About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Rockhampton Airport (ROK), Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia and Emerald Airport (EMD), Emerald, Queensland, Australia would travel a Great Circle distance of 146 miles (or 235 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the relatively short distance between Rockhampton Airport and Emerald Airport, the route shown on this map most likely still appears to be a straight line.

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Rockhampton Airport
Location: Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia
GPS Coordinates: 23°22'54"S by 150°28'29"E
Area Served: Rockhampton, Queensland
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 36 feet (11 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from ROK
More Information: ROK Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Emerald Airport
Location: Emerald, Queensland, Australia
GPS Coordinates: 23°34'2"S by 148°10'45"E
Area Served: Emerald, Queensland, Australia
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 624 feet (190 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from EMD
More Information: EMD Maps & Info

Facts about Rockhampton Airport (ROK):

  • In 1929, the lease to a former racecourse, Connor Park, was acquired by a number of aspiring aviators, and they set about making it suitable for aircraft.
  • Rockhampton Airport closed on 1 January 2011 due to flooding affecting the runway.
  • Rockhampton Airport (ROK) has 2 runways.
  • The Rockhampton Airport was named the 2007 Australian Major Airport of the Year at the prestigious National Awards in recognition of Excellence in Australian Aviation, in Melbourne on 13 November 2007.
  • The furthest airport from Rockhampton Airport (ROK) is Agostinho Neto Airport (NTO), which is located 11,922 miles (19,187 kilometers) away in Ponta do Sol, Santo Antão, Cape Verde.
  • Rockhampton Airport handled 701,062 passengers last year.
  • Because of Rockhampton Airport's relatively low elevation of 36 feet, planes can take off or land at Rockhampton Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Rockhampton Airport (ROK) is Gladstone Airport (GLT), which is located 58 miles (94 kilometers) SE of ROK.

Facts about Emerald Airport (EMD):

  • During this refurbishment, a new flight information system was created which is now displayed throughout the airport and online.
  • Because of Emerald Airport's relatively low elevation of 624 feet, planes can take off or land at Emerald Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Emerald Airport is an airport serving Emerald, a town located in the Central Highlands district of Queensland, Australia.
  • Emerald Airport (EMD) has 2 runways.
  • The closest airport to Emerald Airport (EMD) is Blackwater Airport (BLT), which is located 40 miles (64 kilometers) E of EMD.
  • The furthest airport from Emerald Airport (EMD) is Agostinho Neto Airport (NTO), which is located 11,818 miles (19,019 kilometers) away in Ponta do Sol, Santo Antão, Cape Verde.

Map of Nearest Airports to Rockhampton Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Rockhampton Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
158.12 miles (93.53 km) SEGladstone Airport (GLT)Gladstone, Queensland, AustraliaView Gladstone Airport on a map Set GLT as origin Airport Set GLT as destination Airport Get more information about Gladstone Airport
2106.80 miles (171.88 km) WBlackwater Airport (BLT)Blackwater, Queensland, AustraliaView Blackwater Airport on a map Set BLT as origin Airport Set BLT as destination Airport Get more information about Blackwater Airport
3119.38 miles (192.12 km) WNWMiddlemount Airport (MMM)Middlemount, Queensland, AustraliaView Middlemount Airport on a map Set MMM as origin Airport Set MMM as destination Airport Get more information about Middlemount Airport
4144.15 miles (231.99 km) WNWDysart Airport (DYA)Dysart, Queensland, AustraliaView Dysart Airport on a map Set DYA as origin Airport Set DYA as destination Airport Get more information about Dysart Airport
5146.06 miles (235.06 km) WEmerald Airport (EMD)Emerald, Queensland, AustraliaView Emerald Airport on a map Set EMD as origin Airport Set EMD as destination Airport Get more information about Emerald Airport
