About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Port Clarence Coast Guard Station (KPC), Port Clarence, Alaska, United States and Wild Coast Sun Airport (MZF), Mzamba, South Africa would travel a Great Circle distance of 9,939 miles (or 15,996 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Port Clarence Coast Guard Station and Wild Coast Sun Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Port Clarence Coast Guard Station and Wild Coast Sun Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Port Clarence Coast Guard Station
Location: Port Clarence, Alaska, United States
GPS Coordinates: 65°15'12"N by 166°51'30"W
Area Served: Port Clarence, Alaska
Operator/Owner: U.S. Government
Airport Type: Private
Elevation: 10 feet (3 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from KPC
More Information: KPC Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Wild Coast Sun Airport
Location: Mzamba, South Africa
GPS Coordinates: 29°16'54"S by 18°48'50"E
Elevation: 0 feet (0 meters)
View all routes: Routes from MZF
More Information: MZF Maps & Info

Facts about Port Clarence Coast Guard Station (KPC):

  • The furthest airport from Port Clarence Coast Guard Station (KPC) is Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM), which is located 10,342 miles (16,644 kilometers) away in Villa Las Estrellas, Antarctica.
  • Because of Port Clarence Coast Guard Station's relatively low elevation of 10 feet, planes can take off or land at Port Clarence Coast Guard Station at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Port Clarence Coast Guard Station (KPC) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Port Clarence Coast Guard Station (KPC) is Brevig Mission Airport (KTS), which is located only 13 miles (20 kilometers) ENE of KPC.

Facts about Wild Coast Sun Airport (MZF):

  • Because of Wild Coast Sun Airport's relatively low elevation of 0 feet, planes can take off or land at Wild Coast Sun Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Wild Coast Sun Airport (MZF) is Aggeneys Airport (AGZ), which is located only 0 mile (0 kilometer) E of MZF.
  • The furthest airport from Wild Coast Sun Airport (MZF) is Princeville Airport (HPV), which is located 11,936 miles (19,210 kilometers) away in Hanalei, Hawaii, United States.

Map of Nearest Airports to Port Clarence Coast Guard Station:

List of Nearest Airports to Port Clarence Coast Guard Station:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112.55 miles (20.20 km) ENEBrevig Mission Airport (KTS)Brevig Mission, Alaska, United StatesView Brevig Mission Airport on a map Set KTS as origin Airport Set KTS as destination Airport Get more information about Brevig Mission Airport
213.19 miles (21.23 km) NWLost River 1 Airport (LSR)Lost River, Alaska, United StatesView Lost River 1 Airport on a map Set LSR as origin Airport Set LSR as destination Airport Get more information about Lost River 1 Airport
315.05 miles (24.22 km) ETeller Airport (TLA)Teller, Alaska, United StatesView Teller Airport on a map Set TLA as origin Airport Set TLA as destination Airport Get more information about Teller Airport
437.30 miles (60.03 km) NWTin City LRRS Airport (TNC)Tin City, Alaska, United StatesView Tin City LRRS Airport on a map Set TNC as origin Airport Set TNC as destination Airport Get more information about Tin City LRRS Airport
543.71 miles (70.34 km) NWWales Airport (WAA)Wales, Alaska, United StatesView Wales Airport on a map Set WAA as origin Airport Set WAA as destination Airport Get more information about Wales Airport
665.89 miles (106.04 km) SENome Airport (OME)Nome, Alaska, United StatesView Nome Airport on a map Set OME as origin Airport Set OME as destination Airport Get more information about Nome Airport
769.36 miles (111.62 km) WNWDiomede Heliport (FAA: DM2) (DIO)Diomede, Alaska, United StatesView Diomede Heliport (FAA: DM2) on a map Set DIO as origin Airport Set DIO as destination Airport Get more information about Diomede Heliport (FAA: DM2)
872.18 miles (116.17 km) NNEShishmaref Airport (SHH)Shishmaref, Alaska, United StatesView Shishmaref Airport on a map Set SHH as origin Airport Set SHH as destination Airport Get more information about Shishmaref Airport
995.09 miles (153.04 km) ESECouncil Airport (CIL)Council, Alaska, United StatesView Council Airport on a map Set CIL as origin Airport Set CIL as destination Airport Get more information about Council Airport
10108.00 miles (173.80 km) ESEWhite Mountain Airport (WMO)White Mountain, Alaska, United StatesView White Mountain Airport on a map Set WMO as origin Airport Set WMO as destination Airport Get more information about White Mountain Airport
11122.86 miles (197.72 km) ESEGolovin Airport (GLV)Golovin, Alaska, United StatesView Golovin Airport on a map Set GLV as origin Airport Set GLV as destination Airport Get more information about Golovin Airport
12129.41 miles (208.27 km) ENEDeering Airport (DRG)Deering, Alaska, United StatesView Deering Airport on a map Set DRG as origin Airport Set DRG as destination Airport Get more information about Deering Airport
13141.33 miles (227.44 km) ESEElim Airport (ELI)Elim, Alaska, United StatesView Elim Airport on a map Set ELI as origin Airport Set ELI as destination Airport Get more information about Elim Airport
14153.04 miles (246.29 km) SWSavoonga Airport (SVA)Savoonga, Alaska, United StatesView Savoonga Airport on a map Set SVA as origin Airport Set SVA as destination Airport Get more information about Savoonga Airport
15161.13 miles (259.31 km) EGranite Mountain Air Station (GMT)Granite Mountain, Alaska, United StatesView Granite Mountain Air Station on a map Set GMT as origin Airport Set GMT as destination Airport Get more information about Granite Mountain Air Station

