About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Ogle Airport (OGL), Georgetown, Guyana and Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) (UPG), Makassar, Indonesia would travel a Great Circle distance of 12,236 miles (or 19,692 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Ogle Airport and Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM), the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Ogle Airport and Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM). You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

The distance between OGL and UPG makes them almost exactly antipodal (the exact opposite side of the world) to each other. Nonstop flights between Ogle Airport and Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) would be very impractical for the airlines, because only a lightly loaded Boeing 777-200LR would be able to make the trip. Since airlines need to be able to take as many people and cargo as possible in order to make a profit, the odds of ever seeing a nonstop flight between OGL and UPG are slim to none. However, you'll still be able to get from Georgetown, Guyana and Makassar, Indonesia by taking some connecting flights!

Did you know that one full circling of the Earth (measuring from the equator) is about 24,901.5 miles (or 40,075 kilometers), which means if you were 12,450 miles from any given point on the planet, the distance back to your starting point would be about the same -- in any direction! The same can be said for a nonstop flight between OGL and UPG!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Ogle Airport
Location: Georgetown, Guyana
GPS Coordinates: 6°48'25"N by 58°6'20"W
Area Served: Georgetown, Demerara-Mahaica, Guyana
Operator/Owner: Government
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 0 feet (0 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from OGL
More Information: OGL Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM)
  2. Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin (SHIAM)
Location: Makassar, Indonesia
GPS Coordinates: 5°3'42"S by 119°33'15"E
Area Served: Kota Makassar
Operator/Owner: Government of Indonesia
Airport Type: Public / Military
Elevation: 47 feet (14 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from UPG
More Information: UPG Maps & Info

Facts about Ogle Airport (OGL):

  • Because of Ogle Airport's relatively low elevation of 0 feet, planes can take off or land at Ogle Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The furthest airport from Ogle Airport (OGL) is Betoambari Airport (BUW), which is nearly antipodal to Ogle Airport (meaning Ogle Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Betoambari Airport), and is located 12,335 miles (19,850 kilometers) away in Bau-Bau, Buton, Indonesia.
  • The closest airport to Ogle Airport (OGL) is Cheddi Jagan International Airport (GEO), which is located 24 miles (38 kilometers) SSW of OGL.
  • Ogle Airport (OGL) currently has only 1 runway.

Facts about Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) (UPG):

  • The new terminal is located just south of the old terminal.
  • Hasanuddin Airport serves the Eastern Indonesia Area and South Sulawesi Province.
  • Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) (UPG) has 2 runways.
  • In addition to being known as "Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM)", another name for UPG is "Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin (SHIAM)".
  • The closest airport to Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) (UPG) is Tampa Padang Airport (MJU), which is located 175 miles (281 kilometers) NNW of UPG.
  • Because of Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM)'s relatively low elevation of 47 feet, planes can take off or land at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Both for international and domestic flights.
  • The furthest airport from Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) (UPG) is Lethem Airport (LTM), which is nearly antipodal to Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) (meaning Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Lethem Airport), and is located 12,312 miles (19,814 kilometers) away in Lethem, Guyana.
  • On 8 January 2010, the airport inaugurated its newly built 3100 m runway for commercial flights.
  • Various taxi and shuttle services are provided by numerous service providers.
  • Curtiss C46 of the Skyways International on the airfield Mandai