6156.75 miles (252.27 km) SEBundaberg Airport (BDB)Bundaberg, Queensland, AustraliaView Bundaberg Airport on a map Set BDB as origin Airport Set BDB as destination Airport Get more information about Bundaberg Airport
7170.31 miles (274.09 km) SSEGayndah Airport (GAH)Gayndah, Queensland, AustraliaView Gayndah Airport on a map Set GAH as origin Airport Set GAH as destination Airport Get more information about Gayndah Airport
8170.91 miles (275.05 km) SSWTaroom Airport (XTO)Taroom, Queensland, AustraliaView Taroom Airport on a map Set XTO as origin Airport Set XTO as destination Airport Get more information about Taroom Airport
9173.70 miles (279.55 km) NNWMackay Airport (MKY)Mackay, Queensland, AustraliaView Mackay Airport on a map Set MKY as origin Airport Set MKY as destination Airport Get more information about Mackay Airport
10178.08 miles (286.59 km) WNWMoranbah Airport (MOV)Moranbah, Queensland, AustraliaView Moranbah Airport on a map Set MOV as origin Airport Set MOV as destination Airport Get more information about Moranbah Airport
11186.28 miles (299.78 km) WNWClermont Airport (CMQ)Clermont, Queensland, AustraliaView Clermont Airport on a map Set CMQ as origin Airport Set CMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Clermont Airport
12202.08 miles (325.21 km) SEHervey Bay Airport (HVB)Hervey Bay, Queensland, AustraliaView Hervey Bay Airport on a map Set HVB as origin Airport Set HVB as destination Airport Get more information about Hervey Bay Airport
13203.81 miles (328.00 km) SEMaryborough Airport (MBH)Maryborough, Queensland, AustraliaView Maryborough Airport on a map Set MBH as origin Airport Set MBH as destination Airport Get more information about Maryborough Airport
14230.61 miles (371.13 km) NNWGreat Barrier Reef Airport (HTI)Hamilton Island, Queensland, AustraliaView Great Barrier Reef Airport on a map Set HTI as origin Airport Set HTI as destination Airport Get more information about Great Barrier Reef Airport
15234.24 miles (376.97 km) SChincilla Airport (CCL)Chinchilla, Queensland, AustraliaView Chincilla Airport on a map Set CCL as origin Airport Set CCL as destination Airport Get more information about Chincilla Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Rockhampton Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Rockhampton Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,922.31 miles (19,187.05 km) NWAgostinho Neto Airport (NTO)Ponta do Sol, Santo Antão, Cape VerdeView Agostinho Neto Airport on a map Set NTO as origin Airport Set NTO as destination Airport Get more information about Agostinho Neto Airport
211,899.55 miles (19,150.43 km) NNWCesária Évora International Airport (VXE)São Vicente, Cape VerdeView Cesária Évora International Airport on a map Set VXE as origin Airport Set VXE as destination Airport Get more information about Cesária Évora International Airport
311,857.17 miles (19,082.22 km) NWPreguiça Airport (SNE)São Nicolau, Cape VerdeView Preguiça Airport on a map Set SNE as origin Airport Set SNE as destination Airport Get more information about Preguiça Airport
411,810.45 miles (19,007.02 km) NWAmílcar Cabral International Airport (SID)Sal Island, Cape VerdeView Amílcar Cabral International Airport on a map Set SID as origin Airport Set SID as destination Airport Get more information about Amílcar Cabral International Airport
511,776.24 miles (18,951.98 km) NWAristides Pereira International Airport (BVC)Boa Vista, Cape VerdeView Aristides Pereira International Airport on a map Set BVC as origin Airport Set BVC as destination Airport Get more information about Aristides Pereira International Airport
611,769.01 miles (18,940.35 km) NNWMosteiros Airport (MTI)Mosteiros, Cape VerdeView Mosteiros Airport on a map Set MTI as origin Airport Set MTI as destination Airport Get more information about Mosteiros Airport
711,763.76 miles (18,931.89 km) NNWSão Filipe Airport (SFL)Fogo, Cape VerdeView São Filipe Airport on a map Set SFL as origin Airport Set SFL as destination Airport Get more information about São Filipe Airport
811,735.33 miles (18,886.13 km) NWMaio Airport (MMO)Maio, Cape VerdeView Maio Airport on a map Set MMO as origin Airport Set MMO as destination Airport Get more information about Maio Airport
911,732.51 miles (18,881.59 km) NWPraia International Airport (RAI)Praia, Cape VerdeView Praia International Airport on a map Set RAI as origin Airport Set RAI as destination Airport Get more information about Praia International Airport