Map of Furthest Airports from Port Clarence Coast Guard Station:

List of Furthest Airports from Port Clarence Coast Guard Station:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
110,341.87 miles (16,643.58 km) ESETeniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM)Villa Las Estrellas, AntarcticaView Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport on a map Set TNM as origin Airport Set TNM as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport
210,263.31 miles (16,517.16 km) SCape Town International Airport (CPT)Cape Town, South AfricaView Cape Town International Airport on a map Set CPT as origin Airport Set CPT as destination Airport Get more information about Cape Town International Airport
310,243.73 miles (16,485.64 km) SSWGeorge Airport (GRJ)George, South AfricaView George Airport on a map Set GRJ as origin Airport Set GRJ as destination Airport Get more information about George Airport
410,214.67 miles (16,438.88 km) SSWPort Elizabeth International Airport (PLZ)Port Elizabeth, South AfricaView Port Elizabeth International Airport on a map Set PLZ as origin Airport Set PLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Port Elizabeth International Airport
510,172.51 miles (16,371.02 km) SSWPort Alfred Airport (AFD)Port Alfred, South AfricaView Port Alfred Airport on a map Set AFD as origin Airport Set AFD as destination Airport Get more information about Port Alfred Airport
610,127.04 miles (16,297.86 km) SSWEast London Airport (ELS)East London, South AfricaView East London Airport on a map Set ELS as origin Airport Set ELS as destination Airport Get more information about East London Airport
710,016.47 miles (16,119.91 km) SSWMthatha Airport (UTT)Mthatha, South AfricaView Mthatha Airport on a map Set UTT as origin Airport Set UTT as destination Airport Get more information about Mthatha Airport
89,973.25 miles (16,050.35 km) SKleinsee Airport (KLZ)Kleinzee, South AfricaView Kleinsee Airport on a map Set KLZ as origin Airport Set KLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kleinsee Airport
99,949.98 miles (16,012.90 km) SSWMargate Airport (MGH)Margate, KwaZulu-Natal, South AfricaView Margate Airport on a map Set MGH as origin Airport Set MGH as destination Airport Get more information about Margate Airport
109,939.35 miles (15,995.80 km) SAggeneys Airport (AGZ)Aggeneys, South AfricaView Aggeneys Airport on a map Set AGZ as origin Airport Set AGZ as destination Airport Get more information about Aggeneys Airport
119,939.35 miles (15,995.80 km) SWild Coast Sun Airport (MZF)Mzamba, South AfricaView Wild Coast Sun Airport on a map Set MZF as origin Airport Set MZF as destination Airport Get more information about Wild Coast Sun Airport
129,913.50 miles (15,954.18 km) SSWMafeteng Airport (MFC)Mafeteng, LesothoView Mafeteng Airport on a map Set MFC as origin Airport Set MFC as destination Airport Get more information about Mafeteng Airport
139,907.43 miles (15,944.42 km) SSWSemonkong Airport (SOK)Semonkong, LesothoView Semonkong Airport on a map Set SOK as origin Airport Set SOK as destination Airport Get more information about Semonkong Airport
149,904.42 miles (15,939.58 km) SSWLebakeng Airport (LEF)Lebakeng, LesothoView Lebakeng Airport on a map Set LEF as origin Airport Set LEF as destination Airport Get more information about Lebakeng Airport
