airport on a map Set BUR as origin Airport Set BUR as destination Airport Get more information about Bob Hope Airport
1026.15 miles (42.09 km) SEJohn Wayne Airport (SNA)Santa Ana, California, United StatesView John Wayne Airport on a map Set SNA as origin Airport Set SNA as destination Airport Get more information about John Wayne Airport
1126.21 miles (42.18 km) NNWVan Nuys Airport (VNY)Van Nuys, California, United StatesView Van Nuys Airport on a map Set VNY as origin Airport Set VNY as destination Airport Get more information about Van Nuys Airport
1227.31 miles (43.94 km) NNWWhiteman Airport (WHP)Los Angeles, California, United StatesView Whiteman Airport on a map Set WHP as origin Airport Set WHP as destination Airport Get more information about Whiteman Airport
1329.90 miles (48.12 km) ENEBrackett Field (POC)La Verne, California, United StatesView Brackett Field on a map Set POC as origin Airport Set POC as destination Airport Get more information about Brackett Field
1432.93 miles (53.00 km) ESEMCAS El Toro (NZJ)Santa Ana, California, United StatesView MCAS El Toro on a map Set NZJ as origin Airport Set NZJ as destination Airport Get more information about MCAS El Toro
1534.94 miles (56.24 km) SSWCatalina AirportBuffalo Springs Airport (CIB)Avalon, California, United StatesView Catalina AirportBuffalo Springs Airport on a map Set CIB as origin Airport Set CIB as destination Airport Get more information about Catalina AirportBuffalo Springs Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Compton/Woodley Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Compton/Woodley Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,486.42 miles (18,485.56 km) SSEPierrefonds Airport (ZSE)Saint-Pierre, RéunionView Pierrefonds Airport on a map Set ZSE as origin Airport Set ZSE as destination Airport Get more information about Pierrefonds Airport
211,473.95 miles (18,465.49 km) SSESir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport (MRU)Plaisance, MauritiusView Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport on a map Set MRU as origin Airport Set MRU as destination Airport Get more information about Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport
311,461.01 miles (18,444.66 km) SSERoland Garros Airport (RUN)St Denis, Réunion, FranceView Roland Garros Airport on a map Set RUN as origin Airport Set RUN as destination Airport Get more information about Roland Garros Airport
411,455.38 miles (18,435.61 km) SSir Gaëtan Duval Airport (RRG)Rodrigues Island, MauritiusView Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport on a map Set RRG as origin Airport Set RRG as destination Airport Get more information about Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport
511,358.54 miles (18,279.75 km) ESETôlanaro Airport (FTU)Tôlanaro, MadagascarView Tôlanaro Airport on a map Set FTU as origin Airport Set FTU as destination Airport Get more information about Tôlanaro Airport
611,238.24 miles (18,086.14 km) SEMananjary Airport (MNJ)Mananjary, MadagascarView Mananjary Airport on a map Set MNJ as origin Airport Set MNJ as destination Airport Get more information about Mananjary Airport
711,232.99 miles (18,077.70 km) ESEAmpanihy Airport (AMP)Ampanihy, MadagascarView Ampanihy Airport on a map Set AMP as origin Airport Set AMP as destination Airport Get more information about Ampanihy Airport
811,197.38 miles (18,020.40 km) SEFianarantsoa Airport (WFI)Fianarantsoa, MadagascarView Fianarantsoa Airport on a map Set WFI as origin Airport Set WFI as destination Airport Get more information about Fianarantsoa Airport
911,105.83 miles (17,873.05 km) SEToamasino Airport (TMM)Toamasina, MadagascarView Toamasino Airport on a map Set TMM as origin Airport Set TMM as destination Airport Get more information about Toamasino Airport
1011,072.86 miles (17,819.99 km) SEIvato International Airport (TNR)Antananarivo, MadagascarView Ivato International Airport on a map Set TNR as origin Airport Set TNR as destination Airport Get more information about Ivato International Airport