1011,621.64 miles (18,703.18 km) WNWLa Palma Airport (SPC)La Palma, Canary Islands, SpainView La Palma Airport on a map Set SPC as origin Airport Set SPC as destination Airport Get more information about La Palma Airport
1111,620.93 miles (18,702.02 km) WLa Güera Airport (ZLG)La Güera, Western SaharaView La Güera Airport on a map Set ZLG as origin Airport Set ZLG as destination Airport Get more information about La Güera Airport
1211,619.82 miles (18,700.25 km) WNouadhibou International Airport (NDB)Nouadhibou, MauritaniaView Nouadhibou International Airport on a map Set NDB as origin Airport Set NDB as destination Airport Get more information about Nouadhibou International Airport
1311,606.43 miles (18,678.70 km) WNWLa Gomera Airport (GMZ)Alajeró / San Sebastián, Canary Islands, SpainView La Gomera Airport on a map Set GMZ as origin Airport Set GMZ as destination Airport Get more information about La Gomera Airport
1411,575.84 miles (18,629.47 km) WDakhla Airport (VIL)Dakhla, Western SaharaView Dakhla Airport on a map Set VIL as origin Airport Set VIL as destination Airport Get more information about Dakhla Airport
1511,569.16 miles (18,618.71 km) WNWTenerife-South Airport (TFS)Tenerife, Canary Islands, SpainView Tenerife-South Airport on a map Set TFS as origin Airport Set TFS as destination Airport Get more information about Tenerife-South Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Emerald Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Emerald Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
139.83 miles (64.10 km) EBlackwater Airport (BLT)Blackwater, Queensland, AustraliaView Blackwater Airport on a map Set BLT as destination Airport Set BLT as destination Airport Get more information about Blackwater Airport
262.47 miles (100.54 km) NNEMiddlemount Airport (MMM)Middlemount, Queensland, AustraliaView Middlemount Airport on a map Set MMM as destination Airport Set MMM as destination Airport Get more information about Middlemount Airport
365.36 miles (105.19 km) NNWClermont Airport (CMQ)Clermont, Queensland, AustraliaView Clermont Airport on a map Set CMQ as destination Airport Set CMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Clermont Airport
466.36 miles (106.79 km) NDysart Airport (DYA)Dysart, Queensland, AustraliaView Dysart Airport on a map Set DYA as destination Airport Set DYA as destination Airport Get more information about Dysart Airport
5101.18 miles (162.84 km) WAlpha Airport (ABH)Alpha, Queensland, AustraliaView Alpha Airport on a map Set ABH as destination Airport Set ABH as destination Airport Get more information about Alpha Airport
6104.51 miles (168.20 km) NMoranbah Airport (MOV)Moranbah, Queensland, AustraliaView Moranbah Airport on a map Set MOV as destination Airport Set MOV as destination Airport Get more information about Moranbah Airport
7146.06 miles (235.06 km) ERockhampton Airport (ROK)Rockhampton, Queensland, AustraliaView Rockhampton Airport on a map Set ROK as destination Airport Set ROK as destination Airport Get more information about Rockhampton Airport
8177.45 miles (285.58 km) NNEMackay Airport (MKY)Mackay, Queensland, AustraliaView Mackay Airport on a map Set MKY as destination Airport Set MKY as destination Airport Get more information about Mackay Airport
9181.91 miles (292.76 km) WBarcaldine Airport (BCI)Barcaldine, Queensland, AustraliaView Barcaldine Airport on a map Set BCI as destination Airport Set BCI as destination Airport Get more information about Barcaldine Airport
10183.51 miles (295.32 km) WSWBlackall Airport (BKQ)Blackall, Queensland, AustraliaView Blackall Airport on a map Set BKQ as destination Airport Set BKQ as destination Airport Get more information about Blackall Airport
11188.90 miles (304.01 km) SETaroom Airport (XTO)Taroom, Queensland, AustraliaView Taroom Airport on a map Set XTO as destination Airport Set XTO as destination Airport Get more information about Taroom Airport
12191.02 miles (307.41 km) WNWAramac Airport (AXC)Aramac, Queensland, AustraliaView Aramac Airport on a map Set AXC as destination Airport Set AXC as destination Airport Get more information about Aramac Airport