159,898.56 miles (15,930.15 km) SSWLesobeng Airport (LES)Lesobeng, LesothoView Lesobeng Airport on a map Set LES as origin Airport Set LES as destination Airport Get more information about Lesobeng Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Wild Coast Sun Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Wild Coast Sun Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
10.02 miles (0.03 km) EAggeneys Airport (AGZ)Aggeneys, South AfricaView Aggeneys Airport on a map Set AGZ as destination Airport Set AGZ as destination Airport Get more information about Aggeneys Airport
286.39 miles (139.03 km) NKarasburg Airport (KAS)Karasburg, NamibiaView Karasburg Airport on a map Set KAS as destination Airport Set KAS as destination Airport Get more information about Karasburg Airport
3107.14 miles (172.43 km) WSWKleinsee Airport (KLZ)Kleinzee, South AfricaView Kleinsee Airport on a map Set KLZ as destination Airport Set KLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kleinsee Airport
4146.27 miles (235.40 km) WNWAlexander Bay Airport (ALJ)Alexander Bay, South AfricaView Alexander Bay Airport on a map Set ALJ as destination Airport Set ALJ as destination Airport Get more information about Alexander Bay Airport
5160.04 miles (257.56 km) ENEUpington Airport (UTN)Upington, South AfricaView Upington Airport on a map Set UTN as destination Airport Set UTN as destination Airport Get more information about Upington Airport
6194.24 miles (312.60 km) NNWKeetmanshoop Airport (KMP)Keetmanshoop, NamibiaView Keetmanshoop Airport on a map Set KMP as destination Airport Set KMP as destination Airport Get more information about Keetmanshoop Airport
7282.11 miles (454.01 km) NWLüderitz Airport (LUD)Luderitz, NamibiaView Lüderitz Airport on a map Set LUD as destination Airport Set LUD as destination Airport Get more information about Lüderitz Airport
8306.60 miles (493.42 km) ENEJohan Pienaar Airport (KMH)Kuruman, South AfricaView Johan Pienaar Airport on a map Set KMH as destination Airport Set KMH as destination Airport Get more information about Johan Pienaar Airport
9324.14 miles (521.66 km) SCape Town International Airport (CPT)Cape Town, South AfricaView Cape Town International Airport on a map Set CPT as destination Airport Set CPT as destination Airport Get more information about Cape Town International Airport
10360.89 miles (580.79 km) EKimberley Airport (KIM)Kimberley, South AfricaView Kimberley Airport on a map Set KIM as destination Airport Set KIM as destination Airport Get more information about Kimberley Airport
11388.00 miles (624.42 km) SSEGeorge Airport (GRJ)George, South AfricaView George Airport on a map Set GRJ as destination Airport Set GRJ as destination Airport Get more information about George Airport
12408.30 miles (657.10 km) NNEHukuntsi Airport (HUK)Hukuntsi, BotswanaView Hukuntsi Airport on a map Set HUK as destination Airport Set HUK as destination Airport Get more information about Hukuntsi Airport
13451.91 miles (727.27 km) EBloemfontein International Airport (BFN)Bloemfontein, Free State, South AfricaView Bloemfontein International Airport on a map Set BFN as destination Airport Set BFN as destination Airport Get more information about Bloemfontein International Airport
14468.18 miles (753.46 km) NGobabis Airport (GOG)Gobabis, NamibiaView Gobabis Airport on a map Set GOG as destination Airport Set GOG as destination Airport Get more information about Gobabis Airport