1111,068.67 miles (17,813.25 km) SEManja Airport (MJA)Manja, Menabe, MadagascarView Manja Airport on a map Set MJA as origin Airport Set MJA as destination Airport Get more information about Manja Airport
1211,060.48 miles (17,800.08 km) SESainte Marie Airport (SMS)Île Sainte-Marie, MadagascarView Sainte Marie Airport on a map Set SMS as origin Airport Set SMS as destination Airport Get more information about Sainte Marie Airport
1311,049.94 miles (17,783.11 km) ESEAndavadoaka Airport (DVD)Andavadoaka, Toliara province, Atsimo-Andrefana region, MadagascarView Andavadoaka Airport on a map Set DVD as origin Airport Set DVD as destination Airport Get more information about Andavadoaka Airport
1411,039.08 miles (17,765.64 km) ESEMorombe Airport (MXM)Morombe, MadagascarView Morombe Airport on a map Set MXM as origin Airport Set MXM as destination Airport Get more information about Morombe Airport
1511,029.06 miles (17,749.50 km) SEMiandrivazo Airport (ZVA)Miandrivazo, MadagascarView Miandrivazo Airport on a map Set ZVA as origin Airport Set ZVA as destination Airport Get more information about Miandrivazo Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Morombe Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Morombe Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
125.58 miles (41.17 km) SSWAndavadoaka Airport (DVD)Andavadoaka, Toliara province, Atsimo-Andrefana region, MadagascarView Andavadoaka Airport on a map Set DVD as destination Airport Set DVD as destination Airport Get more information about Andavadoaka Airport
264.80 miles (104.29 km) ENEManja Airport (MJA)Manja, Menabe, MadagascarView Manja Airport on a map Set MJA as destination Airport Set MJA as destination Airport Get more information about Manja Airport
3161.50 miles (259.91 km) NNEBelo sur Tsiribihina Airport (BMD)Belo sur Tsiribihina, MadagascarView Belo sur Tsiribihina Airport on a map Set BMD as destination Airport Set BMD as destination Airport Get more information about Belo sur Tsiribihina Airport
4202.28 miles (325.54 km) NEMiandrivazo Airport (ZVA)Miandrivazo, MadagascarView Miandrivazo Airport on a map Set ZVA as destination Airport Set ZVA as destination Airport Get more information about Miandrivazo Airport
5221.02 miles (355.70 km) SSEAmpanihy Airport (AMP)Ampanihy, MadagascarView Ampanihy Airport on a map Set AMP as destination Airport Set AMP as destination Airport Get more information about Ampanihy Airport
6238.61 miles (384.00 km) NNEAnkavandra Airport (JVA)Ankavandra, MadagascarView Ankavandra Airport on a map Set JVA as destination Airport Set JVA as destination Airport Get more information about Ankavandra Airport
7240.98 miles (387.82 km) EFianarantsoa Airport (WFI)Fianarantsoa, MadagascarView Fianarantsoa Airport on a map Set WFI as destination Airport Set WFI as destination Airport Get more information about Fianarantsoa Airport
8259.40 miles (417.47 km) NMaintirano Airport (MXT)Maintirano, MadagascarView Maintirano Airport on a map Set MXT as destination Airport Set MXT as destination Airport Get more information about Maintirano Airport
9269.77 miles (434.15 km) NETsiroanomandidy Airport (WTS)Tsiroanomandidy, MadagascarView Tsiroanomandidy Airport on a map Set WTS as destination Airport Set WTS as destination Airport Get more information about Tsiroanomandidy Airport
10298.11 miles (479.76 km) NTambohorano Airport (WTA)Tambohorano, MadagascarView Tambohorano Airport on a map Set WTA as destination Airport Set WTA as destination Airport Get more information about Tambohorano Airport
11316.80 miles (509.83 km) NNEAmbatomainty Airport (AMY)Ambatomainty, MadagascarView Ambatomainty Airport on a map Set AMY as destination Airport Set AMY as destination Airport Get more information about Ambatomainty Airport
12320.95 miles (516.52 km) SETôlanaro Airport (FTU)Tôlanaro, MadagascarView Tôlanaro Airport on a map Set FTU as destination Airport Set FTU as destination Airport Get more information about Tôlanaro Airport
13322.62 miles (519.20 km) EMananjary Airport (MNJ)Mananjary, MadagascarView Mananjary Airport on a map Set MNJ as destination Airport Set MNJ as destination Airport Get more information about Mananjary Airport