Map of Nearest Airports to Ogle Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Ogle Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
123.64 miles (38.04 km) SSWCheddi Jagan International Airport (GEO)Georgetown, GuyanaView Cheddi Jagan International Airport on a map Set GEO as origin Airport Set GEO as destination Airport Get more information about Cheddi Jagan International Airport
293.94 miles (151.18 km) SEMajoor Henry Fernandes Airport (ICK)Nieuw-Nickerie, SurinameView Majoor Henry Fernandes Airport on a map Set ICK as origin Airport Set ICK as destination Airport Get more information about Majoor Henry Fernandes Airport
3124.08 miles (199.68 km) SEWageningen Airstrip (AGI)Wageningen, SurinameView Wageningen Airstrip on a map Set AGI as origin Airport Set AGI as destination Airport Get more information about Wageningen Airstrip
4125.20 miles (201.49 km) SSEWashabo Airstrip (WSO)Washabo, SurinameView Washabo Airstrip on a map Set WSO as origin Airport Set WSO as destination Airport Get more information about Washabo Airstrip
5138.36 miles (222.67 km) ESETotness Airstrip (TOT)Totness, Coronie, SurinameView Totness Airstrip on a map Set TOT as origin Airport Set TOT as destination Airport Get more information about Totness Airstrip
6211.73 miles (340.74 km) ESEZorg en Hoop Airport (ORG)Paramaribo, SurinameView Zorg en Hoop Airport on a map Set ORG as origin Airport Set ORG as destination Airport Get more information about Zorg en Hoop Airport
7221.23 miles (356.03 km) ESEJohan Adolf Pengel International Airport (PBM)Zanderij (near Paramaribo), SurinameView Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport on a map Set PBM as origin Airport Set PBM as destination Airport Get more information about Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport
8240.97 miles (387.80 km) WEl Dorado Airport (EOR)El Dorado, VenezuelaView El Dorado Airport on a map Set EOR as origin Airport Set EOR as destination Airport Get more information about El Dorado Airport
9250.31 miles (402.83 km) SELaduani Airstrip (LDO)Ladouanie, SurinameView Laduani Airstrip on a map Set LDO as origin Airport Set LDO as destination Airport Get more information about Laduani Airstrip
10255.70 miles (411.52 km) SEBotopasi Airstrip (BTO)Botopasi, SurinameView Botopasi Airstrip on a map Set BTO as origin Airport Set BTO as destination Airport Get more information about Botopasi Airstrip
11264.08 miles (424.99 km) SSWLethem Airport (LTM)Lethem, GuyanaView Lethem Airport on a map Set LTM as origin Airport Set LTM as destination Airport Get more information about Lethem Airport
12264.66 miles (425.92 km) SEDjoemoe Airstrip (DOE)Djumu (Djoemoe), SurinameView Djoemoe Airstrip on a map Set DOE as origin Airport Set DOE as destination Airport Get more information about Djoemoe Airstrip
13265.75 miles (427.69 km) SECayana Airstrip (AAJ)Awaradam, SurinameView Cayana Airstrip on a map Set AAJ as origin Airport Set AAJ as destination Airport Get more information about Cayana Airstrip
14292.52 miles (470.76 km) ESEAlbina Airstrip (ABN)Albina, SurinameView Albina Airstrip on a map Set ABN as origin Airport Set ABN as destination Airport Get more information about Albina Airstrip
15300.83 miles (484.14 km) SEDrietabbetje Airstrip (DRJ)Drietabbetje, SurinameView Drietabbetje Airstrip on a map Set DRJ as origin Airport Set DRJ as destination Airport Get more information about Drietabbetje Airstrip

Map of Furthest Airports from Ogle Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Ogle Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,334.55 miles (19,850.48 km) SSWBetoambari Airport (BUW)Bau-Bau, Buton, IndonesiaView Betoambari Airport on a map Set BUW as origin Airport Set BUW as destination Airport Get more information about Betoambari Airport
212,307.97 miles (19,807.72 km) SWonopito Airport (LWE)Lewoleba, IndonesiaView Wonopito Airport on a map Set LWE as origin Airport Set LWE as destination Airport Get more information about Wonopito Airport
312,307.95 miles (19,807.68 km) SFrans Seda Airport (MOF)Maumere, IndonesiaView Frans Seda Airport on a map Set MOF as origin Airport Set MOF as destination Airport Get more information about Frans Seda Airport
412,294.81 miles (19,786.53 km) SH. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport (ENE)Ende, Flores, IndonesiaView H. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport on a map Set ENE as origin Airport Set ENE as destination Airport Get more information about H. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport
512,293.37 miles (19,784.22 km) SSEBajawa Soa Airport (BJW)Bajawa, IndonesiaView Bajawa Soa Airport on a map Set BJW as origin Airport Set BJW as destination Airport Get more information about Bajawa Soa Airport
612,257.03 miles (19,725.74 km) SEKomodo Airport (LBJ)Labuan Bajo, Flores Island, IndonesiaView Komodo Airport on a map Set LBJ as origin Airport Set LBJ as destination Airport Get more information about Komodo Airport
712,245.06 miles (19,706.46 km) SHaluoleo Airport (WMA) (KDI)Kendari, IndonesiaView Haluoleo Airport (WMA) on a map Set KDI as origin Airport Set KDI as destination Airport Get more information about Haluoleo Airport (WMA)
812,235.79 miles (19,691.55 km) SESultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) (UPG)Makassar, IndonesiaView Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) on a map Set UPG as origin Airport Set UPG as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM)
912,230.23 miles (19,682.60 km) WSWAlor Island Airport (ARD)Alor Island, IndonesiaView Alor Island Airport on a map Set ARD as origin Airport Set ARD as destination Airport Get more information about Alor Island Airport
1012,211.07 miles (19,651.76 km) SSEUmbu Mehang Kunda Airport (WGP)Waingapu, Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaView Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport on a map Set WGP as origin Airport Set WGP as destination Airport Get more information about Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport
1112,186.70 miles (19,612.55 km) ESESultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport (BMU)Bima, IndonesiaView Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport on a map Set BMU as origin Airport Set BMU as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport
1212,186.64 miles (19,612.45 km) STardamu Airport (SAU)Savu Island, East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaView Tardamu Airport on a map Set SAU as origin Airport Set SAU as destination Airport Get more information about Tardamu Airport
1312,174.56 miles (19,593.00 km) SSWEl Tari Airport (KOE)Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaView El Tari Airport on a map Set KOE as origin Airport Set KOE as destination Airport Get more information about El Tari Airport
1412,167.10 miles (19,581.00 km) SWHaliwen Airport (ABU)Atambua, IndonesiaView Haliwen Airport on a map Set ABU as origin Airport Set ABU as destination Airport Get more information about Haliwen Airport
1512,160.69 miles (19,570.68 km) WSWPresidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport (DIL)Dili, East Timor (Timor-Leste)View Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport on a map Set DIL as origin Airport Set DIL as destination Airport Get more information about Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM):