15473.21 miles (761.55 km) NNWEros Airport (ERS)Windhoek, NamibiaView Eros Airport on a map Set ERS as destination Airport Set ERS as destination Airport Get more information about Eros Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Wild Coast Sun Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Wild Coast Sun Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,936.30 miles (19,209.56 km) NNWPrinceville Airport (HPV)Hanalei, Hawaii, United StatesView Princeville Airport on a map Set HPV as destination Airport Set HPV as destination Airport Get more information about Princeville Airport
211,927.74 miles (19,195.79 km) NPMRF Barking Sands (BKH)Kekaha, Hawaii, United StatesView PMRF Barking Sands on a map Set BKH as destination Airport Set BKH as destination Airport Get more information about PMRF Barking Sands
311,919.11 miles (19,181.90 km) NNWLihue Airport (LIH)Lihue, Hawaii, United StatesView Lihue Airport on a map Set LIH as destination Airport Set LIH as destination Airport Get more information about Lihue Airport
411,917.14 miles (19,178.72 km) NNWPort Allen Airport (PAK)Hanapepe, Hawaii, United StatesView Port Allen Airport on a map Set PAK as destination Airport Set PAK as destination Airport Get more information about Port Allen Airport
511,872.97 miles (19,107.65 km) NNWDillingham Airfield (HDH)Mokuleia, Hawaii, United StatesView Dillingham Airfield on a map Set HDH as destination Airport Set HDH as destination Airport Get more information about Dillingham Airfield
611,863.48 miles (19,092.38 km) NNWWheeler AAF (HHI)Wahiawa, Hawaii, United StatesView Wheeler AAF on a map Set HHI as destination Airport Set HHI as destination Airport Get more information about Wheeler AAF
711,852.54 miles (19,074.76 km) NNWKalaeloa Airport (NAX)Kapolei, Hawaii, United StatesView Kalaeloa Airport on a map Set NAX as destination Airport Set NAX as destination Airport Get more information about Kalaeloa Airport
811,850.15 miles (19,070.91 km) NNWHonolulu International Airport (HNL)Honolulu, Hawaii, United StatesView Honolulu International Airport on a map Set HNL as destination Airport Set HNL as destination Airport Get more information about Honolulu International Airport
911,850.15 miles (19,070.91 km) NNWHickam Field (HIK)Honolulu, Hawaii, United StatesView Hickam Field on a map Set HIK as destination Airport Set HIK as destination Airport Get more information about Hickam Field
1011,820.32 miles (19,022.91 km) NNWKalaupapa Airport (LUP)Kalaupapa, Hawaii, United StatesView Kalaupapa Airport on a map Set LUP as destination Airport Set LUP as destination Airport Get more information about Kalaupapa Airport
1111,819.86 miles (19,022.17 km) NNWMolokai Airport (MKK)Kaunakakai, Hawaii, United StatesView Molokai Airport on a map Set MKK as destination Airport Set MKK as destination Airport Get more information about Molokai Airport
1211,796.63 miles (18,984.79 km) NNWKapalua Airport (JHM)Lahaina, Hawaii, United StatesView Kapalua Airport on a map Set JHM as destination Airport Set JHM as destination Airport Get more information about Kapalua Airport
1311,792.86 miles (18,978.72 km) NNWLanai Airport (LNY)Lanai City, Hawaii, United StatesView Lanai Airport on a map Set LNY as destination Airport Set LNY as destination Airport Get more information about Lanai Airport
1411,785.82 miles (18,967.40 km) NNWKahului Airport (OGG)Kahului, Hawaii, United StatesView Kahului Airport on a map Set OGG as destination Airport Set OGG as destination Airport Get more information about Kahului Airport
1511,767.27 miles (18,937.54 km) NNWHana Airport (HNM)Hana, Hawaii, United StatesView Hana Airport on a map Set HNM as destination Airport Set HNM as destination Airport Get more information about Hana Airport