14335.33 miles (539.66 km) NEIvato International Airport (TNR)Antananarivo, MadagascarView Ivato International Airport on a map Set TNR as destination Airport Set TNR as destination Airport Get more information about Ivato International Airport
15353.61 miles (569.08 km) NNEBesalampy Airport (BPY)Besalampy, MadagascarView Besalampy Airport on a map Set BPY as destination Airport Set BPY as destination Airport Get more information about Besalampy Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Morombe Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Morombe Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,238.77 miles (18,087.01 km) EHilo International Airport (ITO)Hilo, Hawaii, United StatesView Hilo International Airport on a map Set ITO as destination Airport Set ITO as destination Airport Get more information about Hilo International Airport
211,202.25 miles (18,028.22 km) EWaimea-Kohala Airport (MUE)Kamuela, Hawaii, United StatesView Waimea-Kohala Airport on a map Set MUE as destination Airport Set MUE as destination Airport Get more information about Waimea-Kohala Airport
311,197.32 miles (18,020.30 km) EPōhakuloa Training Area (BSF)Camp Pohakuloa, Hawaii, United StatesView Pōhakuloa Training Area on a map Set BSF as destination Airport Set BSF as destination Airport Get more information about Pōhakuloa Training Area
411,192.66 miles (18,012.79 km) EUpolu Airport (UPP)Hawi, Hawaii, United StatesView Upolu Airport on a map Set UPP as destination Airport Set UPP as destination Airport Get more information about Upolu Airport
511,187.44 miles (18,004.39 km) EHana Airport (HNM)Hana, Hawaii, United StatesView Hana Airport on a map Set HNM as destination Airport Set HNM as destination Airport Get more information about Hana Airport
611,175.09 miles (17,984.52 km) EKona International Airport at Keāhole (KOA)Kailua / Kona, Hawaii, United StatesView Kona International Airport at Keāhole on a map Set KOA as destination Airport Set KOA as destination Airport Get more information about Kona International Airport at Keāhole
711,161.53 miles (17,962.70 km) EKahului Airport (OGG)Kahului, Hawaii, United StatesView Kahului Airport on a map Set OGG as destination Airport Set OGG as destination Airport Get more information about Kahului Airport
811,146.45 miles (17,938.43 km) EKapalua Airport (JHM)Lahaina, Hawaii, United StatesView Kapalua Airport on a map Set JHM as destination Airport Set JHM as destination Airport Get more information about Kapalua Airport
911,128.89 miles (17,910.16 km) EKalaupapa Airport (LUP)Kalaupapa, Hawaii, United StatesView Kalaupapa Airport on a map Set LUP as destination Airport Set LUP as destination Airport Get more information about Kalaupapa Airport
1011,127.24 miles (17,907.51 km) ELanai Airport (LNY)Lanai City, Hawaii, United StatesView Lanai Airport on a map Set LNY as destination Airport Set LNY as destination Airport Get more information about Lanai Airport
1111,120.63 miles (17,896.87 km) EMolokai Airport (MKK)Kaunakakai, Hawaii, United StatesView Molokai Airport on a map Set MKK as destination Airport Set MKK as destination Airport Get more information about Molokai Airport
1211,113.84 miles (17,885.94 km) NWVandenberg Air Force Base (VBG)Lompoc, California, United StatesView Vandenberg Air Force Base on a map Set VBG as destination Airport Set VBG as destination Airport Get more information about Vandenberg Air Force Base
1311,112.22 miles (17,883.33 km) NWLompoc Airport (LPC)Lompoc, California, United StatesView Lompoc Airport on a map Set LPC as destination Airport Set LPC as destination Airport Get more information about Lompoc Airport
1411,112.07 miles (17,883.09 km) NWSanta Cruz Island Airport (SZN)Santa Barbara, California, United StatesView Santa Cruz Island Airport on a map Set SZN as destination Airport Set SZN as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Cruz Island Airport
1511,101.77 miles (17,866.53 km) NWSanta Maria Public Airport (SMX)Santa Maria, California, United StatesView Santa Maria Public Airport on a map Set SMX as destination Airport Set SMX as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Maria Public Airport