List of Nearest Airports to Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM):

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1174.79 miles (281.30 km) NNWTampa Padang Airport (MJU)Mamuju, West Sulawesi, IndonesiaView Tampa Padang Airport on a map Set MJU as destination Airport Set MJU as destination Airport Get more information about Tampa Padang Airport
2180.96 miles (291.23 km) NNEAndi Jemma Airport (MXB)Masamba, IndonesiaView Andi Jemma Airport on a map Set MXB as destination Airport Set MXB as destination Airport Get more information about Andi Jemma Airport
3208.55 miles (335.64 km) ENEHaluoleo Airport (WMA) (KDI)Kendari, IndonesiaView Haluoleo Airport (WMA) on a map Set KDI as destination Airport Set KDI as destination Airport Get more information about Haluoleo Airport (WMA)
4209.46 miles (337.08 km) EBetoambari Airport (BUW)Bau-Bau, Buton, IndonesiaView Betoambari Airport on a map Set BUW as destination Airport Set BUW as destination Airport Get more information about Betoambari Airport
5214.53 miles (345.26 km) NESoroako Airport (SQR)Soroako, IndonesiaView Soroako Airport on a map Set SQR as destination Airport Set SQR as destination Airport Get more information about Soroako Airport
6237.76 miles (382.63 km) SKomodo Airport (LBJ)Labuan Bajo, Flores Island, IndonesiaView Komodo Airport on a map Set LBJ as destination Airport Set LBJ as destination Airport Get more information about Komodo Airport
7247.56 miles (398.41 km) SSWSultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport (BMU)Bima, IndonesiaView Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport on a map Set BMU as destination Airport Set BMU as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport
8263.54 miles (424.12 km) WNWGusti Syamsir Alam Airport (KBU)Kotabaru, Kalimantan, IndonesiaView Gusti Syamsir Alam Airport on a map Set KBU as destination Airport Set KBU as destination Airport Get more information about Gusti Syamsir Alam Airport
9269.01 miles (432.93 km) WNWBatu Licin Airport (BTW)Batu Licin, Kalimantan, IndonesiaView Batu Licin Airport on a map Set BTW as destination Airport Set BTW as destination Airport Get more information about Batu Licin Airport
10272.64 miles (438.76 km) SSEBajawa Soa Airport (BJW)Bajawa, IndonesiaView Bajawa Soa Airport on a map Set BJW as destination Airport Set BJW as destination Airport Get more information about Bajawa Soa Airport
11298.91 miles (481.04 km) SSEH. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport (ENE)Ende, Flores, IndonesiaView H. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport on a map Set ENE as destination Airport Set ENE as destination Airport Get more information about H. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport
12308.22 miles (496.03 km) SEWonopito Airport (LWE)Lewoleba, IndonesiaView Wonopito Airport on a map Set LWE as destination Airport Set LWE as destination Airport Get more information about Wonopito Airport
13308.24 miles (496.06 km) SEFrans Seda Airport (MOF)Maumere, IndonesiaView Frans Seda Airport on a map Set MOF as destination Airport Set MOF as destination Airport Get more information about Frans Seda Airport
14319.92 miles (514.86 km) NWSultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman Airport (BPN)Balikpapan, East KalimantanView Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman Airport on a map Set BPN as destination Airport Set BPN as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman Airport
15322.44 miles (518.92 km) SUmbu Mehang Kunda Airport (WGP)Waingapu, Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaView Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport on a map Set WGP as destination Airport Set WGP as destination Airport Get more information about Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM):