13193.66 miles (311.66 km) EGladstone Airport (GLT)Gladstone, Queensland, AustraliaView Gladstone Airport on a map Set GLT as destination Airport Set GLT as destination Airport Get more information about Gladstone Airport
14213.63 miles (343.80 km) NWhitsunday Coast Airport (PPP)Proserpine, Queensland, AustraliaView Whitsunday Coast Airport on a map Set PPP as destination Airport Set PPP as destination Airport Get more information about Whitsunday Coast Airport
15227.21 miles (365.65 km) NNEGreat Barrier Reef Airport (HTI)Hamilton Island, Queensland, AustraliaView Great Barrier Reef Airport on a map Set HTI as destination Airport Set HTI as destination Airport Get more information about Great Barrier Reef Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Emerald Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Emerald Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,817.88 miles (19,018.99 km) NWAgostinho Neto Airport (NTO)Ponta do Sol, Santo Antão, Cape VerdeView Agostinho Neto Airport on a map Set NTO as destination Airport Set NTO as destination Airport Get more information about Agostinho Neto Airport
211,797.63 miles (18,986.40 km) NWCesária Évora International Airport (VXE)São Vicente, Cape VerdeView Cesária Évora International Airport on a map Set VXE as destination Airport Set VXE as destination Airport Get more information about Cesária Évora International Airport
311,750.26 miles (18,910.17 km) NWPreguiça Airport (SNE)São Nicolau, Cape VerdeView Preguiça Airport on a map Set SNE as destination Airport Set SNE as destination Airport Get more information about Preguiça Airport
411,693.19 miles (18,818.32 km) NWAmílcar Cabral International Airport (SID)Sal Island, Cape VerdeView Amílcar Cabral International Airport on a map Set SID as destination Airport Set SID as destination Airport Get more information about Amílcar Cabral International Airport
511,672.57 miles (18,785.13 km) NWMosteiros Airport (MTI)Mosteiros, Cape VerdeView Mosteiros Airport on a map Set MTI as destination Airport Set MTI as destination Airport Get more information about Mosteiros Airport
611,669.48 miles (18,780.16 km) NWSão Filipe Airport (SFL)Fogo, Cape VerdeView São Filipe Airport on a map Set SFL as destination Airport Set SFL as destination Airport Get more information about São Filipe Airport
711,662.39 miles (18,768.76 km) NWAristides Pereira International Airport (BVC)Boa Vista, Cape VerdeView Aristides Pereira International Airport on a map Set BVC as destination Airport Set BVC as destination Airport Get more information about Aristides Pereira International Airport
811,630.04 miles (18,716.68 km) NWPraia International Airport (RAI)Praia, Cape VerdeView Praia International Airport on a map Set RAI as destination Airport Set RAI as destination Airport Get more information about Praia International Airport
911,629.49 miles (18,715.81 km) NWMaio Airport (MMO)Maio, Cape VerdeView Maio Airport on a map Set MMO as destination Airport Set MMO as destination Airport Get more information about Maio Airport
1011,497.51 miles (18,503.41 km) WNWLa Palma Airport (SPC)La Palma, Canary Islands, SpainView La Palma Airport on a map Set SPC as destination Airport Set SPC as destination Airport Get more information about La Palma Airport
1111,478.13 miles (18,472.21 km) WNWLa Gomera Airport (GMZ)Alajeró / San Sebastián, Canary Islands, SpainView La Gomera Airport on a map Set GMZ as destination Airport Set GMZ as destination Airport Get more information about La Gomera Airport
1211,475.26 miles (18,467.59 km) WLa Güera Airport (ZLG)La Güera, Western SaharaView La Güera Airport on a map Set ZLG as destination Airport Set ZLG as destination Airport Get more information about La Güera Airport
1311,474.07 miles (18,465.68 km) WNouadhibou International Airport (NDB)Nouadhibou, MauritaniaView Nouadhibou International Airport on a map Set NDB as destination Airport Set NDB as destination Airport Get more information about Nouadhibou International Airport
1411,440.04 miles (18,410.92 km) WNWTenerife-South Airport (TFS)Tenerife, Canary Islands, SpainView Tenerife-South Airport on a map Set TFS as destination Airport Set TFS as destination Airport Get more information about Tenerife-South Airport
1511,431.60 miles (18,397.33 km) WDakhla Airport (VIL)Dakhla, Western SaharaView Dakhla Airport on a map Set VIL as destination Airport Set VIL as destination Airport Get more information about Dakhla Airport