List of Furthest Airports from Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM):

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,311.62 miles (19,813.59 km) NNWLethem Airport (LTM)Lethem, GuyanaView Lethem Airport on a map Set LTM as destination Airport Set LTM as destination Airport Get more information about Lethem Airport
212,296.97 miles (19,790.01 km) NEEl Dorado Airport (EOR)El Dorado, VenezuelaView El Dorado Airport on a map Set EOR as destination Airport Set EOR as destination Airport Get more information about El Dorado Airport
312,282.45 miles (19,766.65 km) NBoa Vista-Atlas Brasil Cantanhede International Airport (BVB)Boa Vista, Roraima, BrazilView Boa Vista-Atlas Brasil Cantanhede International Airport on a map Set BVB as destination Airport Set BVB as destination Airport Get more information about Boa Vista-Atlas Brasil Cantanhede International Airport
412,256.37 miles (19,724.66 km) WNWCheddi Jagan International Airport (GEO)Georgetown, GuyanaView Cheddi Jagan International Airport on a map Set GEO as destination Airport Set GEO as destination Airport Get more information about Cheddi Jagan International Airport
512,252.52 miles (19,718.47 km) ENECanaima Airport (CAJ)Canaima, VenezuelaView Canaima Airport on a map Set CAJ as destination Airport Set CAJ as destination Airport Get more information about Canaima Airport
612,235.79 miles (19,691.55 km) NWOgle Airport (OGL)Georgetown, GuyanaView Ogle Airport on a map Set OGL as destination Airport Set OGL as destination Airport Get more information about Ogle Airport
712,211.26 miles (19,652.07 km) WWashabo Airstrip (WSO)Washabo, SurinameView Washabo Airstrip on a map Set WSO as destination Airport Set WSO as destination Airport Get more information about Washabo Airstrip
812,194.52 miles (19,625.14 km) WNWMajoor Henry Fernandes Airport (ICK)Nieuw-Nickerie, SurinameView Majoor Henry Fernandes Airport on a map Set ICK as destination Airport Set ICK as destination Airport Get more information about Majoor Henry Fernandes Airport
912,170.07 miles (19,585.78 km) WWageningen Airstrip (AGI)Wageningen, SurinameView Wageningen Airstrip on a map Set AGI as destination Airport Set AGI as destination Airport Get more information about Wageningen Airstrip
1012,163.06 miles (19,574.50 km) NEManuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport (PZO)Ciudad Guayana, VenezuelaView Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport on a map Set PZO as destination Airport Set PZO as destination Airport Get more information about Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport
1112,163.06 miles (19,574.50 km) NEManuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport (CGU)Ciudad Guayana, VenezuelaView Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport on a map Set CGU as destination Airport Set CGU as destination Airport Get more information about Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport
1212,148.15 miles (19,550.50 km) WNWTotness Airstrip (TOT)Totness, Coronie, SurinameView Totness Airstrip on a map Set TOT as destination Airport Set TOT as destination Airport Get more information about Totness Airstrip
1312,137.31 miles (19,533.05 km) NETomás de Heres Airport (CBL)Ciudad Bolívar, VenezuelaView Tomás de Heres Airport on a map Set CBL as destination Airport Set CBL as destination Airport Get more information about Tomás de Heres Airport
1412,091.99 miles (19,460.12 km) WNWCayana Airstrip (AAJ)Awaradam, SurinameView Cayana Airstrip on a map Set AAJ as destination Airport Set AAJ as destination Airport Get more information about Cayana Airstrip
1512,087.84 miles (19,453.44 km) WBotopasi Airstrip (BTO)Botopasi, SurinameView Botopasi Airstrip on a map Set BTO as destination Airport Set BTO as destination Airport Get more information about Botopasi Airstrip